Rick Scott proposes

Rick Scott is maybe the most unappealing public figure ever. Maybe one of you people can explain why anyone votes for this evil Disney animatronic robot ?

What’s that have to do with anything. It’s not a beauty pageant we are talking about.

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Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?


Just someone hoping for 5 minutes of fame riding on Trump's coattails.

Kinda like Romney, who needs to draw attention to himself?

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The Country is too divided. This is no time to be amending the Constitution.
It worked just fine in this shampeachment. Like McConnell said, our Senate provided the necessary firewall to effectively deal with this partisan impeachment!

But how much time did they waste on this nonsense? How much money did it cost the taxpayers?

Yes, the country is divided, and the divide will widen as time moves on. That's why it's really time to divide this country in half. Conservatives on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between will have to choose a side to live on.

What's the hurry?

Our imperfect Union will prevail.

I'm afraid it won't and the writing is on the wall.

They went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat Socialism--whatever the hell that is.

So how far are they away from just plain old Socialism, and then Communism?

The Democrat party is not going to stop going more left. If anything, they will go further left. So I say we can at least save half of the country before they destroy it. It's much better than losing the entire country.

Have faith in enough of your fellow Americans!
I did, and do, and it worked out well in 2016.

I don't know about that. Look at what we are talking about now--changing the Constitution, because one side is abusing the power to impeach.

It wasn't a full one.
The Constitution prevailed.
Rick Scott is maybe the most unappealing public figure ever. Maybe one of you people can explain why anyone votes for this evil Disney animatronic robot ?
What does that have to do with the topic?

The idea of any kind of constitutional amendment that further erodes Congressional power is stupid. I can't believe Rick Scott the corruption bot even mentioned it. He's stupid and it's a stupid idea.
How does it erode Congressional power? Congress still has the power. It just can't do it in partisan, half-assed fashion for bullshit reasons.

The Senate just voted to acquit for partisan half-assed bullshit reasons, you don't have a problem with that.

So you won’t be voting for Don again in 2020?

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Impeachment is partisan, you don't think the republicans now would investigate tramp do you. They just gave him carte blanche to do anything he darn well wants, even cheat in the election.

He’s gonna investigate the dims now. He never cheated in the election. It was them that tried to cheat.

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Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?


I can't believe it was ever made a simple majority in the first place. That just invites what we just went through. There is always a majority; they even have a majority leader, I think it ought to be at least 2/3rds like the senate to practically insure that it would be a bipartisan mutually agreed effort.

But lets hold off until we can impeach and convict us a few democrats first. And set new records for the speed in which it is done. :dev3:

View attachment 305105
After all the bitching about Fat Donnie's impeachment, from the fat ass himself, and all the Trumpsters, your true mirror image comes shining thru.

Sooo, I guess we can put you down for one vote for: YES I AM A STUPID LOSER DEMOCRAT.

Will see you in the fall (well, I won't, but the toe of my boot repeating kicking your ass in the elections will)
Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?


I can't believe it was ever made a simple majority in the first place. That just invites what we just went through. There is always a majority; they even have a majority leader, I think it ought to be at least 2/3rds like the senate to practically insure that it would be a bipartisan mutually agreed effort.

But lets hold off until we can impeach and convict us a few democrats first. And set new records for the speed in which it is done. :dev3:

View attachment 305105
After all the bitching about Fat Donnie's impeachment, from the fat ass himself, and all the Trumpsters, your true mirror image comes shining thru.

Your talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything.

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Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?


I can't believe it was ever made a simple majority in the first place. That just invites what we just went through. There is always a majority; they even have a majority leader, I think it ought to be at least 2/3rds like the senate to practically insure that it would be a bipartisan mutually agreed effort.

But lets hold off until we can impeach and convict us a few democrats first. And set new records for the speed in which it is done. :dev3:

View attachment 305105
After all the bitching about Fat Donnie's impeachment, from the fat ass himself, and all the Trumpsters, your true mirror image comes shining thru.

Your talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything.

Folks gotta go easy on the Left in this great time of crisis. They've just seen their greatest hope come back crashing on their own house like a 60 foot sequoia they cut the wrong side on. So expect a lot of bitter threads attacking Trump these next few weeks, because:




Our prisons would be empty if criminals got the breaks this trump asshole got. Kind of embarrassing for the USA to have so many republicans thinking he's anything but a con man and a lying thug.
Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?


I can't believe it was ever made a simple majority in the first place. That just invites what we just went through. There is always a majority; they even have a majority leader, I think it ought to be at least 2/3rds like the senate to practically insure that it would be a bipartisan mutually agreed effort.

But lets hold off until we can impeach and convict us a few democrats first. And set new records for the speed in which it is done. :dev3:

View attachment 305105
After all the bitching about Fat Donnie's impeachment, from the fat ass himself, and all the Trumpsters, your true mirror image comes shining thru.

Your talking a lot, but you’re not saying anything.

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Are you a real live cartoon character?
Our prisons would be empty if criminals got the breaks this trump asshole got. Kind of embarrassing for the USA to have so many republicans thinking he's anything but a con man and a lying thug.
You mean that Trumpsters emulate their leader? Just a little bit? Teeny bit?
Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?

A constitutional amendment to protect Trump? Good luck with that.
But he has all of those judges, doesn't he?
Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?

A constitutional amendment to protect Trump? Good luck with that.

A constitutional amendment to protect Trump?

Even if Trump is reelected, it won't pass all the needed requirements til after he's out of office.

It could be protecting Warren, Buttegeig, Booker, AOC, etc.
Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House

"Rick Scott Announces Constitutional Amendment Raising Impeachment Voting Threshold in the House"

Will we have to wait for Pelosi to leave her Speakers seat to get it started?

Will 2/3s of the states, and the needed majority of the House and Senate back it?

A constitutional amendment to protect Trump? Good luck with that.

Protect Trump? What do you think is going to happen next time your President gets in with a Republican House?

'Impeachment' became little more than a diversion w/Nixon, and further a golden handshake with Ford's pardon of him

It exists today only for political theater , so a failed governance along with it's failing system can focus public discontent, angst and anger

While they continue to rip us off


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