Ridiculous Palestinians Think They Can Guilt-trip Americans with "Islamaphobia" Moniker


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Once and for all > There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

Americans are being accused of being "anti-Muslim" and "hateful".
Yeah ? And so what, if we we ARE anti-Muslim, and hateful toward Islam ?
All of America (331 million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.

US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ? Hate against Islam is as it should be. Proper. Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance. That would mean accepting that Islam is supreme, in America, not the US Constitution. (Improper)

It would mean that many of Islam's basic tenets
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
are OK. NO, THEY'RE NOT. They are immoral and illegal.

Islamaphobia means an irrational fear of Islam. But fear of Islam is NOT irrational. Muslims have attacked and killed non Muslims, 270 Million for 1400 years. They continue to do so now, over and over again.
Just as normal self-defense, it is understandable for every country to have a policy to exterminate Islam 100%, and wipe it from the face of the earth.

The Constitution bans all supremacisms. Islam is the largest supremacism in the world. So it is banned by the Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - the Supremacy Clause.)

So all mosques should be closed. Korans should be removed from all public places. Seditionist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood should be banned.


And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), right arm of Hamas in the US.

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That's because the ones that call us all islamphobic or whatever nonsense are democrats and liberals.

And who do the muslims or Islam or whatever and so on love?

Islam should be treated as a scurge, like Nazism.
It is a threat to peace and freedom.

It's a invasive belief system. Like Buddhists conform to America and quietly do their own thing, muslims are the opposite. They demand America conform to them and they do not keep their beliefs to themselves.
This is what you get when you argue your antiquated ancient beliefs are somehow better than the other guys set of antiquated ancient beliefs for thousands of years
That's because the ones that call us all islamphobic or whatever nonsense are democrats and liberals.

And who do the muslims or Islam or whatever and so on love?

It's a invasive belief system. Like Buddhists conform to America and quietly do their own thing, muslims are the opposite. They demand America conform to them and they do not keep their beliefs to themselves.

And schools are too puny and punky to teach about it. I saw a video where college kids were asked if they knew about Islamization. They couldn't even describe what the word means.
There is reason for Americans (especially women) to be very concerned about the Islamic growth in America.
These people will never assimilate, and in fact they will force you to assimilate to them!

Huge, HUGE, mistake this country has made and continues to make in allowing immigration from Islamic nations!!!!!!!!
Once and for all > There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

Americans are being accused of being "anti-Muslim" and "hateful".
Yeah ? And so what, if we we ARE anti-Muslim, and hateful toward Islam ?
All of America (331 million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.

US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ? Hate against Islam is as it should be. Proper. Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance. That would mean accepting that Islam is supreme, in America, not the US Constitution. (Improper)

It would mean that many of Islam's basic tenets
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
are OK. NO, THEY'RE NOT. They are immoral and illegal.

Islamaphobia means an irrational fear of Islam. But fear of Islam is NOT irrational. Muslims have attacked and killed non Muslims, 270 Million for 1400 years. They continue to do so now, over and over again.
Just as normal self-defense, it is understandable for every country to have a policy to exterminate Islam 100%, and wipe it from the face of the earth.

The Constitution bans all supremacisms. Islam is the largest supremacism in the world. So it is banned by the Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - the Supremacy Clause.)

So all mosques should be closed. Korans should be removed from all public places. Seditionist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood should be banned.


And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), right arm of Hamas in the US.

While it is true that Afghanistan, for example, has a lot of intolerant laws all we have to do is look at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab rates which are home to incredible wealth and prosperity. They are some of the safest countries around. Unlike America, which is filled with crime and drug use and all sorts of filth.

Also, a lot of the Quran is based on the old testament and Jewish law. But there’s always counter arguments to the idea that certain passages are violent or something like that. I don’t have the counter arguments with me, but many people do.

In any event, the main point is that look at the USA today look at all the vandalism, radical feminism, and crime we have. Not that many people are going to church in the United States. Church attendance is at an all-time low. Divorce rates at an all-time high. Children born out of blood at an all-time high and there are many problems in America that did not exist in our country in the middle 20th century when we had a much better society.

Also, Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries are allied, especially after the Abraham Accord.
Once and for all > There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

Americans are being accused of being "anti-Muslim" and "hateful".
Yeah ? And so what, if we we ARE anti-Muslim, and hateful toward Islam ?
All of America (331 million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.

US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ? Hate against Islam is as it should be. Proper. Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance. That would mean accepting that Islam is supreme, in America, not the US Constitution. (Improper)

It would mean that many of Islam's basic tenets
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
are OK. NO, THEY'RE NOT. They are immoral and illegal.

Islamaphobia means an irrational fear of Islam. But fear of Islam is NOT irrational. Muslims have attacked and killed non Muslims, 270 Million for 1400 years. They continue to do so now, over and over again.
Just as normal self-defense, it is understandable for every country to have a policy to exterminate Islam 100%, and wipe it from the face of the earth.

The Constitution bans all supremacisms. Islam is the largest supremacism in the world. So it is banned by the Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - the Supremacy Clause.)

So all mosques should be closed. Korans should be removed from all public places. Seditionist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood should be banned.


And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), right arm of Hamas in the US.


I think there’s two types of Muslims that are problematic. Those in the west, who are trying to emulate what they believe is a very conservative strict and sometimes violent understanding of Islam. And those so-called John in Syria and Iraq, who oppose the Arab nationalism, who support a very strict right wing religious conservative form of Islam.

But then there are huge numbers of Muslims, who are traditional Arab nationalists who live in countries like Saudi Arabia or the United Arab rates, and these are people with traditional family values will oppose abortion, who oppose radical feminism, who oppose BLM and other forms of left-wing ideology. But they are also totally fine with Christianity as evidenced by Century Arab nationalism, which brought together Arabs of all religions, including Judaism. So there’s a ton of nuance to this conversation.
Once and for all > There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

Americans are being accused of being "anti-Muslim" and "hateful".
Yeah ? And so what, if we we ARE anti-Muslim, and hateful toward Islam ?
All of America (331 million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.

US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ? Hate against Islam is as it should be. Proper. Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance. That would mean accepting that Islam is supreme, in America, not the US Constitution. (Improper)

It would mean that many of Islam's basic tenets
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
are OK. NO, THEY'RE NOT. They are immoral and illegal.

Islamaphobia means an irrational fear of Islam. But fear of Islam is NOT irrational. Muslims have attacked and killed non Muslims, 270 Million for 1400 years. They continue to do so now, over and over again.
Just as normal self-defense, it is understandable for every country to have a policy to exterminate Islam 100%, and wipe it from the face of the earth.

The Constitution bans all supremacisms. Islam is the largest supremacism in the world. So it is banned by the Constitution (Article 6, Clause 2 - the Supremacy Clause.)

So all mosques should be closed. Korans should be removed from all public places. Seditionist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood should be banned.


And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), right arm of Hamas in the US.


Hassan Al Banna was a reactionary to Zionism. His teachings are outlawed in Arabia and most of the Muslim world.
While it is true that Afghanistan, for example, has a lot of intolerant laws all we have to do is look at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab rates which are home to incredible wealth and prosperity. They are some of the safest countries around. Unlike America, which is filled with crime and drug use and all sorts of filth.

Also, a lot of the Quran is based on the old testament and Jewish law. But there’s always counter arguments to the idea that certain passages are violent or something like that. I don’t have the counter arguments with me, but many people do.

In any event, the main point is that look at the USA today look at all the vandalism, radical feminism, and crime we have. Not that many people are going to church in the United States. Church attendance is at an all-time low. Divorce rates at an all-time high. Children born out of blood at an all-time high and there are many problems in America that did not exist in our country in the middle 20th century when we had a much better society.

Also, Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries are allied, especially after the Abraham Accord.

The Abraham Accords have already failed.

Qatar established unofficial trade relations with the State of Israel in 1996, the first amongst all nations of the Arabian Peninsula after Oman reportedly did, concurrently with Israel–Jordan peace treaty. Until 2009, Qatar and Israel maintained trade relations, but due to Operation Cast Lead, Qatar broke the trade with Israel.
While it is true that Afghanistan, for example, has a lot of intolerant laws all we have to do is look at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab rates which are home to incredible wealth and prosperity. They are some of the safest countries around. Unlike America, which is filled with crime and drug use and all sorts of filth.

Also, a lot of the Quran is based on the old testament and Jewish law. But there’s always counter arguments to the idea that certain passages are violent or something like that. I don’t have the counter arguments with me, but many people do.

In any event, the main point is that look at the USA today look at all the vandalism, radical feminism, and crime we have. Not that many people are going to church in the United States. Church attendance is at an all-time low. Divorce rates at an all-time high. Children born out of blood at an all-time high and there are many problems in America that did not exist in our country in the middle 20th century when we had a much better society.

Also, Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries are allied, especially after the Abraham Accord.

The Abraham Accords have failed. But the Arab countries will continue as they have. A Saudi Arab would tell you that they value peace and a civil society.
The Abraham Accords have already failed.

Qatar established unofficial trade relations with the State of Israel in 1996, the first amongst all nations of the Arabian Peninsula after Oman reportedly did, concurrently with Israel–Jordan peace treaty. Until 2009, Qatar and Israel maintained trade relations, but due to Operation Cast Lead, Qatar broke the trade with Israel.
Fairpoint with regard to the Abraham accords, it was at the very least a sign of a positive development. I recall a pro Israel/Jewish poster here being delighted about going to visit the United Arab Emirates after the accords. Whether or not they could visit before is a moot point but rather the main point is this Jewish person felt happy and delighted at the accords. And had a very positive embrace of a Muslim country, which is interesting.

Furthermore, as somebody who has spent multiple years working at an islamic school, having the chance to meet tons of Muslims from all over the world including the Arab world….. I can safely say that much of the pro Palestinian protests would be rejected by Muslims from the east. Another words it is crystal clear that there is a left-wing element to pro Palestinian protests in the USA in other words they are inclusive of radical LGBT people and it seems like many of them are led by feminist women not just feminist but extreme feminists to believe in BLM and the whole “believe all women. “

The other point is Palestine and Israel really should not be a topic of interest for America. Not with our high inflation and crime issues. Along with depression issues among the youth. In more civilized countries of the world like Singapore there is no prop Palestine or Ukraine protests.

And so there is a gigantic misunderstanding of the situation from both sides. Meaning that from the right wing, they don’t understand or they ignore that the pro Palestinian protest in the USA are highly inclusive of radical left-wing elements. And the left wing American who is probPalestine doesn’t understand or ignores that much of the Eastern Islamic world whether it be the Arab world, Indonesia, or Pakistan is supportive of traditional family values. In other words they reject Abortion, they reject BLM and they reject left-wing politics and they embrace common sense just like a traditional Christian would.
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Fairpoint with regard to the Abraham accords, it was at the very least a sign of a positive development. I recall a pro Israel/Jewish poster here being delighted about going to visit the United Arab Emirates after the accords.

Furthermore, as somebody who has spent multiple years working at an islamic school, having the chance to meet tons of Muslims from all over the world, including the Arab world….. I can safely say that much of the prop Palestinian protests would be rejected by Muslims from the east. Another words it is crystal clear that there is a left-wing element to pro Palestinian protests and other words they are inclusive of radical LGBT people and it seems like many of them are led by feminist women not just feminist but extreme feminists to believe in BLM and the whole “believe all women. “

And so there is a gigantic misunderstanding of the situation from both sides. Meaning that from the right wing, they don’t understand or they ignore that the pro Palestinian protest in the USA are highly inclusive of radical left-wing elements. And the wing in Palestine doesn’t understand or that much of the Eastern Islamic world whether it be the Arab world, Indonesia, or Pakistan is supportive of traditional family values. In other words they reject Abortion, they reject BLM and they reject left-wing politics and they embrace common sense just like a traditional Christian.

Yes, it's sad and disappointing.

I was so happy and excited in 2003 with the Saudi Peace Initiative.

Ariel Sharon mocked it.
Yes, it's sad and disappointing.

I was so happy and excited in 2003 with the Saudi Peace Initiative.

Ariel Sharon mocked it.
That is interesting and something that was probably before my time.

The main point I would like to make is there is a ton of nuance with it comes to discussing things like Islam or Judaism …. but the simplistic lazy viewpoint is to suggest that such religions are evil. And no way am I trying to imply that the original poster is lazy. Protectionist put a lot of time and detailed effort into his posts and he is a very knowledgeable person. But there are those in this topic outside this thread who have a very simplistic understanding whether it is to view that Islam is amazing or that Islam is an evil religion. There is little time or effort put into their views

Also before October 7, I felt that a lot of great things were happening with regards to a positive development between Israel and the so-called Muslim world. Obviously there were already positive elements point out, but it seem like things were getting even better until October 7 occurred. Which is why therefore people in Israel and even conservatives in America like Charlie Kirk Have suggested that the IDF may have given a stand down order to allow October 7 to occur. That attack needs to be one of the most studied things in the history of Israel, how it was somehow able to happen in the most monitored area of the world is mind-boggling.

What we all know is that there has been a massive political/military response from Israel in regards to October 7. it has provided them with a justification in their eyes to do whatever they want in Gaza. And nobody in the world, including Muslim countries are doing anything to stop it. It’s not like there is any kind of an army that is able or wants to launch a counterattack into Tel Aviv. It’s not a war between Palestine and Israel. This is a completely one-sided military operation by Israel.

One poll suggest that only 10% of Palestinian support Hamas… Ron Paul has suggested that was created by maintained by Israel as a counter to the more secular nature of Arab Palestinian resistance to Israel, historically speaking. The whole reason was to get western people to stop supporting Palestinians … after all if Hamas is a intolerant theocratic group, they would lose support from the more secular west.
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That is interesting and something that was probably before my time.

The main point I would like to make is there is a ton of nuance with it comes to discussing things like Islam or Judaism …. but the simplistic lazy viewpoint is to suggest that such religions are evil. And no way am I trying to imply that the original poster is lazy.

Protectionist put a lot of time and detailed effort into his posts and he is a very knowledgeable person. But there are those in this topic outside this thread who have a very simplistic understanding whether it is to view that Islam is amazing or that Islam is an evil religion. There is little time or effort put into their views

Also before October 7, I felt that a lot of great things were happening with regards to a positive development between Israel and the so-called Muslim world.

Obviously there were already positive elements point out, but it seem like things were getting even better until October 7 occurred. Which is why therefore people in Israel and even conservatives in America like Charlie Kirk Have suggested that the IDF may have given a stand down order to allow October 7 to occur. That attack needs to be one of the most studied things in the history of Israel, how it was somehow able to happen in the most monitored area of the world is mind-boggling.

What we all know is that there has been a massive political/military response from Israel in regards to October 7. it has provided them with a justification in their eyes to do whatever they want in Gaza. And nobody in the world, including Muslim countries are doing anything to stop it. It’s not like there is any kind of an army that is able or wants to launch a counterattack into Tel Aviv. It’s not a war between Palestine and Israel. This is a completely one-sided military operation by Israel.

One poll suggest that only 10% of Palestinian support Hamas… Ron Paul has suggested that was created by maintained by Israel as a counter to the more secular nature of Arab Palestinian resistance to Israel, historically speaking.

The whole reason was to get western people to stop supporting Palestinians … after all if Hamas is a intolerant theocratic group, they would lose support from the more secular west.

You're spot on. Israel doesn't want a 2 state solution.
This is what you get when you argue your antiquated ancient beliefs are somehow better than the other guys set of antiquated ancient beliefs for thousands of years
As a life long atheist, I can see that Christians are FAR better than muslims. Muslims fucking suck everywhere you find them in the world. Nothing but fucking trouble.
As a life long atheist, I can see that Christians are FAR better than muslims. Muslims fucking suck everywhere you find them in the world. Nothing but fucking trouble.

Where have you been in the Muslim world?

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