Riley Gains Will be Suing

The other day, one of the peanut gallery was saying Tim McVeigh--the OKC bomber--was gay.

It literally never ends with these people.

I mean for fuck sake, McVeigh was many things, including a deluded Reich Wing Terrorist. But he was NOT Gay. His whole very being was as a Christian Extremist.
I mean for fuck sake, McVeigh was many things, including a deluded Reich Wing Terrorist. But he was NOT Gay. His whole very being was as a Christian Extremist.
Thats life in the cult.... It makes them take ridiculous positions that they have no hope of defending.
Thats life in the cult.... It makes them take ridiculous positions that they have no hope of defending.

The whole idea of the Oklahoma City Bombing was McVeigh's revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas. McVeigh thought that the Turner Dairies were Gospel. McVeigh was many things, including a deluded Reich Wing Extremist...but he was NEVER Gay.
You're the Traitor and You're a Fasicst.
I'm a traitor! You must be a Chinese loyalist. To be a traitor to the Democrat communists now holding power in this failed nation is the highest form of patriotism.
She deserves a huge payoff.
The police didn't protect her from a violent mob. Neither did the school.

Hell, didn't the university actually encourage the assault and celebrate and congratulate them on the attack? Not only were the campus police a no-show prior to the event for the scheduled meeting, it took real cops from outside to dig her free and get her out of there after being hold up in some room somewhere trapped for three hours!

And for what? For simply retelling the classically accepted position by all of science and medicine about sex and gender that has governed humanity and civilization for at least the last 5,000 years. :smoke:
She deserves a huge payoff.

How sad though that she missed the opportunity to make the most important point here of all--- that these trans protesters DID NOT just exercise their 1st Amendment rights because they abused them by taking away other people's right to ALSO speak freely. Not only does the 1st Amendment refer to their freedom from the GOVERNMENT, but they simply LACK the respect for OTHER people's POV, so until they grow up enough to be able to give others the SAME respect of their opinions and rights as civil human beings as they DEMAND for themselves, I'll have NO respect for their rights NOR their opinions.
Too many women refuse to speak out on this issue because of the kind public pressure and threats they're inflicting on her. So they play along to get along. This WOMAN has balls

It has been the womens' vote that has been carrying these faggot friendly laws, and now it's biting them on the ass. Maybe this will be what it takes for many women to stop falling for the fake Pity Party promoting these mentally ill deviants as 'victims'. It was the latino vote and women with children's vote that passed Prop 8 in California that repealed the faggot marriage scam, so there is some change back toward sanity out there.
By the statement put out by the school they absolutely support the mob and their agenda even if they don't say it outright. Disgusting anti-American cowards.


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