Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

Did you know hispanic birth rates are higher than black birth rates.....and about 3X higher than white....? a lot of those are teenage mothers....

I know, Turkey....maybe we should just stop Hispanics from fucking! According to your logic we will give everyone else rubbers and that will cause them to fuck more and even though they are using contraception the birth rate will boom....but we won't let Hispanics have rubbers and therefore they won't fuck. :cuckoo:
Is anybody going to address this proposition.......? :lol:

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...?

Simple...they have the equipment and they have the surging hormones. That's a recipe for sex to occur.

A 16-18 yo has to pay through the nose for car insurance......how about he pays for "baby insurance" too? :lol: Else make him a legal adult at 16....in fact.....let them graduate at 16 and go get jobs and be the fucking adults they think they are......:eusa_whistle:

Some people do have paternity insurance. It's not very widespread and it's terribly expensive but some people do. Regardless, a parent has a legal obligation to their child regardless of their age so your point is moot.
Is anybody going to address this proposition.......? :lol:

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...? A 16-18 yo has to pay through the nose for car insurance......how about he pays for "baby insurance" too? :lol: Else make him a legal adult at 16....in fact.....let them graduate at 16 and go get jobs and be the fucking adults they think they are......:eusa_whistle:

I did. I called it horse shit to think that people should need a license from the government to do what they choose with their own bodies. :eusa_hand:
Who suggested that our entire society abstain from sex?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Incidentally, ideal behavior is ALWAYS unrealistic...there is never 100 percent adherence to it. So are you suggesting we just quit encouraging good behavior?

I was referring to the unmarried population, the teenage population, etc. Come on Kosher...use your brain. You know what I was getting at.
We have to get licenses for just about everything else we do...including marriage.....:eusa_whistle:

Right, so we get to the real issue. Conservative wing nuts like yourself believe in large, intrusive government, that tells you what you can and cannot do with your body.

Since kids want to fuck around like adults......how about we make 16 the age we can kick them out of the house and they can go fend for themselves....?

That is a ridiculously irresponsible attitude. I hope you're not a parent, because it's clear that your problem is that you don't like the fact that there is actual WORK to do to raise children to become healthy and productive members of society. You want them to just do it on their own. Pretty pathetic.
InThemiddle said:
Again, sexuality is a normal part of human existence. Teaching kids that they should never have sex is what's idiotic. We need help them develop healthy attitudes, and teach them how to minimize the risks, and help empower them to make healthy decisions. Again, a society that teaches our teens to never become healthy adults is one that atrophies. We need to develop our teens into being capable of making healthy decisions about adult matters.

Yes sex is normal......but MAN is not an animal...

Kids should be taught by their parents the values and attitudes that they should learn.....those values do NOT include indiscrimate sex whenever they feeeeeeel like it....

Man is not an animal? Are you aware that:
Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species.

Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same, Gene Study Finds
Men should not be expected to be in control of their instincts? Just like an animal. This just be part of de-evolution. Children shouldn't be expected to control themselves. If they want sex, just do it. Like getting a new toy, just take it out of the store.
We have to get licenses for just about everything else we do...including marriage.....:eusa_whistle:

Right, so we get to the real issue. Conservative wing nuts like yourself believe in large, intrusive government, that tells you what you can and cannot do with your body.

Since kids want to fuck around like adults......how about we make 16 the age we can kick them out of the house and they can go fend for themselves....?

That is a ridiculously irresponsible attitude. I hope you're not a parent, because it's clear that your problem is that you don't like the fact that there is actual WORK to do to raise children to become healthy and productive members of society. You want them to just do it on their own. Pretty pathetic.

No, we want to teach them not to do it. That it has consequences. That the consequences are life changing. I think the irresponsible ones are the babykillers who want children to screw, and to screw children. And who tell them they aren't capable of NOT screwing.
Who suggested that our entire society abstain from sex?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Incidentally, ideal behavior is ALWAYS unrealistic...there is never 100 percent adherence to it. So are you suggesting we just quit encouraging good behavior?

I was referring to the unmarried population, the teenage population, etc. Come on Kosher...use your brain. You know what I was getting at.

Unlike the liberal mob, I cannot read minds, nor do I spend time worrying about what you idiots REALLY mean when you say idiotic things.

I just assume you're being idiotic. Learn to say what you mean.
Men should not be expected to be in control of their instincts? Just like an animal. This just be part of de-evolution. Children shouldn't be expected to control themselves. If they want sex, just do it. Like getting a new toy, just take it out of the store.

Jesus H. Christ.....you think it's only men?!?!?! Women like to fuck too. Women can be every bit as seductive. In reality it's women who choose their mates and not men. Men act just like any other male species. We show our cars, our bodies, our money, we say sweet things to woo the woman, etc but just like peacocks we strut around showing our tail feathers and what we have to offer. Women do this too of course, but ultimately it's the female who chooses the mate. Like I have always argued...if a woman sets her mind on a man and she can get him in a compromising position he's a sitting duck. There are always exceptions to the rule of course, but in my experience and from my observations of other couples, that's pretty much the way it goes. I have concluded that this is why women are so fucking catty to each other. They know that at any time their girlfriend can steal their man if she decides to.
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Yes sex is normal......but MAN is not an animal...

Sue your high school biology teacher. Man most certainly IS an animal and although we possess higher reasoning skills than other species we still have plenty of instincts that drive our actions and we obey certain traditions common to other species.

"traditions".....? :lol:

actually.....animals behave better than alot of humans......

however because we DO have higher reasoning we should do alot more than fuck like rabbits, spread diseases, create fatherless babies, abort babies, create poverty, etc.
Men should not be expected to be in control of their instincts?

There's a difference between being in control of one's self, and being expected to outright deny human nature. Do you expect people to just not eat, because of the risk of food borne illness?

Until you are willing to live your life and never have sex, you have no place expecting that of other people.
But don't forget, in the progressive world, if every single person doesn't subscribe to healthy, positive behavior, then we shouldn't teach it to ANYBODY!
Human nature is to screw girls as soon as they have their period. So you are saying we can't expect men to restrain themselves.

As I suspected, another XXXXXX-Meister touting the importance of providing birth control and legal abortion to children.
Saying that people are only animals and can't be expected to behave any better than apes only goes so far.

When a chimpanzee is identified as being different from the others, he will be killed and torn to pieces. Fights among apes are to the death. Female monkeys don't get dinner and a movie, nor do they get to say not tonight.

The more we desire to become like animals because that excuses base behavior, the more we will become like animals.
There is always some sort of motive behind men who fight to the death to preserve a "woman's right" and a "child's right" to birth control and abortion.


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