Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

No, we want to teach them not to do it.

That's a naive and failed approach, and subjects them to unhealthy attitudes. Why do you insist on perpetuating a failed approach that creates unhealthy attitudes?

That it has consequences. That the consequences are life changing.

Why does that require an abstinence only curriculum? Comprehensive curricula that include contraceptive education also teaches of the consequences of poor decision making. It also educates teens on ways they can mitigate the risks of sexual activity and lead healthy sex lives.

I think the irresponsible ones are the babykillers who want children to screw, and to screw children. And who tell them they aren't capable of NOT screwing.

The more we desire to become like animals because that excuses base behavior, the more we will become like animals.

:banghead: No one said "we desire to be like animals". I said "we are animals" and like any species we have instincts and natural programming that are extremely powerful determinants in our behavior.
Yes sex is normal......but MAN is not an animal...

Sue your high school biology teacher. Man most certainly IS an animal and although we possess higher reasoning skills than other species we still have plenty of instincts that drive our actions and we obey certain traditions common to other species.

"traditions".....? :lol:

actually.....animals behave better than alot of humans......

however because we DO have higher reasoning we should do alot more than fuck like rabbits, spread diseases, create fatherless babies, abort babies, create poverty, etc.

Yeah....hence the reason why people need to wear fucking rubbers.
Did you know hispanic birth rates are higher than black birth rates.....and about 3X higher than white....? a lot of those are teenage mothers....


Those teenagers are being taught an abstinence only sex ed curriculum. So.....

i doubt they're even in school...

WOW!!!!! :eek: You know it really pisses me off when liberals accuse Republicans of racism, but sometimes it applies.
Men should not be expected to be in control of their instincts? Just like an animal. This just be part of de-evolution. Children shouldn't be expected to control themselves. If they want sex, just do it. Like getting a new toy, just take it out of the store.

Jesus H. Christ.....you think it's only men?!?!?! Women like to fuck too. Women can be every bit as seductive. In reality it's women who choose their mates and not men. Men act just like any other male species. We show our cars, our bodies, our money, we say sweet things to woo the woman, etc but just like peacocks we strut around showing our tail feathers and what we have to offer. Women do this too of course, but ultimately it's the female who chooses the mate. Like I have always argued...if a woman sets her mind on a man and she can get him in a compromising position he's a sitting duck. There are always exceptions to the rule of course, but in my experience and from my observations of other couples, that's pretty much the way it goes. I have concluded that this is why women are so fucking catty to each other. They know that at any time their girlfriend can steal their man if she decides to.

You pretty much nailed it brother.

Those teenagers are being taught an abstinence only sex ed curriculum. So.....

i doubt they're even in school...

Weak, pathetic. :eusa_hand:

you kidding me....? after they get pregnant in mexico they head here.....they cross the border illegally and have their babies.....free of charge at our nice hospitals.....and then they get to stay and later bring the whole gang over because of their "anchor" baby....
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?

Um Hmmm. Talk about taking any opposing opinion to it's whackjob extreme! I find Santorum's comments ludicrous and guess what? I don't want to hand condoms to kids like candy. Imagine that.

So your view on a married couple who simply want to have a healthy sex life, without having kids?
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?

Um Hmmm. Talk about taking any opposing opinion to it's whackjob extreme! I find Santorum's comments ludicrous and guess what? I don't want to hand condoms to kids like candy. Imagine that.

So your view on a married couple who simply want to have a healthy sex life, without having kids?

stopping those STUPID things is taking opinion to "its whackjob extreme"......?
so you think promoting promiscuity among our children is a GOOD thing.....?

Santorum is not out to take take away condoms or contraceptives away from any married couples or adult....
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?

Who the hell said anything in support of underage girls getting abortions without parental consent? As far as teaching abstinence...sure go for it. I agree it should be encouraged, but at the same time take a more realistic approach and teach about safe sexual practices. As far as abstinence-only education, go back and read post #418 (with links to supporting documentation provided there).

"....youngsters who took the virginity pledge were not only just as likely to have intercourse, they ultimately were more likely to take part in sex in an unsafe manner."

"...the more strongly abstinence education is emphasized in state laws and policies, the higher the average teenage pregnancy and birth rates."

My God you and KG are about as sharp as a hunk of gouda cheese.
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?

Who the hell said anything in support of underage girls getting abortions without parental consent?
that's what PP is promoting in the schools...
As far as teaching abstinence...sure go for it. I agree it should be encouraged, but at the same time take a more realistic approach and teach about safe sexual practices. As far as abstinence-only education, go back and read post #418 (with links to supporting documentation provided there).
Abstinence education in the schools is only going to do so much....it's the parents who need to set the values and guide their kids....maybe it would help more to have classes for parents who need some help in how to do that...

but i doubt the liberal-controlled education system would like that.....parents! in the schools discussing teen sex....? good God....that could start a counter-revolution.....!
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The more we desire to become like animals because that excuses base behavior, the more we will become like animals.

:banghead: No one said "we desire to be like animals". I said "we are animals" and like any species we have instincts and natural programming that are extremely powerful determinants in our behavior.

Of course, like eating the young in times of famine. I understand. Mankind cannot rise above the basest of animal instincts. Human beings should be expected to act like animals rutting in the streets. They can't help themselves. Teach children that nope, they don't need to exercise any kind of self control at all.
handing out condoms and contraceptives like candy, exposing kids to all sorts of sexual deviancies, telling them they can get abortions without parental consent, putting the kibosh on abstinence-only teaching, starting them on sex in kindergarten, etc......is NOT doing the job to protect our children....

but even thinking about taking away these STUPID things makes liberals whine and gnash their teeth.....anybody guess why.....?

Um Hmmm. Talk about taking any opposing opinion to it's whackjob extreme! I find Santorum's comments ludicrous and guess what? I don't want to hand condoms to kids like candy. Imagine that.

So your view on a married couple who simply want to have a healthy sex life, without having kids?

stopping those STUPID things is taking opinion to "its whackjob extreme"......?
so you think promoting promiscuity among our children is a GOOD thing.....?

Santorum is not out to take take away condoms or contraceptives away from any married couples or adult..

No. Projecting that anyone or everyone disagreeing with Santorum's stated opinions, must also agree with those whackjob extreme opinions is the stupid part.

"Contraceptives are dangerous to women and lead to a realm of sexuality that is just wrong."
Rick Santorum

"I would agree with him and advocate letting and organization deny something they found morally objectionable from their benefits package."
Rick Santorum

But of course, prescribing Viagra to SINGLE MEN doesn't lead to sin!
In fact, teach them that they must succumb to all natural urges!

Someone should write a book. Call it Deconstructing Civilization. The next embrace of the natural instinct that cannot be overcome will be farting at the table in the restaurant.

More and more my dog impresses me with her courtesy and behavior than most people. When she potties she looks for privacy, behind a bush, down an alley. She doesn't like it when other dogs want to sniff her butt. She has a tendency to snap and move away. "Don't sniff me "there"." It might be just the comparison between a civilized dog and an animalistic person raising an uncontrollable animal for a child.

In the times of greatly long ago, the line of demarcation between the elite and the peasants were as clearly drawn. Things that were clearly accepted as "The Better People Don't Do That". The basest instincts were expected of the low class. Breeding will always show. Perhaps what's happening as we de-evolve is that we are moving towards that kind of strict class divisions.

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