Rightwing ideology: big on emotion, little on facts and critical thinking


Yes....the Tea Party who believes in the Bill of Rights...all of them, individual liberty and limited government...

vs. the radical muslim terrorist who believes in none of those things...

but the two photos are used to create....emotion and not truth....so thanks for playing....and thanks for showing that it is the democrats who deal with hate and emotion....moron....

You are a blind asshole and just don't get it. I will spell it out for you ok...

Both feel using their religion and having a gun to kill is justified ...

Edited to add: And That's a Fact Jack!

No it isn't a fact Jack.
One uses it for defense in hopes of never having to use it. Tea Party
The other uses it deliberately to kill all who are not of the right Muslim faith. Taliban
Are you that messed up in your head that you can't see the difference of good from evil?
Gun control is not about emotions, it's about 30,000 dead bodies a year.
Fewer people are killed by guns than......Auto crashes. Cancer. Heart disease. Other weapons, smoking. Obesity.

And what "other" weapons?

Hands and feet kill more people than rifles do....including AR-15s......
Prove it.

From the FBI....not only are you more likely to be killed by hands and feet than you are with a rifle, all rifles, and even less of a chance with an AR-15....but you better ban knives and other cutting instruments...they kill a lot more people than rifles do....and yet.....no one is calling for a ban on knives....they even do that in Britain....you American gun grabbers are way behind....

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Murder Victims
by Weapon, 2007–2011

Rifles....453 ----------- 20011....323

Shot guns....457 ----------------- 2011...356

Hands and feet....869 ---------------- 2011....728

Knives or cutting instruments...1,817 ---------------- 2011...1,694

Blunt objects (clubs, hammers etc.)...647 --------------- 2011.......496

And that is the data for 2007...there are even fewer murders by rifle and shot gun in 2011....and a lot more kilings with knives......

Sooooooo....why so much anger toward the AR-15, when it kills far fewer people in a given year than hands or feet, knives or clubs.....?
It's because hands,feet and blunt weapons have no chance of protecting us from our own government. Guns do.

Yes....the Tea Party who believes in the Bill of Rights...all of them, individual liberty and limited government...

vs. the radical muslim terrorist who believes in none of those things...

but the two photos are used to create....emotion and not truth....so thanks for playing....and thanks for showing that it is the democrats who deal with hate and emotion....moron....

You are a blind asshole and just don't get it. I will spell it out for you ok...

Both feel using their religion and having a gun to kill is justified ...

Edited to add: And That's a Fact Jack!

And you are a stupid fuck who lacks understanding of the two women......one believes in individual freedom, the Bill of Rights....all of them, the separation of powers in a government to prevent tyranny, the muslim terrorist female doesn't believe in any of those things.....and killing the muslim terrorist is a good thing, since they commit murder upon innocent men, women and children......

You really are a dumb fuck....aren't you......

What a loser you are trying to intimate with your words to get your point across.
You obviously are a black and white thinker and can't see past your nose.

As an artist looking at the EMOTIONS of the 2, they are the same using RELIGION thinking it is ok to justify their beliefs with the bible or the other with the laws of Allah. Both feel they are following the laws, and walking their faith. Many can look at these pictures and see different things , stop trying to cram your narrow beliefs on me you nasty foul mouth jerk.
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