'RINO'...an idiotic term


Mar 22, 2010
...i get a hoot out of republican cheerleaders who use the term 'RINO' ("republican in name only") to berate republican politicians..

...as if there are some/many 'good republican' politicians who are besmirching the great republican name/brand.. :rolleyes: (give me just 10 names of 'the good ones,' you apparent dopes)

...it seems republicans (and of course democrats) have always been proponents of big government/etc..despite what stinking ruse limbaaaaah and stinking glenn beck, hannitwitty, etc. loud cheerleading jerks galore, say..

...below is an example of the stinking thinking of barry goldwater (from his 1964 acceptance speech)...one of the great republican non-rino's of all time!... :rolleyes: cheerleading for us imperialism and meddling around the planet.. (hint for stoooooooooopid fuck republican cheerleaders: policing the planet requires some fucking monstrously 'big government'/high taxes/etc..)

Barry Goldwater's Republican Convention Speech - 1964

"...And I needn't remind you that it was the strength and the unbelievable will of the Eisenhower years that kept the peace by using our strength, by using it in the Formosa Strait, and in Lebanon, and by showing it courageously at all times.

It was during those Republican years that the thrust of Communist imperialism was blunted. It was during those years of Republican leadership that this world moved closer not to war but closer to peace than at any other time in the last three decades.

And I needn't remind you- but I will-that it's been during Democratic years that our strength to deter war has been stilled and even gone into a planned decline. it has been during Democratic years that we have weakly stumbled into conflicts, timidly refusing to draw our own lines against aggression, deceitfully refusing to tell even our people of our full participation and tragically letting our finest men die on battlefields unmarked by purpose, unmarked by pride or the prospect of victory.

Yesterday it was Korea; tonight it is Vietnam. Make no bones of this. Don't try to sweep this under the rug. We are at war in Vietnam. And yet the president, who is the commander in chief of our forces, refuses to say-refuses to say, mind you-whether or not the objective over there is victory, and his secretary of defense continues to mislead and misinformation the American people, and enough of it has gone by.

And I needn't remind you-but I will-it has been during Democratic years that a billion persons were cast into Communist captivity and their fate cynically sealed.

Today, today in our beloved country, we have an administration which seems eager to deal with communism in every coin known-from gold to wheat, from consulates to confidence, and even human freedom itself.

Now, the Republican cause demands that we brand communism as the principal disturber of peace in the world today. Indeed, we should brand it as the only significant disturber of the peace. And we must make clear that until its goals of conquest are absolutely renounced and its rejections with all nations tempered, communism and the governments it now controls are enemies of every man on earth who is or wants to be free.

Now, we here in America can keep the peace only if we remain strong. Only if we keep our eyes open and keep our guard up can we prevent war. And I want to make this abundantly clear--I don't intend to let peace or freedom be torn from our grasp because of lack of strength, or lack of will--and that I promise you Americans.

I believe that we must look beyond the defense of freedom today to its extension tomorrow. I believe that the communism which boasts it will bury us will instead give way to the forces of freedom. And I can see in the distant and yet recognizable future the outlines of a world worthy our dedication, our every risk, our every effort, our every sacrifice along the way. Yes, a world that will redeem the suffering of those will be liberated from tyranny...
CRUSADER FINK BLURTS: You apparently have in (sic) issue with hygiene.

...:rolleyes: ...

..and you with reality, you republican retard..

(..replace 'communism' with 'terrorism' and these stinking republicans are making essentially the same speeches today..) ;)
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really? is she wrong?

I don't recall you complaining when the Democratic Party forced Lieberman out. Did I miss that? How about those Georgia Democrats demonized by the Democratic party? I also do not recall you complaining when people from the democratic party were demonizing the health care hold outs either.

Maybe I just missed those threads?
ahhh i love the typical blind response to facts.....dirty kool aid drinkers....come on...you two are better than that...
..ah yes, when faced with reality the conservative republican resorts to, 'you're crazy and you stink' :rolleyes:

...(wait until i post some of the great 'non-rino' :rolleyes: reagan's stinking words/ideas!...i bet these stoooooopid fuck conservative republicans will call me REALLY REALLY stinky and crazy then!) ;)
ahhh i love the typical blind response to facts.....dirty kool aid drinkers....come on...you two are better than that...

I respond appropriately. When there is an intelligent and well thought out OP, I respond in kind. When there is a dribbling koolaider whose post stinks of partisan crap, I respond in kind. It is not my fault that the OP is a dribbling koolaider.... it is theirs.
CALIPHONY GIRL BLEATS: "When there is a dribbling koolaider whose post stinks of partisan crap, I respond in kind."


...this from a stinking ?conservative republican cheerleader?!?

...stfu, you republican radio parrot.. ;)
CALIPHONY GIRL BLEATS: "When there is a dribbling koolaider whose post stinks of partisan crap, I respond in kind."


...this from a stinking ?conservative republican cheerleader?!?

...stfu, you republican radio parrot.. ;)

Oh look. It's a drooling kool aider who thinks that everyone who doesn't worship the Messiah is a 'republican'.

What an ass.

I love it when people tell someone else to 'STFU'... it shows them for the moron they are.
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"And I needn't remind you-but I will-it has been during Democratic years that a billion persons were cast into Communist captivity and their fate cynically sealed..." -- Barry Goldwater

Add 307MM to that number now thanks to ObamaCare
CALIPHONY CACKLES: Oh look. It's a drooling kool aider who thinks that everyone who doesn't worship the Messiah is a 'republican'.


lol!..and anyone who understands what stinking frauds you stinking republicans are is an obomba supporter..


(these stooopid republicans don't know when to stfu..i love it!..) ;)
Sweetie, go find the nurse on your floor and tell her you only pretended to take your meds this morning and you either forgot to wipe or pooped yourself.
...ah yes, the small government/low tax non-rino republiclown speaketh..er..drooleth..stinking frank's and caliphony girl's hero:


..from his 1988 state of the union..reagan in his own words (and his speechwriters' words...and from a teleprompter):

Reagan's 1988 State of the Union Address

"..This year, we have it within our power to take a major step toward a growing global economy and an expanding cycle of prosperity that reaches to all the free nations of this Earth. I'm speaking of the historic Free Trade Agreement negotiated between our country and Canada. And I can also tell you that we're determined to expand this concept, south as well as north. Next month I will be traveling to Mexico where trade matters will be of foremost concern. And, over the next several months, our Congress and the Canadian Parliament can make the start of such a North American accord a reality. Our goal must be a day when the free flow of trade --from the tip of Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle -- unites the people of the Western Hemisphere in a bond of mutually beneficial exchange; when all borders become what the U.S.-Canadian border so long has been -- a meeting place, rather than a dividing line.

This movement we see in so many places toward economic freedom is indivisible from the worldwide movement toward political freedom -- and against totalitarian rule. This global democratic revolution has removed the specter -- so frightening decade ago -- of democracy doomed to permanent minority status in the world. In South and Central America, only a third of the people enjoyed democratic rule in 1976. Today, over 90 percent of Latin Americans live in nations committed to democratic principles.

And the resurgence of democracy is owed to these courageous people on almost every continent who have struggled to take control of their own destiny.In Nicaragua, the struggle has extra meaning because that nation is so near our own borders. The recent revelations of a former high-level Sandinista major, Roger Miranda, show us that, even as they talk peace, the communist Sandinista government of Nicaragua has established plans for a large 600,000-man army. Yet even as these plans are made, the Sandinista regime knows the tide is turning and the cause of Nicaraguan freedom is riding at its crest. Because of the freedom fighters, who are resisting communist rule, the Sandinistas have been forced to extend some democratic rights, negotiate with Church authorities, and release a few political prisoners.

The focus is on the Sandinistas, their promises and their actions. There is a consensus among the four Central American democratic presidents that the Sandinistas have not complied with the plan to bring peace and democracy to all of Central America. The Sandinistas again have promised reforms. Their challenge is to take irreversible steps toward democracy. On Wednesday,my request to sustain the freedom fighters will be submitted which reflects our mutual desire for peace, freedom, and democracy in Nicaragua. I ask Congress to pass this request -- let us be for the people of Nicaragua what Lafayette, Pulaski, and Von Steuben were for our forefathers and the cause of American independence.

So, too, in Afghanistan, the freedom fighters are the key to peace. We support the Mujahadeen. There can be no settlement unless all Soviet troops are removed and the Afghan people are allowed genuine self-determination. I have made my views on this matter known to Mr. Gorbachev. But not just Nicaragua or Afghanistan. Yes, everywhere we see a swelling freedom tide across the world -- freedom fighters rising up in Cambodia and Angola, fighting and dying for the same democratic liberties we hold sacred. Their cause is our cause. Freedom.

Yet, even as we work to expand world freedom, we must build a safer peace and reduce the danger of nuclear war. But let's have no illusions. Three years of steady decline in the value of our annual defense investment have increased the risk of our most basic security interests, jeopardizing earlier hard-won goals. We must face squarely the implications of this negative trend and make adequate, stable defense spending a top goal both this year and in the future. This same concern applies to economic and security assistance programs as well. But the resolve of America and its NATO allies has opened the way for unprecedented achievement in arms reduction. Our recently signed INF Treaty is historic because it reduces nuclear arms and establishes the most stringent verification regime in arms control history, including several forms of short notice, on-site inspection. I submitted the treaty today,and I urge the Senate to give its advice and consent to ratification of this landmark agreement. Thank you very much.

In addition to the INF Treaty, we're within reach of an even more significant START agreement that will reduce U.S. and Soviet long-range missile or strategic arsenals by half. But let me be clear -- our approach is not to seek agreement for agreement's sake, but to settle only for agreements that truly enhance our national security and that of our allies. We will never put our security at risk -- or that of our allies -- just to reach an agreement with the Soviets. No agreement is better than a bad agreement.

As I mentioned earlier, our efforts are to give future generations what we never had -- a future free of nuclear terror. Reduction of strategic offensive arms is one step. SDI another. Our funding request for our Strategic Defense Initiative is less than two percent of the total defense budget.SDI funding is money wisely appropriated and money well spent. SDI has the same purpose and supports the same goals of arms reduction. It reduces the risk of war and the threat of nuclear weapons to all mankind. Strategic defenses that threaten no one could offer the world a safer, more stable basis for deterrence. We must also remember that SDI is our insurance policy against a nuclear accident -- a Chernobyl of the sky -- or an accidental launch, or some madman who might come along.

We've seen such changes in the world in seven years -- as totalitarianism struggles to avoid being overwhelmed by the forces of economic advance and the aspiration for human freedom, it is the free nations that are resilient and resurgent. As the global democratic revolution has put totalitarianism on the defensive, we have left behind the days of retreat -- America is again a vigorous leader of the free world, a nation that acts decisively and firmly in the furtherance of her principles and vital interests. No legacy would make me more proud than leaving in place a bipartisan consensus for the cause of world freedom, a consensus that prevents a paralysis of American power from ever occurring again...
really? is she wrong?

I don't recall you complaining when the Democratic Party forced Lieberman out. Did I miss that? How about those Georgia Democrats demonized by the Democratic party? I also do not recall you complaining when people from the democratic party were demonizing the health care hold outs either.

Maybe I just missed those threads?

The Democratic Party didn't force Lieberman out, except in the sense that he lost the Democratic Primary, ran as an Independent, and supported the Republican Presidential candidate.

But aside from that, I don't really care about the OP. Feel free to call anyone you want a RINO, or a DINO, or whatever the fuck you want.

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