Rightwing ideology: big on emotion, little on facts and critical thinking

The Keystone XL pipeline was denied by Obama based on emotion rather than facts.

High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing is regulated by emotion, not facts.

Witness the New York State ban. Witness the Federal Regulations regarding same.

You got it backwards, Billy Bub. Fuck you.

The entire anti gun movement in the democrat party is based on emotions not fact.....the truth, reality, facts and statistics are all on the side of the 2nd Amendment...emotion....that is how the democrats treat guns...when they aren't tryiing to get elected....
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Yes....the Tea Party who believes in the Bill of Rights...all of them, individual liberty and limited government...

vs. the radical muslim terrorist who believes in none of those things...

but the two photos are used to create....emotion and not truth....so thanks for playing....and thanks for showing that it is the democrats who deal with hate and emotion....moron....

You are a blind asshole and just don't get it. I will spell it out for you ok...

Both feel using their religion and having a gun to kill is justified ...

Edited to add: And That's a Fact Jack!
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They are big on negative emotion, fear especially, scare tactics have worked so well on them for so long that optimism makes them angry.

Cause the democrats aren't trying to scare the elderly by saying republicans are going to take away their social security. And aren't trying to scare women with their b.s. war on women campaign. And aren't trying to scare minorities with talk of Jim crow laws that democrats put on the books and blame republicans for. They aren't trying to scare people with non existent global warming.

There isn't a single issue that democrats arent arguing with fear.
Republicans Will at least cripple SS if given the chance.
Republicans Are on the wrong side of every women's issue.
Republicans Are on the wrong side of every minority issue.
Republicans Are rejecting science itself.
There are lots of things to fear if Republicans get back the power to pass their agenda but the difference is that liberals are optimists and do respond favorably to optimism and optimistic people. We might talk of what we fear but we vote with our hope and we do not fear the future.
It's for the CHILDREN, dammit!
ANother troll fail thread from the densest poster on this board.
Yes....the Tea Party who believes in the Bill of Rights...all of them, individual liberty and limited government...

vs. the radical muslim terrorist who believes in none of those things...

but the two photos are used to create....emotion and not truth....so thanks for playing....and thanks for showing that it is the democrats who deal with hate and emotion....moron....
If the "bagger nation" cared so much about the Bill of Rights, how come I don't see them protesting against the Patriot and Military Commisions Acts? Because those two pieces of legislation have made the Bill of Rights null and void.

And yeah, they believe in limited government, except when it comes to gay marriage, a woman's right to choose and minority voters. Then they're all about government being up in your face (and a woman's uterus).

That's not emotion, those are facts.
rightwinger made a great thread about how badass the rightwing politicians want to come across by each of them having photos of them shooting guns. It reminded me of just how emotional the rightwing ideology is. Republican politicians focus on style and symbolism to promote their presidency. Rather than simply saying "I support the 2nd amendment", they resort to going out of their way to show them shooting guns in photos/videos. They think it creates some sort of mystique for their base and they are kind of right. See, rather than the republican base being interested in actual polices their ideal candidate would tout, they instead want to see propaganda like crap. For we all know those candidates held those guns as long as it took to take the photos.

Seriously how are those photos any different from what Putin was trying to do with riding shirtless on horseback? It's all about machismo. The republican/Putin base love that machismo shit. There aren't any pesky facts and policies to memorize. It's all idolization.

Just to be clear, democrats favor gun ownership. The difference is you don't see a shitload of dems posing with guns. Sure Obama has one, but at least he didn't try to make it part of his election campaign like pubs do.

So the other crap republicans rely on are flowery speeches about freedom, the constitution, and good ole' warm American apple pie! It's all fluff and no substance. They are either going on and on about how much they love America, or they are bitching about Obama. They don't offer any substantial policies. It's all emotion. That's what their base prefers.

What's Ted Cruz's plan for becoming president besides gutting ObamaCare and lowering taxes on the wealthy? NOTHING. Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?
Why is every one of your posts are pure projection, mixed in with demagoguery?
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rightwinger made a great thread about how badass the rightwing politicians want to come across by each of them having photos of them shooting guns. It reminded me of just how emotional the rightwing ideology is. Republican politicians focus on style and symbolism to promote their presidency. Rather than simply saying "I support the 2nd amendment", they resort to going out of their way to show them shooting guns in photos/videos. They think it creates some sort of mystique for their base and they are kind of right. See, rather than the republican base being interested in actual polices their ideal candidate would tout, they instead want to see propaganda like crap. For we all know those candidates held those guns as long as it took to take the photos.

Seriously how are those photos any different from what Putin was trying to do with riding shirtless on horseback? It's all about machismo. The republican/Putin base love that machismo shit. There aren't any pesky facts and policies to memorize. It's all idolization.

Just to be clear, democrats favor gun ownership. The difference is you don't see a shitload of dems posing with guns. Sure Obama has one, but at least he didn't try to make it part of his election campaign like pubs do.

So the other crap republicans rely on are flowery speeches about freedom, the constitution, and good ole' warm American apple pie! It's all fluff and no substance. They are either going on and on about how much they love America, or they are bitching about Obama. They don't offer any substantial policies. It's all emotion. That's what their base prefers.

What's Ted Cruz's plan for becoming president besides gutting ObamaCare and lowering taxes on the wealthy? NOTHING. Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?

Why is it only Republicans posed holding guns????

Only Putin posed shirtless?


rightwinger made a great thread about how badass the rightwing politicians want to come across by each of them having photos of them shooting guns. It reminded me of just how emotional the rightwing ideology is. Republican politicians focus on style and symbolism to promote their presidency. Rather than simply saying "I support the 2nd amendment", they resort to going out of their way to show them shooting guns in photos/videos. They think it creates some sort of mystique for their base and they are kind of right. See, rather than the republican base being interested in actual polices their ideal candidate would tout, they instead want to see propaganda like crap. For we all know those candidates held those guns as long as it took to take the photos.

Seriously how are those photos any different from what Putin was trying to do with riding shirtless on horseback? It's all about machismo. The republican/Putin base love that machismo shit. There aren't any pesky facts and policies to memorize. It's all idolization.

Just to be clear, democrats favor gun ownership. The difference is you don't see a shitload of dems posing with guns. Sure Obama has one, but at least he didn't try to make it part of his election campaign like pubs do.

So the other crap republicans rely on are flowery speeches about freedom, the constitution, and good ole' warm American apple pie! It's all fluff and no substance. They are either going on and on about how much they love America, or they are bitching about Obama. They don't offer any substantial policies. It's all emotion. That's what their base prefers.

What's Ted Cruz's plan for becoming president besides gutting ObamaCare and lowering taxes on the wealthy? NOTHING. Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?
Your side is desperate because you know you don't have a viable candidate for POTUS....So you're on the attack.
you have nothing in which to support. So you resort to screeching about what you oppose.
Hillary is a viable candidate. The only one I'll admit. Repubs have no one.

So why the mad scramble to find a replacement?
They are big on negative emotion, fear especially, scare tactics have worked so well on them for so long that optimism makes them angry.

Cause the democrats aren't trying to scare the elderly by saying republicans are going to take away their social security. And aren't trying to scare women with their b.s. war on women campaign. And aren't trying to scare minorities with talk of Jim crow laws that democrats put on the books and blame republicans for. They aren't trying to scare people with non existent global warming.

There isn't a single issue that democrats arent arguing with fear.
Republicans Will at least cripple SS if given the chance.
Republicans Are on the wrong side of every women's issue.
Republicans Are on the wrong side of every minority issue.
Republicans Are rejecting science itself.
There are lots of things to fear if Republicans get back the power to pass their agenda but the difference is that liberals are optimists and do respond favorably to optimism and optimistic people. We might talk of what we fear but we vote with our hope and we do not fear the future.

Yup, if Republicans get back in the Whitehouse life as we know it will end - Nancy Pelosi

Nope, Democrats never use irrational fear tactics to win elections... Democrats never throw out the race card...Democrats never told us Republicans want to push Granny off a cliff....
The Keystone XL pipeline was denied by Obama based on emotion rather than facts.

High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing is regulated by emotion, not facts.

Witness the New York State ban. Witness the Federal Regulations regarding same.

You got it backwards, Billy Bub. Fuck you.

The entire anti gun movement in the democrat party is based on emotions not fact.....the truth, reality, facts and statistics are all on the side of the 2nd Amendment...emotion....that is how the democrats treat guns...when they aren't tryiing to get elected....
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Hands and feet kill more people than rifles do....including AR-15s......
The Keystone XL pipeline was denied by Obama based on emotion rather than facts.

High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing is regulated by emotion, not facts.

Witness the New York State ban. Witness the Federal Regulations regarding same.

You got it backwards, Billy Bub. Fuck you.

The entire anti gun movement in the democrat party is based on emotions not fact.....the truth, reality, facts and statistics are all on the side of the 2nd Amendment...emotion....that is how the democrats treat guns...when they aren't tryiing to get elected....
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Hands and feet kill more people than rifles do....including AR-15s......
Prove it.

Yes....the Tea Party who believes in the Bill of Rights...all of them, individual liberty and limited government...

vs. the radical muslim terrorist who believes in none of those things...

but the two photos are used to create....emotion and not truth....so thanks for playing....and thanks for showing that it is the democrats who deal with hate and emotion....moron....

You are a blind asshole and just don't get it. I will spell it out for you ok...

Both feel using their religion and having a gun to kill is justified ...

Edited to add: And That's a Fact Jack!

And you are a stupid fuck who lacks understanding of the two women......one believes in individual freedom, the Bill of Rights....all of them, the separation of powers in a government to prevent tyranny, the muslim terrorist female doesn't believe in any of those things.....and killing the muslim terrorist is a good thing, since they commit murder upon innocent men, women and children......

You really are a dumb fuck....aren't you......
The entire anti gun movement in the democrat party is based on emotions not fact.....the truth, reality, facts and statistics are all on the side of the 2nd Amendment...emotion....that is how the democrats treat guns...when they aren't tryiing to get elected....
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Hands and feet kill more people than rifles do....including AR-15s......
Prove it.

From the FBI....not only are you more likely to be killed by hands and feet than you are with a rifle, all rifles, and even less of a chance with an AR-15....but you better ban knives and other cutting instruments...they kill a lot more people than rifles do....and yet.....no one is calling for a ban on knives....they even do that in Britain....you American gun grabbers are way behind....

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder Victims
by Weapon, 2007–2011

Rifles....453 ----------- 20011....323

Shot guns....457 ----------------- 2011...356

Hands and feet....869 ---------------- 2011....728

Knives or cutting instruments...1,817 ---------------- 2011...1,694

Blunt objects (clubs, hammers etc.)...647 --------------- 2011.......496

And that is the data for 2007...there are even fewer murders by rifle and shot gun in 2011....and a lot more kilings with knives......

Sooooooo....why so much anger toward the AR-15, when it kills far fewer people in a given year than hands or feet, knives or clubs.....?
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rightwinger made a great thread about how badass the rightwing politicians want to come across by each of them having photos of them shooting guns. It reminded me of just how emotional the rightwing ideology is. Republican politicians focus on style and symbolism to promote their presidency. Rather than simply saying "I support the 2nd amendment", they resort to going out of their way to show them shooting guns in photos/videos. They think it creates some sort of mystique for their base and they are kind of right. See, rather than the republican base being interested in actual polices their ideal candidate would tout, they instead want to see propaganda like crap. For we all know those candidates held those guns as long as it took to take the photos.

Seriously how are those photos any different from what Putin was trying to do with riding shirtless on horseback? It's all about machismo. The republican/Putin base love that machismo shit. There aren't any pesky facts and policies to memorize. It's all idolization.

Just to be clear, democrats favor gun ownership. The difference is you don't see a shitload of dems posing with guns. Sure Obama has one, but at least he didn't try to make it part of his election campaign like pubs do.

So the other crap republicans rely on are flowery speeches about freedom, the constitution, and good ole' warm American apple pie! It's all fluff and no substance. They are either going on and on about how much they love America, or they are bitching about Obama. They don't offer any substantial policies. It's all emotion. That's what their base prefers.

What's Ted Cruz's plan for becoming president besides gutting ObamaCare and lowering taxes on the wealthy? NOTHING. Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?
I bet you got an A in Alinsky 101 down at the community college.
rightwinger made a great thread about how badass the rightwing politicians want to come across by each of them having photos of them shooting guns. It reminded me of just how emotional the rightwing ideology is. Republican politicians focus on style and symbolism to promote their presidency. Rather than simply saying "I support the 2nd amendment", they resort to going out of their way to show them shooting guns in photos/videos. They think it creates some sort of mystique for their base and they are kind of right. See, rather than the republican base being interested in actual polices their ideal candidate would tout, they instead want to see propaganda like crap. For we all know those candidates held those guns as long as it took to take the photos.

Seriously how are those photos any different from what Putin was trying to do with riding shirtless on horseback? It's all about machismo. The republican/Putin base love that machismo shit. There aren't any pesky facts and policies to memorize. It's all idolization.

Just to be clear, democrats favor gun ownership. The difference is you don't see a shitload of dems posing with guns. Sure Obama has one, but at least he didn't try to make it part of his election campaign like pubs do.

So the other crap republicans rely on are flowery speeches about freedom, the constitution, and good ole' warm American apple pie! It's all fluff and no substance. They are either going on and on about how much they love America, or they are bitching about Obama. They don't offer any substantial policies. It's all emotion. That's what their base prefers.

What's Ted Cruz's plan for becoming president besides gutting ObamaCare and lowering taxes on the wealthy? NOTHING. Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?

You mean the picture of obama shooting the shotgun.....that picture...or the photo op of john kerry when he was running for President going to get a hunting license....where he said...Where do I get me a hunting license or some attempt at sounding ignorant...as he sees gun owners......hmmm....since you are arguing from emotion, and not on facts, truth or reality.....

here you go...

Psychological projection - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
How many democratic examples can you think of? Just those two? Only Kerry used it as part of his campaign.
Michael Dukakis and the tank ad
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Hands and feet kill more people than rifles do....including AR-15s......
Prove it.

From the FBI....not only are you more likely to be killed by hands and feet than you are with a rifle, all rifles, and even less of a chance with an AR-15....but you better ban knives and other cutting instruments...they kill a lot more people than rifles do....and yet.....no one is calling for a ban on knives....they even do that in Britain....you American gun grabbers are way behind....

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder Victims
by Weapon, 2007–2011

Rifles....453 ----------- 20011....323

Shot guns....457 ----------------- 2011...356

Hands and feet....869 ---------------- 2011....728

Knives or cutting instruments...1,817 ---------------- 2011...1,694

Blunt objects (clubs, hammers etc.)...647 --------------- 2011.......496

And that is the data for 2007...there are even fewer murders by rifle and shot gun in 2011....and a lot more kilings with knives......

Sooooooo....why so much anger toward the AR-15, when it kills far fewer people in a given year than hands or feet, knives or clubs.....?
Good, TY, and it doesnt change a thing, I still want the guns.
“Do any of these republican nominees have an actual agenda?”

Yes, an agenda hostile to the civil rights of many Americans, such as women and gay Americans, an agenda of division politics to foment conflict and controversy between and among the American people, and an agenda promoted by the social right hostile to the First Amendment, seeking to codify religious dogma into secular law in violation of the Framers' mandate that church and state remain separate.

They have an agenda, an agenda the American people would be wise to reject.
^ that
"Critical thinking" and the Progressives we now have running the country? You're joking right? Barry and his little Progressive band of idiots couldn't find their own asses with a one handed head start!

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