Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'

Um Hmmm. Talk about taking any opposing opinion to it's whackjob extreme! I find Santorum's comments ludicrous and guess what? I don't want to hand condoms to kids like candy. Imagine that.

So your view on a married couple who simply want to have a healthy sex life, without having kids?

stopping those STUPID things is taking opinion to "its whackjob extreme"......?
so you think promoting promiscuity among our children is a GOOD thing.....?

Santorum is not out to take take away condoms or contraceptives away from any married couples or adult..

No. Projecting that anyone or everyone disagreeing with Santorum's stated opinions, must also agree with those whackjob extreme opinions is the stupid part.

"Contraceptives are dangerous to women and lead to a realm of sexuality that is just wrong."
Rick Santorum

"I would agree with him and advocate letting and organization deny something they found morally objectionable from their benefits package."
Rick Santorum

But of course, prescribing Viagra to SINGLE MEN doesn't lead to sin!

sorry but they are not "whackjob extreme positions".....ask any responsible parent....

Single men who need Viagra are already "dirty old men"....:lol:

Santorum is right....contraceptives are dangerous to young women and girls because it leads to the "free sex" attitude, objectifying women, and to DISEASE, ABORTION, FATHERLESS BABIES, SINGLE MOTHERHOOD, POVERTY, DEPENDENCY ON THE GOVERNMENT, ETC.

Santorum is right....an organization like the Church that objects to contraceptives on moral grounds should NOT be forced to buy them....it's against the FIRST AMENDMENT.....
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I always wondered what you looked like KG...now I know
Abstinence education in the schools is only going to do so much....

Again...look at the studies i quoted (which you conveniently keep ignoring). Abstinence education by itself results in an INCREASE in teen pregnancy, STD, etc.

it's the parents who need to set the values and guide their kids....

EXACTLY!!!! In other words Santorum saying that the government has a role in determining the values and mores of society and has the authority to ban contraception is completely false. I am glad you finally saw the light dip shit. It only took the better part of a fucking week.
And free contraceptives result in an INCREASE in teen pregnancy, STDs and abortion.

Go figure. Funny how that works.
The more we desire to become like animals because that excuses base behavior, the more we will become like animals.

:banghead: No one said "we desire to be like animals". I said "we are animals" and like any species we have instincts and natural programming that are extremely powerful determinants in our behavior.

Of course, like eating the young in times of famine. I understand. Mankind cannot rise above the basest of animal instincts. Human beings should be expected to act like animals rutting in the streets. They can't help themselves. Teach children that nope, they don't need to exercise any kind of self control at all.

And you wonder why people like you are called extremists. You take a statement, twist it to the most extreme possible interpretation, then blast that interpretation as completely ridiculous. Well of course it's ridiculous...the problem is, YOU are the one taking it there. I am amazed at how proudly you, KG, and Screeching Turkey display your ignorance.
And free contraceptives result in an INCREASE in teen pregnancy, STDs and abortion.

Go figure. Funny how that works.

Quote the documentation to support that ridiculous argument and provide links. Never in my life have I heard someone argue that rubbers INCREASE pregnancy and STDs. This ought to be good.
Don't we have more stds and more teen pregnancies today than we did before free contraception?

Why yes, we do! I've proved my point.
Santorum is right....contraceptives are dangerous to young women and girls because it leads to the "free sex" attitude, objectifying women,

And what about the women in society who insist on the use of contraception? Let me guess...they have Stockholm Syndrome right? I have never in my life heard such complete lunacy. Hell my wife is an evangelical christian and she's reading this and even SHE thinks you're a flaming fucking lunatic. :cuckoo:

Santorum is right....an organization like the Church that objects to contraceptives on moral grounds should NOT be forced to buy them....it's against the FIRST AMENDMENT.....

No one is arguing that they should dip shit....and Santorum wasn't making that argument either. What a fucking moron.
Don't we have more stds and more teen pregnancies today than we did before free contraception?

Why yes, we do! I've proved my point.

Actually....no we don't genius. Try doing some research on why people wore wigs during the Renaissance. it wasn't just for style. It was because syphilis was so widespread that people had no fucking hair. How common is syphilis these days? Oh it's there but nowhere near where it was then. STDs were absolutely rampant in ancient Egypt and Rome. The vast majority of the population had an STD. What unfuckingbelievable ignorance.

Furthermore, the only point you proved is the extreme degree of your stupidity. "Links to support an argument? KG no need no stinking links. She says it therefore it's gospel". Fucking dumb ass.
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Please direct oxygen to your brain and try to make sense.

Go back to a time before you started babbling about wigs and the Renaissance, please, and work forward from there.
Meanwhile, try reading:

Sex education initiatives are failing to control the spiralling teenage pregnancy crisis, ministers have admitted for the first time.

Every year, almost 50,000 girls under 18 fall pregnant, leading critics to claim that government-led efforts to encourage safer sex are backfiring. The number who conceive is at its highest level since a multi-million-pound teenage pregnancy crackdown almost a decade ago."

Government policies aimed at dealing with the problem have allowed girls to obtain standard contraceptive and morning-after pills at school, without the consent of their parents, while new proposals will allow them to go directly to pharmacists.
Last night, critics said that Labour's policies had backfired and made girls feel increasingly under pressure to become sexually active at a younger age. Others expressed fears that national targets were powerless in the face of a popular culture in which youth was increasingly sexualised.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust charity, said that the Government had allowed the "systematic removal of every restraint that used to act as a disincentive to under-age sex". There was no evidence that easy availability of contraception reduced teenage pregnancy rates, instead it added to pressure on young girls by normalising under-age sex, he said."

Sex education failing to halt teen pregnancy - Telegraph
We have a wealth of evidence, from both randomised trials and population-level studies, indicating that access to contraception has little if any impact on teenage pregnancy rates. To take one example, a 2007 Obstetrics and Gynecology review of the evidence relating to emergency contraception concluded that ‘to date, no study has shown that increased access to [emergency contraception] reduces unintended pregnancy or abortion rates’."

Does access to contraception raise teenage pregnancy rates? | Practice | Nursing Times
Well I read to page 23 of this thread. That's about all I'm going to read. And that's about all I have to say for this thread. :redface:
stopping those STUPID things is taking opinion to "its whackjob extreme"......?
so you think promoting promiscuity among our children is a GOOD thing.....?

Santorum is not out to take take away condoms or contraceptives away from any married couples or adult..

No. Projecting that anyone or everyone disagreeing with Santorum's stated opinions, must also agree with those whackjob extreme opinions is the stupid part.

"Contraceptives are dangerous to women and lead to a realm of sexuality that is just wrong."
Rick Santorum

"I would agree with him and advocate letting and organization deny something they found morally objectionable from their benefits package."
Rick Santorum

But of course, prescribing Viagra to SINGLE MEN doesn't lead to sin!

sorry but they are not "whackjob extreme positions".....ask any responsible parent....

Single men who need Viagra are already "dirty old men"....:lol:

Santorum is right....contraceptives are dangerous to young women and girls because it leads to the "free sex" attitude, objectifying women, and to DISEASE, ABORTION, FATHERLESS BABIES, SINGLE MOTHERHOOD, POVERTY, DEPENDENCY ON THE GOVERNMENT, ETC.

Santorum is right....an organization like the Church that objects to contraceptives on moral grounds should NOT be forced to buy them....it's against the FIRST AMENDMENT.....

I hate to interefe with some perfectly good whackjobbery but Santorum did not say contraceptives are dangerous to "young women and girls...", he said they are dangerous to ALL women. No nice try at dodging but well, oops. Those fact thingies are a bear, aren't they?

Oh, and he said it before the Catholic Church thing was even an issue, and not in reference to anyone having to buy anything. Just general whackjobbery on his part.
I love what Santorum just said in the Arizona debate. "I oppose contraception personally but I don't endorse a government fix for it....that's why I created Title XX to address contraception." In other words "I don't endorse government intervention that's why I created a government program to intervene." His own fucking words. Case closed.
Meanwhile, try reading:

Sex education initiatives are failing to control the spiralling teenage pregnancy crisis, ministers have admitted for the first time.

Every year, almost 50,000 girls under 18 fall pregnant, leading critics to claim that government-led efforts to encourage safer sex are backfiring. The number who conceive is at its highest level since a multi-million-pound teenage pregnancy crackdown almost a decade ago."

Government policies aimed at dealing with the problem have allowed girls to obtain standard contraceptive and morning-after pills at school, without the consent of their parents, while new proposals will allow them to go directly to pharmacists.
Last night, critics said that Labour's policies had backfired and made girls feel increasingly under pressure to become sexually active at a younger age. Others expressed fears that national targets were powerless in the face of a popular culture in which youth was increasingly sexualised.
Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust charity, said that the Government had allowed the "systematic removal of every restraint that used to act as a disincentive to under-age sex". There was no evidence that easy availability of contraception reduced teenage pregnancy rates, instead it added to pressure on young girls by normalising under-age sex, he said."

Sex education failing to halt teen pregnancy - Telegraph

uh huh...I am watching the debate then I am going to spend the rest of the evening with my wife. I will look at your blathering and continue to educate you in the morning.

But according to the Bible thumpers sex is a dirty, shameful, nasty act that will lead you straight to the pits of hell unless you are in the process of conceiving a child. What a narrow minded view of sexuality and it's that kind of attitude that is the cause for a lot of people lying on couches talking to a shrink in their adulthood.

The concept of teaching a strictly abstinence based curriculum requires that teens be taught to be ashamed of their sexuality. It tells them that they are wrong to feel the way they do, that they are wrong to indulge what their biology is telling them. You may as well be telling them they are wrong to be tired at the end of the night, or wrong to become hungry three times a day. Anyone who has the first clue about teenagers knows that you can't stop them from being hungry!

But remember we are dealing with a mentality that believes sexual desire is the lure of Satan. Satan gives us those feelings to drive us away from a holy life...or so they say. It doesn't matter how much evidence to the contrary you shove in their face....tricks of Satan they will screech and you and I are mere minions of the devil for believing in a natural, healthy sexuality.

Trying to stop teenagers from having sex is a fool hardy endeavor.

Nonsense...just ask Screeching Turkey.....all you have to do is take away their rubbers and they'll stop fucking. :cuckoo:

I thought the belief was that;
Sex is dirty, filthy and nasty and will send you straight to hell...and you must only do it with someone you really love...

But according to the Bible thumpers sex is a dirty, shameful, nasty act that will lead you straight to the pits of hell unless you are in the process of conceiving a child. What a narrow minded view of sexuality and it's that kind of attitude that is the cause for a lot of people lying on couches talking to a shrink in their adulthood.

But remember we are dealing with a mentality that believes sexual desire is the lure of Satan. Satan gives us those feelings to drive us away from a holy life...or so they say. It doesn't matter how much evidence to the contrary you shove in their face....tricks of Satan they will screech and you and I are mere minions of the devil for believing in a natural, healthy sexuality.

Trying to stop teenagers from having sex is a fool hardy endeavor.

Nonsense...just ask Screeching Turkey.....all you have to do is take away their rubbers and they'll stop fucking. :cuckoo:

I thought the belief was that;
Sex is dirty, filthy and nasty and will send you straight to hell...and you must only do it with someone you really love...

I dont know about BluePhantom.... but I had some fun w/o contraception after the debates.

It was'nt dirty.... it was'nt sinful.... it was AWESOME :happy-1:

Score one for The Infidel :D

Right on, right on, right on .....
But according to the Bible thumpers sex is a dirty, shameful, nasty act that will lead you straight to the pits of hell unless you are in the process of conceiving a child. What a narrow minded view of sexuality and it's that kind of attitude that is the cause for a lot of people lying on couches talking to a shrink in their adulthood.

But remember we are dealing with a mentality that believes sexual desire is the lure of Satan. Satan gives us those feelings to drive us away from a holy life...or so they say. It doesn't matter how much evidence to the contrary you shove in their face....tricks of Satan they will screech and you and I are mere minions of the devil for believing in a natural, healthy sexuality.

Nonsense...just ask Screeching Turkey.....all you have to do is take away their rubbers and they'll stop fucking. :cuckoo:

I thought the belief was that;
Sex is dirty, filthy and nasty and will send you straight to hell...and you must only do it with someone you really love...

I dont know about BluePhantom.... but I had some fun w/o contraception after the debates.

It was'nt dirty.... it was'nt sinful.... it was AWESOME :happy-1:

Score one for The Infidel :D

Right on, right on, right on .....

It wasn't dirty?
Where's the fun in that?!

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