Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

If humanitarianism is driving the fierce urgency of now, then why isn't Obama equally concerned about Coptic Christians in Egypt, the victims in Darfur, the state owned slaves in North Korea....

Who has claimed that "humanitarianism is driving the fierce urgency"?

No one.

The rationale is the use of CW.

That was indeed Obumbler's red line. But in the process, Assad has slaughtered in the hundreds. Putting aside the mechanism of the slaughter, there have been thousands upon thousand slaughtered in Africa, with no official U.S. action to stop it.

So, it would seem to be that your concern, and Obumbler's concern, is that the mechanism of death of a thousand to two thousand is chemical weapons whereas the slaughter of maybe 200,000 or more in the Darfur region only involved starvation and regular weapons?

Am I the only one seeing something wrong with this picture you guys are trying to draw?
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

A Democratic President is in office.

He's now in a second term.

Things were supposed to be different.

They're not and that's why you're asking Republicans.


You make your the other sides point.


Things are completely different.

  • He got us out of Iraq
  • He killed Osama bin Laden
  • He went from losing 750,000 jobs per month under Bush to 43 straight months of growth
  • He turned the stock market from 6,000 to 15,000
  • He's getting us out of Afghanistan

I don't for a second believe Obama wants to use force, but sometimes the integrity of the United States Of America must be upheld. Not Obama's integrity with his red line comment - the country's. This has been a red line since 1925.

We've already violated the Geneva Conventions under Bush - are we going to totally disregard them from this point on?

If we do, be ready for CW attacks in the U.S., because that's something that can be snuck into this country a hell of a lot easier than conventional explosives.
No, I wasn't, for the simple reason that it was never proven that Saddam had WMDs in 2003. It was all intel-based.

Not so in Syria, where chemicals have already been used.

But I am asking for Right-Wing rationales, not Liberals. Right-Wingers were perfectly fine with Bush's assertion of WMDs.

What's different now? (oil, oil, oil)

You are an even bigger moron than I previously thought. What do you think Saddam gased the Kurds with? His farts? Dumbass.
You mean back in 1988, while Bush The Greater was POTUS, and did nothing?

What does that have to do with 2003? That wasn't Bush The Lesser's reasoning for invading. It was all about "mushroom clouds" and "Yellowcake".



Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
If Obumbler's "concern" with pinhead Assad is that Assad has CW, and has "used" CW, and that Assad's CW supply is a form of wmd that can be brought to our shores more easily than conventional explosives, then why would Obumbler be giving Assad all this lead-up time before striking?

When Saddam got plenty of prior notice, he moved his stash.

Obumbler is incapable of learning from history?

Or does he merely have a different agenda?
You are not answering my question, Sherry.

Why aren't RW-ers supporting a strike on Syria?

Obviously, they supported striking Iraq, otherwise Congressional Republicans wouldn't have authorized it.

If the UN inspector reports say that Assad used gas, will you support a strike?

Yes, I did. You asked for the differences that would lead to such rationale. I listed them. Our intervention in Iraq didn't happen overnight. The Bush admin had to build their case. Obama has not been successful to this point in accomplishing that goal. BTW, if this is all designed for you to make RWer's look like hypocrites, be careful...because right now, the left doesn't have a leg to stand on in that regard if they are supporting this action.

OK, if you are arguing that the whole case has not yet been made, by Obama, by the inspectors, etc., then I agree.

But once the case has been made, and it's been proven that it was the government that used the gas, the Right-Wingers no longer have a reason to oppose, based on THEIR rationale for Iraq.

As for the Left:


Pretty lopsided.

I'm not arguing anything...you asked about the differences and I simply outlined them. If your question was predicated on what are the differences if the situation changes, then you should have made that clear in your opening post.
Synth man or woman, thinks we should kill more kids to preserve our "integrity". Well first of all, synth girl needs to look up the definition of "integrity" because the U.S. government has none.
Am I a right winger?

You have no proof that Assad has used Sarin so you can fuck off from the get go.
Putin is so maxxed though he's already saying point blank that he will give Assad whatever he needs.

Any one ever seen a Russian President give it a go like this ever? ever?
If Obumbler's "concern" with pinhead Assad is that Assad has CW, and has "used" CW, and that Assad's CW supply is a form of wmd that can be brought to our shores more easily than conventional explosives, then why would Obumbler be giving Assad all this lead-up time before striking?

When Saddam got plenty of prior notice, he moved his stash.

Obumbler is incapable of learning from history?

Or does he merely have a different agenda?
History repeats...Odumbo is allowing it by bluster.

He is such a fuckup...and WE will pay the price in trust. I am PISSED he is doing this to us.
If Obumbler's "concern" with pinhead Assad is that Assad has CW, and has "used" CW, and that Assad's CW supply is a form of wmd that can be brought to our shores more easily than conventional explosives, then why would Obumbler be giving Assad all this lead-up time before striking?

When Saddam got plenty of prior notice, he moved his stash.

Obumbler is incapable of learning from history?

Or does he merely have a different agenda?
History repeats...Odumbo is allowing it by bluster.

He is such a fuckup...and WE will pay the price in trust. I am PISSED he is doing this to us.

Hold the table steady. You have to remember that Putin is the best poker player on the planet.
There's nothing different.

We should not have invaded Iraq and we should not bomb Syria.
I believe we shouldn't have invaded Iraq because it was pre-emptive.

In Syria, Assad has already used CW.

You see no difference?
Obama pulled US out of Iraq prematurely...and NOW a hotbed for al-quaeda terrorism. WHY are you such a denier of truth?
Putin is so maxxed though he's already saying point blank that he will give Assad whatever he needs.

Any one ever seen a Russian President give it a go like this ever? ever?
Nope in the old days of Reagan? It was covert...Putin is out in the open. And laughing his ass off at US.

I half expect Putin to pat Obama on the head , spin him around, and give him a little push toward home.....
If Obumbler's "concern" with pinhead Assad is that Assad has CW, and has "used" CW, and that Assad's CW supply is a form of wmd that can be brought to our shores more easily than conventional explosives, then why would Obumbler be giving Assad all this lead-up time before striking?

When Saddam got plenty of prior notice, he moved his stash.

Obumbler is incapable of learning from history?

Or does he merely have a different agenda?
History repeats...Odumbo is allowing it by bluster.

He is such a fuckup...and WE will pay the price in trust. I am PISSED he is doing this to us.

Hold the table steady. You have to remember that Putin is the best poker player on the planet.
And that's the other part that I am pissed about. I am rooting for a known Communist KGB acolyte from the Cold War...that I want to see call Obama's BLUFF.

MY the Tables turn...
Putin is so maxxed though he's already saying point blank that he will give Assad whatever he needs.

Any one ever seen a Russian President give it a go like this ever? ever?
Nope in the old days of Reagan? It was covert...Putin is out in the open. And laughing his ass off at US.

I half expect Putin to pat Obama on the head , spin him around, and give him a little push toward home.....
A swift kick in the ass would be better. ;)

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