Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

Actually, our form of contraceptive works pretty darn well too.
Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

Actually, our form of contraceptive works pretty darn well too.

Yeah, but it won't prevent stds.
Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

Where did anyone say anything about teaching what is preferable? I thought the point was just teaching more than abstinence, not that something other than abstinence is better.
Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

Where did anyone say anything about teaching what is preferable? I thought the point was just teaching more than abstinence, not that something other than abstinence is better.

"Knowledge is never a bad thing." Inthemiddle.

The implication is that Christians want to keep knowledge from people. Sort of like PP and the left would like to prevent women from actually seeing what they're going to abort before they abort it.
Except that's the baby killers, not us.

Sort of like the baby killers would like to prevent people from being taught that sex is risky, and people are perfectly capable of, and best served by, waiting until they're in stable and committed relationships before embarking upon sexual relationships.

We want people to have knowledge. We just want it to be TRUTHFUL and COMPLETE.
The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive.

What's your point? Never crossing the street is the only proven 100% effective way to avoid being involved in a car accident. I guess your idea of driver's education is to teach them to never to drive.

Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

Again, sexuality is a normal part of human existence. Teaching kids that they should never have sex is what's idiotic. We need help them develop healthy attitudes, and teach them how to minimize the risks, and help empower them to make healthy decisions. Again, a society that teaches our teens to never become healthy adults is one that atrophies. We need to develop our teens into being capable of making healthy decisions about adult matters.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

Absolute absurdity, yet again. Until you're willing to live your life never having sex, you have no place expecting that out of other people.
by and large....yes along with teaching them responsibility....handing out rubbers like candy only encourages promiscuity.....guess you don't know what abstinence-only education teaches....i believe it is having some positive effect today on teen pregnancy rates which soared for years after "free sex" took hold of society...

So people wont fuck if they don't have access to condoms. You live in a fucking dream world.

It used to be that way before liberal promiscuity took over everywhere....:evil:

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...? A 16-18 yo has to pay through the nose for car insurance......how about he pays for "baby insurance" too :lol: Else make him a legal adult at 16....in fact.....let them graduate at 16 and go get jobs and be the fucking adults they think they are......:eusa_whistle:

well it sure seems to be a policy issue to PP and liberals who want to hand them out like candy and force churches and insurance companies to pay for them....

I agree that no one should be forced to pay for a damned thing. But if PP can fund themselves in private donations and by providing other goods and services, then they have the right to provide free contraception if they damn well please.

fine by me...just keep them out of our schools....

Laws against murder were around LONG before religion had anything to do with it. Did you forget that Moses had to flee Egypt after murdering someone? I don't think Egyptian law had anything to do with Thou Shalt Not Kill since according to the story it wasn't even written yet

laws against fucking around were probably around long before murder.....:lol:

...laws have a funny way of "encouraging" moral or immoral behavior...:eusa_whistle:

Yeah I have noticed that all those drug laws we have are SOOOOO effective, huh? No one uses drugs because...hey...they're illegal. Laws don't stop people from doing a fucking thing.

there are a lot of people who do not use drugs....what we need to do is stop the illegal import of drugs but then that might cut the income of some liberal gubmint persons like you who think drugs are OK....:eusa_whistle:

so far the liberal solution has not been working......it's produced high unmarried pregnancy rates and plenty of abortions...neither is good for society....

Conservatives fuck too....Bristol Palin ring a bell?

kids today are faced with all sorts of pressure to have sex.....we need to take that pressure off of them....and teach them the right way to go about sex, marriage, kids....

and you will notice Bristol Palin at least did not have an abortion...


But according to the Bible thumpers sex is a dirty, shameful, nasty act that will lead you straight to the pits of hell unless you are in the process of conceiving a child. What a narrow minded view of sexuality and it's that kind of attitude that is the cause for a lot of people lying on couches talking to a shrink in their adulthood.

The concept of teaching a strictly abstinence based curriculum requires that teens be taught to be ashamed of their sexuality. It tells them that they are wrong to feel the way they do, that they are wrong to indulge what their biology is telling them. You may as well be telling them they are wrong to be tired at the end of the night, or wrong to become hungry three times a day. Anyone who has the first clue about teenagers knows that you can't stop them from being hungry!

But remember we are dealing with a mentality that believes sexual desire is the lure of Satan. Satan gives us those feelings to drive us away from a holy life...or so they say. It doesn't matter how much evidence to the contrary you shove in their face....tricks of Satan they will screech and you and I are mere minions of the devil for believing in a natural, healthy sexuality.

Trying to stop teenagers from having sex is a fool hardy endeavor.

Nonsense...just ask Screeching Turkey.....all you have to do is take away their rubbers and they'll stop fucking. :cuckoo:
Yeah, but it won't prevent stds.

In more than a decade of sexual activity with several women, I've never sired a child, nor contracted an STD. Why? Because I have knowledge and am smart. Condoms, birth control medications, knowing my partners, regular testing with my partners, are all smart and healthy decisions that I have regularly made to minimize the chances of these things happening.
InThemiddle said:
Again, sexuality is a normal part of human existence. Teaching kids that they should never have sex is what's idiotic. We need help them develop healthy attitudes, and teach them how to minimize the risks, and help empower them to make healthy decisions. Again, a society that teaches our teens to never become healthy adults is one that atrophies. We need to develop our teens into being capable of making healthy decisions about adult matters.

Yes sex is normal......but MAN is not an animal...

Kids should be taught by their parents the values and attitudes that they should learn.....those values do NOT include indiscrimate sex whenever they feeeeeeel like it....
Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

No one is saying it's preferable....what we are saying is that expecting our entire society to abstain from sex is completely unrealistic. There's never been a culture in history where that was the norm and death by stoning was not part of the picture. Even then people did it anyhow.
It used to be that way before liberal promiscuity took over everywhere....:evil:

Humans have been promiscuous for millions of years. Are you really that naive as to think that promiscuity was invented in the 60s? :eusa_hand:

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...?

So now people should need a license from the government to do what they choose with their own bodies? :cuckoo: That's the small government conservative mentality at work, for sure.
So people wont fuck if they don't have access to condoms. You live in a fucking dream world.

It used to be that way before liberal promiscuity took over everywhere....:evil:

Bullfuckingshit. People have been screwing before marriage throughout human history...yes even in the 50's people fucked before marriage. Now they might not have broadcast it...maybe they were branded "bad girls" if they got caught, but there was still plenty of fucking going on.

laws against fucking around were probably around long before murder.....:lol:

I might suggest you do more research on ancient history. People fucked freely in Rome, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, etc and those cultures had some pretty rough consequences for murder.

there are a lot of people who do not use drugs....what we need to do is stop the illegal import of drugs but then that might cut the income of some liberal gubmint persons like you who think drugs are OK....:eusa_whistle:

GOOD LUCK with that effort. You would have better luck stopping a burst dam by sticking your finger in it. We will NEVER stop illegal importation of drugs. My God you have an unbelievable disconnect with reality.

so far the liberal solution has not been working......it's produced high unmarried pregnancy rates and plenty of abortions...neither is good for society....

and you will notice Bristol Palin at least did not have an abortion...

#1) No one is talking about abortion but you and Kosher. #2) You attempt to deflect from the point that Bristol Palin's mother endorses abstinence-only education and tried the same things with her child that you and Kosher are saying is "the answer" and look what happened to her. Knocked up out of wedlock.


Why is the GObP/Repub/teebag so damn backward and ignernt?

Did you know hispanic birth rates are higher than black birth rates.....and about 3X higher than white....? a lot of those are teenage mothers....

I believe the higher numbers....
FAIR estimates there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. This figure is based on the crude birth rate of the total foreign-born population (33 births per 1000) and official estimates of the size of the illegal alien population - between 8.7 and 11 million. It should be noted that the Bear Stearns investment firm and others have concluded that the actual number of illegal aliens in the United States could be as high as 20 million.2,3 Using this higher number would roughly double FAIR's estimate to approximately 574,000 to 726,000 children born to illegal aliens each year!

As of 2001, the cost of having a baby in the U.S. ranged from $6,000 to $8,000 for a normal delivery and $10,000 to $12,000 for a cesarean birth (to as much as $14,000 in certain parts of the country).10 Assuming that an average birth in the year 2007 now costs $8,000, the total cost for 363,000 anchor babies would be approximately $3 billion. Assuming the more realistic number of 726,000 anchor babies, the total cost would be nearly $6 billion. American taxpayers pay a substantial part of this cost.

Consequences of misinterpreting the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution - Fourteenth Amendment - anchor babies and birthright citizenship - interpretations and misinterpretations - US Constitution

As Republican members of Congress press for changes to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, preventing automatic citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants, opponents insist the debate is not really about babies.

Instead, they say it is about politics and votes - not fixing the immigration system.

Still, the debate could resonate in Texas, where not only 1.5 million illegal immigrants are estimated to reside but at least 60,000 babies are added to their households annually.

Across Texas, 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright | Texas Regional News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News
So people wont fuck if they don't have access to condoms. You live in a fucking dream world.

It used to be that way before liberal promiscuity took over everywhere....:evil:

Bullfuckingshit. People have been screwing before marriage throughout human history...yes even in the 50's people fucked before marriage. Now they might not have broadcast it...maybe they were branded "bad girls" if they got caught, but there was still plenty of fucking going on.

I might suggest you do more research on ancient history. People fucked freely in Rome, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, etc and those cultures had some pretty rough consequences for murder.

GOOD LUCK with that effort. You would have better luck stopping a burst dam by sticking your finger in it. We will NEVER stop illegal importation of drugs. My God you have an unbelievable disconnect with reality.

so far the liberal solution has not been working......it's produced high unmarried pregnancy rates and plenty of abortions...neither is good for society....

and you will notice Bristol Palin at least did not have an abortion...

#1) No one is talking about abortion but you and Kosher. #2) You attempt to deflect from the point that Bristol Palin's mother endorses abstinence-only education and tried the same things with her child that you and Kosher are saying is "the answer" and look what happened to her. Knocked up out of wedlock.

overall.....you seem to think that MAN cannot control himself.....
Is anybody going to address this proposition.......? :lol:

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...? A 16-18 yo has to pay through the nose for car insurance......how about he pays for "baby insurance" too? :lol: Else make him a legal adult at 16....in fact.....let them graduate at 16 and go get jobs and be the fucking adults they think they are......:eusa_whistle:
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Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

No one is saying it's preferable....what we are saying is that expecting our entire society to abstain from sex is completely unrealistic. There's never been a culture in history where that was the norm and death by stoning was not part of the picture. Even then people did it anyhow.

Who suggested that our entire society abstain from sex?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Incidentally, ideal behavior is ALWAYS unrealistic...there is never 100 percent adherence to it. So are you suggesting we just quit encouraging good behavior?
It used to be that way before liberal promiscuity took over everywhere....:evil:

Humans have been promiscuous for millions of years. Are you really that naive as to think that promiscuity was invented in the 60s? :eusa_hand:

No....but it was heavily encouraged by the 60s "free love" generation when "The Pill" and abortions became available by Planned Parenthood......this lead to an attitude that sex could be engaged in without consequences...

A teenager can't legally drive a car until he's 16.....what gives him the fucking license to fuck around at 16-18 or even younger...?

So now people should need a license from the government to do what they choose with their own bodies? :cuckoo: That's the small government conservative mentality at work, for sure.

We have to get licenses for just about everything else we do...including marriage.....:eusa_whistle:

Since kids want to fuck around like adults......how about we make 16 the age we can kick them out of the house and they can go fend for themselves....?

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