Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

"One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea... It's not okay because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They're supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal... but also procreative.

That's the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that's not for purposes of procreation, that's not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can't you take other parts of that out? And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it's simply pleasure. And that's certainly a part of it--and it's an important part of it, don't get me wrong--but there's a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special. Again, I know most presidents don't talk about those things, and maybe people don't want us to talk about those things, but I think it's important that you are who you are. I'm not running for preacher.

I'm not running for pastor, but these are important public policy issues.

Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special' - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Every Sperm is Sacred - YouTube
SHIT you should be,SHIT are you for real Blue!!!!!!!!!!???????tl
Meanwhile, try reading:

Sex education initiatives are failing to control the spiralling teenage pregnancy crisis, ministers have admitted for the first time.

Every year, almost 50,000 girls under 18 fall pregnant, leading critics to claim that government-led efforts to encourage safer sex are backfiring. The number who conceive is at its highest level since a multi-million-pound teenage pregnancy crackdown almost a decade ago."

Government policies aimed at dealing with the problem have allowed girls to obtain standard contraceptive and morning-after pills at school, without the consent of their parents, while new proposals will allow them to go directly to pharmacists.
Last night, critics said that Labour's policies had backfired and made girls feel increasingly under pressure to become sexually active at a younger age. Others expressed fears that national targets were powerless in the face of a popular culture in which youth was increasingly sexualised.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust charity, said that the Government had allowed the "systematic removal of every restraint that used to act as a disincentive to under-age sex". There was no evidence that easy availability of contraception reduced teenage pregnancy rates, instead it added to pressure on young girls by normalising under-age sex, he said."

Sex education failing to halt teen pregnancy - Telegraph

You do realize that the Telegraph is a British newspaper and this article is discussing what is going on in Great Britain right? Here we are discussing what's happening in the USA and you are supporting your bullshit argument by what's going on in Britain. :doubt: Furthermore, the quotes from this article are simply members of the Tory Party (conservatives) giving their OPINIONS about what is happening and why. Unfortunately the scientific studies I provided before tell a far different tale about the cause.
I dont know about BluePhantom.... but I had some fun w/o contraception after the debates.

It was'nt dirty.... it was'nt sinful.... it was AWESOME :happy-1:

Score one for The Infidel :D

Right on, right on, right on .....

Good for you! That's awesome. In fact I did manage to put the puck in the net myself although we did use contraception. Still it rocked! :lol:
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

I assume you are being a wise-ass to make a point. Look, this whole thing boils down to a basic concept. Santorum, you, KG, and the Turkey are of the opinion that sex is a special thing that should be shared only with a spouse and it's for the purpose of enhancing the emotional bond and procreation. I don't think anyone has a problem with your interpretation as it applies to your particular relationships. It's your relationship, run it however you want. The problem comes when the same acceptance is asked to be given to those who do not have such a traditional structure. Your position is not "It's your relationship, run it however you want.", but appears to be "It's your relationship, and you should run it how I say."

Certainly this is not lost on you.
Meanwhile, try reading:

Sex education initiatives are failing to control the spiralling teenage pregnancy crisis, ministers have admitted for the first time.

Every year, almost 50,000 girls under 18 fall pregnant, leading critics to claim that government-led efforts to encourage safer sex are backfiring. The number who conceive is at its highest level since a multi-million-pound teenage pregnancy crackdown almost a decade ago."

Government policies aimed at dealing with the problem have allowed girls to obtain standard contraceptive and morning-after pills at school, without the consent of their parents, while new proposals will allow them to go directly to pharmacists.
Last night, critics said that Labour's policies had backfired and made girls feel increasingly under pressure to become sexually active at a younger age. Others expressed fears that national targets were powerless in the face of a popular culture in which youth was increasingly sexualised.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust charity, said that the Government had allowed the "systematic removal of every restraint that used to act as a disincentive to under-age sex". There was no evidence that easy availability of contraception reduced teenage pregnancy rates, instead it added to pressure on young girls by normalising under-age sex, he said."

Sex education failing to halt teen pregnancy - Telegraph

You do realize that the Telegraph is a British newspaper and this article is discussing what is going on in Great Britain right? Here we are discussing what's happening in the USA and you are supporting your bullshit argument by what's going on in Britain. :doubt: Furthermore, the quotes from this article are simply members of the Tory Party (conservatives) giving their OPINIONS about what is happening and why. Unfortunately the scientific studies I provided before tell a far different tale about the cause.

I thought humans were human the world over? Isn't that your argument? That it's human nature to screw at a really young age?
Abstinence education in the schools is only going to do so much....

Again...look at the studies i quoted (which you conveniently keep ignoring). Abstinence education by itself results in an INCREASE in teen pregnancy, STD, etc.

the abstinence studies were put into place only to help counteract the other leftie stuff that is being shoved upon our teens....nobody ever said it was the final solution....

it's the parents who need to set the values and guide their kids....

EXACTLY!!!! In other words Santorum saying that the government has a role in determining the values and mores of society and has the authority to ban contraception is completely false. I am glad you finally saw the light dip shit. It only took the better part of a fucking week.

look stupid......the government is ALREADY involved in our kids sex lives.....Santorum is only leading against the current status quo....and he has every right to do so....
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

I assume you are being a wise-ass to make a point. Look, this whole thing boils down to a basic concept. Santorum, you, KG, and the Turkey are of the opinion that sex is a special thing that should be shared only with a spouse and it's for the purpose of enhancing the emotional bond and procreation. I don't think anyone has a problem with your interpretation as it applies to your particular relationships. It's your relationship, run it however you want. The problem comes when the same acceptance is asked to be given to those who do not have such a traditional structure. Your position is not "It's your relationship, run it however you want.", but appears to be "It's your relationship, and you should run it how I say."

Certainly this is not lost on you.

Well it's apparently lost on you. Since you cannot understand the difference between saying "it's important to support the family unit, to stress the seriousness of sexual relationships, and to provide a positive, moral example for others" and saying "the government has a right to know about your sex life". Government involvement in sex lives is a hallmark of progressivism, not the Christian right. You guys are the ones who changed the law to allow murder of children, to change the definition of marriage, to teach our very young children about sex in the schools. You are the ones who said the state has the right to abort our children without telling us. That's interference of the government. Saying "we should stress the seriousness of sexual relations and embrace family values that provide a safer environment for sex" is just the opposite. It's establishing that families, not the state, should be the ones dealing with sexuality. Period.
Santorum is right....contraceptives are dangerous to young women and girls because it leads to the "free sex" attitude, objectifying women,

And what about the women in society who insist on the use of contraception? Let me guess...they have Stockholm Syndrome right? I have never in my life heard such complete lunacy. Hell my wife is an evangelical christian and she's reading this and even SHE thinks you're a flaming fucking lunatic. :cuckoo:

did Santorum ever say he was going to take away contraceptives from those women.....NO

BluePhantom said:
Santorum is right....an organization like the Church that objects to contraceptives on moral grounds should NOT be forced to buy them....it's against the FIRST AMENDMENT.....

No one is arguing that they should dip shit....and Santorum wasn't making that argument either. What a fucking moron.
moron yourself....you sure like to pick and choose.....you so conveniently left out the post i was responding to where ILogic was quoting Santorum about moral objections:
"I would agree with him and advocate letting an organization deny something they found morally objectionable from their benefits package."
Rick Santorum
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Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

Thats crazy talk, who is saying all that?
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

I assume you are being a wise-ass to make a point. Look, this whole thing boils down to a basic concept. Santorum, you, KG, and the Turkey are of the opinion that sex is a special thing that should be shared only with a spouse and it's for the purpose of enhancing the emotional bond and procreation. I don't think anyone has a problem with your interpretation as it applies to your particular relationships. It's your relationship, run it however you want. The problem comes when the same acceptance is asked to be given to those who do not have such a traditional structure. Your position is not "It's your relationship, run it however you want.", but appears to be "It's your relationship, and you should run it how I say."

Certainly this is not lost on you.

Well it's apparently lost on you. Since you cannot understand the difference between saying "it's important to support the family unit, to stress the seriousness of sexual relationships, and to provide a positive, moral example for others" and saying "the government has a right to know about your sex life". Government involvement in sex lives is a hallmark of progressivism, not the Christian right. You guys are the ones who changed the law to allow murder of children, to change the definition of marriage, to teach our very young children about sex in the schools. You are the ones who said the state has the right to abort our children without telling us. That's interference of the government. Saying "we should stress the seriousness of sexual relations and embrace family values that provide a safer environment for sex" is just the opposite. It's establishing that families, not the state, should be the ones dealing with sexuality. Period.

BluePhool.....like most sexual libertines faced with real arguments.....is self-imploding.....:lol:
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

Thats crazy talk, who is saying all that?

Someone who can't get laid.

Me, I can't say that I've ever had sex that wasn't special.
Sex is a meaningless mechanical exercise. That's why children need to learn proper techniques early AND, most important, learn how to separate the mechanical act of sex from any emotional component whatsoever. Including a total rejection of that emotional attachment to the babies resulting from sex.

Thats crazy talk, who is saying all that?

Someone who can't get laid.

Me, I can't say that I've ever had sex that wasn't special.

No doubt, sex is a special thing for me too.

your idiocy is why you elect marxists like BO who trample all over our Contitution.....who...eventually if they get their way....WILL control your sex life....

.....like be FORCED to use contraceptives and abortion because you are allowed only 1 baby.....(see communist china)

....then try having lots of sex with a woman who's already has her "quota".......

sex....if ever you can get it.....will then become VERY special.......:lol:

your idiocy is why you elect marxists like BO who trample all over our Contitution.....who...eventually if they get their way....WILL control your sex life....

.....like be FORCED to use contraceptives and abortion because you are allowed only 1 baby.....(see communist china)

....then try having lots of sex with a woman who's already has her "quota".......

sex....if ever you can get it.....will then become VERY special.......:lol:

Sex is obviously a alien concept to you retard.:lol:
I thought humans were human the world over? Isn't that your argument? That it's human nature to screw at a really young age?

I am not the one who put an age limit on it genius. You are the only one pounding that point. However, if you want to get technical puberty is nature's way of determining when a human is physically developing into a more sexual creature. It does not mean they have the emotional capacity to engage in sexual behaviors according to the standards our society sets or that the onset of puberty should necessarily be the criteria wherein they have the freedom to explore their sexuality or give legal consent to engage in sexual activity. While throughout the majority of human history the "age of consent" has coincided with the onset of puberty, our society has determined that it is between 16 and 18 years of age (depending on the state). In Mexico is can be as low as 12. Whatever, every society sets their own age and own traditions according to their specific views on it.

As far as the differences between the United States and the UK, while it's human nature to explore sexuality after the onset of puberty you overlook that the sex education curriculum between the United States and Great Britain may be very different. There are significant cultural differences between the two societies that act as confounders. So using British data to support an argument regarding the United States is comparing a horse to a duck. They are different things.

your idiocy is why you elect marxists like BO who trample all over our Contitution.....who...eventually if they get their way....WILL control your sex life....

.....like be FORCED to use contraceptives and abortion because you are allowed only 1 baby.....(see communist china)

....then try having lots of sex with a woman who's already has her "quota".......

sex....if ever you can get it.....will then become VERY special.......:lol:

Sex is obviously a alien concept to you retard.:lol:

truth is obviously too special for you.......:eusa_whistle:
look stupid......the government is ALREADY involved in our kids sex lives.....Santorum is only leading against the current status quo....and he has every right to do so....

And as I have consistently maintained, government has no business determining what is moral and what is immoral. The SCOTUS agrees with me. If Santorum wants to lead a revolution regarding the norms and values of society, great. He has that right....but not as a government official. If that's his goal, fine....he can drop out of the race and go for it.

your idiocy is why you elect marxists like BO who trample all over our Contitution.....who...eventually if they get their way....WILL control your sex life....

.....like be FORCED to use contraceptives and abortion because you are allowed only 1 baby.....(see communist china)

....then try having lots of sex with a woman who's already has her "quota".......

sex....if ever you can get it.....will then become VERY special.......:lol:

Sex is obviously a alien concept to you retard.:lol:

truth is obviously too special for you.......:eusa_whistle:

You obviously haven't been laid in decades, because you know fuck all about sex and everything else being discussed here.

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