Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

Those numbers are all over the place and can't be tied to anything except maybe RvW.


Did you even look at the links? The STD rates show state-by-state comparisons of the per population rates of their respective diseases. Why the Hell are you talking about Roe v Wade? That has nothing to do with any of this.

So I guess teaching abstinence really is effective.

Obviously not. Because if that were the truth, then Texas would have among the lowest rates of teen pregnancy, and of STD cases. Yet Texas ranks among the top in all of these. Texas is just about the only place in the country where teen births continue to be on the rise. If abstinence only is working, why are Texas teens still having sex and having more babies than the rest of the country? If it's working, why are Texans coming down with more STDs than almost anyone in the rest of the country? Your best argument is to invoke Roe v Wade? Are you fucking serious? Okay, we have a NEW stupidest thing ever said on this board.

Hmmm...maybe they're forgetting to use protection when they shake hands on the first date?
Your posts are complete and utter nonsense. There's no point in embarking upon intelligent discussion with you...I'll just continue to use the same tactics you employ.

The difference being..I know I'm pumping you full of shit.

And you're so stupid you take it seriously.

You don't ever need to worry I'll take any of your nonsense seriously, however....
per your request in red below

you may want the GOP to stay way from moral issues now....but if they simply "let things happen" you, yourself, will ulitmately be disappoointed.

I think gays should get the same benefits as we straights. So there's one. I have a couple friends who like you, wore the Birdie on the Ball for decades. Some were ForeCon. They were doing walkabouts in Afghanistan and lost the translator who kept them away from bad juju because he was gay. Took FIVE WEEKS to get another guy who could speak fluent Pashtu or whatever the hell it was. Guess how they felt about that?Same here. I mean, he wasn't part of their team. He sat with the 5/5 I think it was, and monitored chatter etc... So there/s that. I don't think using BC is immoral AT ALL. Also, I was a volunteer at The Storefront Teen Crisis center. So although I went in pro-life, I'm now pro-choice.

They did not bring up the issue of birth control...it was buried in the healthcare law and came out recently....so it HAD TO BE addressed.

You see, I am a true proponent of the free market. It works. It always has.

If a company does not want to offer a service, such is their choice...and should be their choice. And you know what happens? Someone else does, and that copmpany gets a larger chunk of market share.

I'm sensing Libertarian and I disagree with the philosophy that the Market Corrects such problems. If it did, you would be able to find out why I won't work with Skadden Arps under any circumstances. Wal-Mart would be out of business. So would Squibb Bristol-Meyers, Eli Lilly, Kaiser and so on.

We dont want government telling us what we MUST sell. I have no issue with government telling us what we CANT sell....that keeps the greedy in check....but when it comes to telling us what we MUST sell...the key word being MUST....? That is over the line. That is tyranny.

That is how you view it but I respectfully disagree. Insurance companies have a long and documented history of abuse, market manipulation, price fixing and wrongfully denying benefits. If they weren't regulated, the abuse would be much worse.

If you want a BLT and a restaurant doesnt sell it becuase it is Kosher...what will you do? Go to another restaurant, of course. That is the free market at its finest.

In theory yes. Wish it always worked that way but it doesn't.

If you want birth control and your carrier doesnt cover it....what should you do? Go to another carrier....or pay for it out of pocket if you are otherwise happy with the carrier.

And when all those insurance execs get together and decide they all find bone-marrow transplants "morally objectionable"? High priced drugs and other treatments? And guess what? Americans are captive consumers because most can only afford insruance through their employer. So they don't have the choice you mention on a practical level.

If your employer doesnt pay you what you think you deserve, what will you do? Look for a higher paying job. If you deserve more, you will get it elsewhwere...and if you dont, then maybe you dont deserve it.

Free market...not government...is the answer.

So all that being said....and here is where it gets good.....

I am pro choice...and further more...I have no issue with birth control....I disagree wholehearetedly with Rick Santorum as it pertains to BC....but I also know what he said and what he feels....it is his personal faith....but he is not telling ANYONE they must follow his way.....

At least he was honest...anmd it pisses me off how the left is taking what he said and making it as if he plans to mandate all foolow his ideology.
Well he and Romney have both stated that they would attempt exactly that, during the last few days.

It is BS and taking away from what is going to be a very impoortant time in our history.

In essence, we have the likes of MSNBC and FOX deciding where our country goes.

And it is very dsiturbing to me.

While I disagree with much of it, it is a rational post.

Thank you for your service btw.

Thanks...but curious...

What do you disagree with and why?

So that's what and why.

I will admit, Libertarians are the single most intelligent political party I've ever known. At least in real life (not here), I have never met a Libertarian who I wouldn't guage as having an IQ of less than 125.
But the problem with what they believe about the market is that it doesn't work. Want to go soemwhere that is the Libertarian dream? Go to The Ukraine. There isn't a reg they will enforce on business. I loved living there when I was a young, business-owning, tall, Russian-Speaking American. Wanna get attacked by women who look like super-models all day? There ya go. But then you grow up or just get tired of the hedonism and realize it's a terrible place to live otherwise. There are basically two types of mafia that you have to deal with. There is no Middle Class. If you don't like where you work or are treated poorly, tough shet. It's not like it will be different somewhere else.
I don't know of a single other country that even tries what Libertarians say will make all things wonderful.
Top 10 States With Highest Teenage Pregnancy and Birth Rates
1. Nevada (113)
2. Arizona (104)
3. Mississippi (103)
4. New Mexico (103)
5. Texas (101)
6. Florida (97)
7. California (96)
8. Georgia (95)
9. North Carolina (95)
10. Arkansas (93)
States ranked by rates of live births among women age 15-19 (births per thousand):

Mississippi (71)
Texas (69)
Arizona (67)
Arkansas (66)
New Mexico (66)
Georgia (63)
Louisiana (62)
Nevada (61)
Alabama (61)
Oklahoma (60)
Top 10 States With Highest Teenage Pregnancy and Birth Rates
1. Nevada (113)
2. Arizona (104)
3. Mississippi (103)
4. New Mexico (103)
5. Texas (101)
6. Florida (97)
7. California (96)
8. Georgia (95)
9. North Carolina (95)
10. Arkansas (93)
States ranked by rates of live births among women age 15-19 (births per thousand):

Mississippi (71)
Texas (69)
Arizona (67)

Arkansas (66)
New Mexico (66)
Georgia (63)
Louisiana (62)
Nevada (61)
Alabama (61)
Oklahoma (60)

So THAT'S where all those Republicans come from!
And I'm sure you'd prefer they had their brains dashed out at birth. Or sometime after. Whenever.

I still find it amazing that you think out of wedlock birth is more deplorable than killing one's baby.
Here's the thing...to baby killers like inthemiddle, dead babies are preferable to live ones. They count live babies as FAILURE because it shows the unfortunate expansion of what they consider a loathesome population.

True story.

Okay, you've now moved from insanely stupid, to outright despicable. Someone should fine your mother for littering, because trash like you pollutes my existence.
I know I'm pumping you full of shit.

Hey, that's all I'm asking; for you to admit that the abstinence only policy is a horrid failure and a detriment to society.

where was that policy implemented?

Texas. Are you even paying attention? In Texas 95% of all schools teach an abstinence only sex education curriculum. Texas has among the highest rates in the country for teen pregnancy, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV. So obviously, abstinence only is not working.
by and large....yes along with teaching them responsibility....handing out rubbers like candy only encourages promiscuity.....guess you don't know what abstinence-only education teaches....i believe it is having some positive effect today on teen pregnancy rates which soared for years after "free sex" took hold of society...

So people wont fuck if they don't have access to condoms. You live in a fucking dream world.

well it sure seems to be a policy issue to PP and liberals who want to hand them out like candy and force churches and insurance companies to pay for them....

I agree that no one should be forced to pay for a damned thing. But if PP can fund themselves in private donations and by providing other goods and services, then they have the right to provide free contraception if they damn well please.

we seem to be back to my earlier question that you didn't answer.....'thou shalt not kill' is a religious belief.....so why is it law?........why can't people just decide for themselves....?

Laws against murder were around LONG before religion had anything to do with it. Did you forget that Moses had to flee Egypt after murdering someone? I don't think Egyptian law had anything to do with Thou Shalt Not Kill since according to the story it wasn't even written yet

...laws have a funny way of "encouraging" moral or immoral behavior...:eusa_whistle:

Yeah I have noticed that all those drug laws we have are SOOOOO effective, huh? No one uses drugs because...hey...they're illegal. Laws don't stop people from doing a fucking thing.

so far the liberal solution has not been working......it's produced high unmarried pregnancy rates and plenty of abortions...neither is good for society....

Conservatives fuck too....Bristol Palin ring a bell?

Ok THAT'S fucking hilarious. So you bitch about how everyone should be using abstinence only education, then ITM stuffs stats down your throat showing that it's ineffective so you jump to calling them anchor babies. Man you are some piece of work.

Most people like that stop caring about the babies once they are born, they bitch and moan about how evil abortions are but once a poor single mom has a baby, she is a stupid bitch for having the child without having the means to take care of it, its a lose/lose for the women.
Here you go Turkey....here's what the great abstinence-only education produces:

"The most rigorous study of an abstinence-only
program...studied the outcomes of the Postponing Sexual Involvement (PSI) curriculum, a five-session program taught by adults or peers that was implemented in California...the study found that students enrolled in PSI who received instruction from peers were more
to report becoming pregnant or causing a pregnancy. The study concluded that the program had no measurable impact on the initiation of sex, the frequency of sex, or the number of sexual partners." (1)

"In contrast to the limited and discouraging results for studies on abstinence-only programs, the published research on sex and HIV education programs is far more conclusive and encouraging. A large body of evaluation research clearly shows
that sex and HIV education programs included in this review do not increase sexual activity – they do not hasten the onset of sex, increase the frequency of sex, and do not increase the number of sexual partners. To the contrary, some sex and HIV education programs delay the onset of sex, reduce the frequency of sex, or reduce the number of sexual partners.” (1)

"States that prescribe abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have significantly higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states with more comprehensive sex education programs, researchers from the University of Georgia have determined." (2)

"Along with teen pregnancy rates and sex education methods, Hall and Stanger-Hall looked at the influence of socioeconomic status, education level, access to Medicaid waivers and ethnicity of each state's teen population. Even when accounting for these factors, which could potentially impact teen pregnancy rates, the significant relationship between sex education methods and teen pregnancy remained: the more strongly abstinence education is emphasized in state laws and policies, the higher the average teenage pregnancy and birth rates." (2)

"...those taking the virginity pledge were less likely to protect themselves. Pledge takers were found to be less frequent users of condoms and other forms of birth control.

Therefore, those youngsters who took the virginity pledge were not only just as likely to have intercourse, they ultimately were more likely to take part in sex in an unsafe manner. This has led experts to conclude that the lessons students take from their abstinence-only education programs is a negative and/or faulty view of contraception." (3)

"The research group found that “participants had just as many sexual partners as nonparticipants and had sex at the same median age as nonparticipants.” (3)

In other words abstinence-only education is a damn good way to increase teen pregnancy and STDs. It doesn't work because people are going to fuck whether you tell them to or not.


2. Abstinence-only education does not lead to abstinent behavior, researchers find

3.Abstinence-Only Sex Education Statistics – Final Nail in the Coffin
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This is the problem that many people fail to realize: SEX IS A NATURAL PART OF HUMAN EXISTENCE ARISING FROM OUR INSTINCTS AND BIOLOGICAL DESIGN. Sex is not a learned behavior. We don't have sex because someone taught us to. We don't desire sex because someone told us to. We desire sex because it's built into our design. When we all make the individual decision to become sexually active, we do so based on our personal desires and values.

The concept of teaching a strictly abstinence based curriculum requires that teens be taught to be ashamed of their sexuality. It tells them that they are wrong to feel the way they do, that they are wrong to indulge what their biology is telling them. You may as well be telling them they are wrong to be tired at the end of the night, or wrong to become hungry three times a day. Anyone who has the first clue about teenagers knows that you can't stop them from being hungry!

Trying to stop teenagers from having sex is a fool hardy endeavor. And if any of you even bothered to try to remember your own high school days, you'd remember how much we all just loved those girls who had parents like that, or who tried to embrace those kinds of ideas for herself. Because we all knew that those were the girls who were going to snap and backlash, and if you managed to position yourself to be the one she was dating at that particular time, she was going to give you more sex in more kinky positions and public places over one month than any of your other buddies would get over their entire high school careers. Of course, we didn't know it as well then, but those were also the girls who were most likely to make you a daddy sooner than you wanted.

The only rational thing to do is to instead take a more healthy attitude about sex with teens. Sex is natural, and nothing to be ashamed of. It's not the sexual activity that is the problem. It's unhealthy behaviors. We should teach teens of ALL the consequences of becoming sexually involved with another person. Not just the potential of becoming pregnant or getting sick. But we need to talk more about the emotional aspects. We should EMPOWER them to make healthy decisions, so that if they choose to become sexually active, they can minimize the risks.

A society must raise their teens to BECOME knowledgeable adults who can make good decisions. Any society that tries to AVOID their teens from becoming adults, or having the ability to make good decisions, will atrophy itself out of existence.

Knowledge is never a bad thing. The bible thumpers want to talk about Eve eating from the tree and how it was the downfall of humanity. This is why I cannot embrace Christianity as it exists today, especially in this country. Because according to their doctrines, the human race should have never existed. That's their paradise. And they spend all of their time loathing humanity, advocating for its cessation, and trying to suppress and deny everything human about themselves. I shant believe in any God who doesn't understand how to dance.
Who said knowledge was a bad thing?

The fact of the matter is, abstinence is the only proven 100 percent effective contraceptive. Why teach kids that less effective methods are preferrable? It's idiotic.

But then, most of the pro-child-sex, baby killing lobby talking points are.

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