Right Wingers are a "fascinating" bunch

Don't you just love it when
Left wing nut jobs like the OP try to tell us how to win elections? Stupid shits.
Hey, reality is a bitch. By 2050, whites won't be a majority, your older voter base Is dieing off, the GOP has fucking trump leading..

Dumbass. I've heard this since I was 18 years old. I even said it back then. The truth is that young people start off as Democrats but as they get smarter, more experienced, and have families they become conservatives. Of course there are those who never grow up and remain Democrats. You can't fix stupid.
Yeah, which explains the amount of people who weren't teenagers who voted democrat and the elected officials who are democrats.. Yes, I know you heard it, and it's been happening, the population trend is clear.
too bad that whole "first" this or that was more important to you Progressives than the needs and welfare of this country

According to that half brain of yours "progressive policies" and the "welfare of the country" are mutually exclusive?

Let me ask you what the opposite of the definition of progressive is? (without a dictionary, please)
The Democrats care enough to actually get some of their promises enacted in the last 7 years....OBL is dead, Obamacare is a reality....equal gay rights is a reality. So...since that awesome GOP victory in 2014...what has YOUR party done?

Well, in fairness, the GOP-led Senate did inform me of the true meaning of "Green Eggs and Ham"
Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

Certainly entitled to your opinion but NOT your set of facts:

A new Gallup poll released Monday (8/24) found that 65 percent of Hispanic voters say they have an unfavorable view of Trump, compared with 14 percent who view him favorably— yielding him a net favorable score of -51, well below any other presidential candidate.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/08/donald-trump-hispanic-favorability-121690#ixzz3kUxgl0sH
Odd...I don't feel like I "own black people" at all.

There is a hefty dose of latent racism among some on the right to even claim that anyone could be "owned."......Do right wingers "own" tea sippers?
Don't you just love it when
Left wing nut jobs like the OP try to tell us how to win elections? Stupid shits.
Actually....the OP knows you won't listen. So, it's just fun to point at you and laugh.

how'd we get the House, Senate, and a majority of Governor's chairs leftard?
Oh...I don't deny you did....now, what has the GOP done with that victory? Tell us.

"obstructed" several hundred billion in spending obama/dems wanted

So...that helped you? How?
It isn't the one with two old, rich, white, career politician dudes with tired old ideas, Bernie and Hillary.

Again, check your facts before spewing:

Sanders’ estimated net worth, $330,507, makes him one of the nation’s poorest senators, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Odd...I don't feel like I "own black people" at all.

There is a hefty dose of latent racism among some on the right to even claim that anyone could be "owned."......Do right wingers "own" tea sippers?
Maybe....but I don't buy into the "anyone who opposes Obama is a racist" meme.....just like I don't buy into "anyone who opposed Palin was a sexist" meme.
Do you know what alienates blacks and Latinos faster than any republican policy? A economic policy that causes at Least 10 %. Unemployment for them. Eventually they, like everyone else, will figure this out. All we have to wait.

Well, blacks may review the stellar performance of a GOP-led congress whose elected members ran on a platform of "jobs, jobs, jobs".....Could you name the jobs bills that republicans have passed through congress for WH approval?
Maybe....but I don't buy into the "anyone who opposes Obama is a racist" meme.....just like I don't buy into "anyone who opposed Palin was a sexist" meme.

Agreed.....I just have a problem with ANYONE stating that other people can be "owned".
Wow one of each in how many years?

Just a tiny bit more than your party, I think.
Uh let's see both have nominated a woman for Vice President on the Republican side right now Ben Carson right on Trumps heels so yeah very tiny bit more.
Yes....I want to see how far Carson gets on the GOP side. Do you think he will get farther than Cain?
Yeah I do I don't think he will get nomination I don't think either party will nominate someone for President who has never held any elected office. It will be interesting to see how Carson handles the increased media attention that comes with rising in the polls.
Maybe the implied questions in the O/P were confusing to the "confused".

More explicitly I would ask my right wing friends on here this:

1. What has the GOP done to widen that party tent to include more minorities and women?

2. If you once stated that McCain and Romney lost because they were "NOT conservative" enough, why does your party have as the leading candidate a Trump who is pro-choice and pro-tax increases?
Well, sometimes the term "fascinating" is a euphemism for "confused", and here's why:

1. For the last 20plus years I've heard republicans often state that the GOP must adopt a "bigger-tent" approach, to include the ever-growing non-white constituency of voters......

....and indeed the above would be a wise strategy....BUT what do they do instead?

....they alienate, Latinos, Hispanics, Blacks, the GLTB communities, pro-choice women, etc.

2. We have also heard after the last 2 presidential election cycles that right wingers' post-mortem analyses were that the GOP candidates (McCain and Romney) were just NOT conservative enough........So, what do they do?

.......they back up the most "left-leaning" candidate among the 17 or so GOP candidates ......our beloved Trump.

Go figure....I'm indeed "fascinated."
Some believe in the big tent some don't. The Republican Party is a mess there is no doubt about that.
Maybe the implied questions in the O/P were confusing to the "confused".

More explicitly I would ask my right wing friends on here this:

1. What has the GOP done to widen that party tent to include more minorities and women?

2. If you once stated that McCain and Romney lost because they were "NOT conservative" enough, why does your party have as the leading candidate a Trump who is pro-choice and pro-tax increases?

Can't get more wide than having Hispanic's,Black and a Woman presidental candidiate.
It's the left who has one woman and the rest white.
Trump is pro life and he wants to reform the U.S. tax code which it really needs to be.
Maybe the implied questions in the O/P were confusing to the "confused".

More explicitly I would ask my right wing friends on here this:

1. What has the GOP done to widen that party tent to include more minorities and women?

2. If you once stated that McCain and Romney lost because they were "NOT conservative" enough, why does your party have as the leading candidate a Trump who is pro-choice and pro-tax increases?

Can't get more wide than having Hispanic's,Black and a Woman presidental candidiate.
It's the left who has one woman and the rest white.
Trump is pro life and he wants to reform the U.S. tax code which it really needs to be.

Oh no you let all the air out of the OP's thread you big meanie. :laugh:
Maybe the implied questions in the O/P were confusing to the "confused".

More explicitly I would ask my right wing friends on here this:

1. What has the GOP done to widen that party tent to include more minorities and women?

2. If you once stated that McCain and Romney lost because they were "NOT conservative" enough, why does your party have as the leading candidate a Trump who is pro-choice and pro-tax increases?

Can't get more wide than having Hispanic's,Black and a Woman presidental candidiate.
It's the left who has one woman and the rest white.
Trump is pro life and he wants to reform the U.S. tax code which it really needs to be.
Are you suggesting we RECRUIT blacks as candidates? I thought it was for people who want to run for President.

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