Rioting in Charlotte

I'm not a Democrat, I am however a realist.

No matter who you identify with Lewdog you are on the wrong side of history...

I'll actually agree with you. But I'd rather lose and do it the right way, than to be a liar, a cheater, and a thief. I might not go to sleep at night on expensive sheets in a huge mansion, but at least I can go to sleep knowing I haven't ruined the lives of other people to get there.
Let's have a riot every day? What ya say?

Once again, you're being an idiot. I really have to wonder how many of you guys are this stupid, or if you are just trolls. I guess I haven't been here long enough to know, but no matter which you are, your not worth my time.

When you put someone on ignore does it show their name still with a message that says you have them on ignore? Or does it just not show them on your screen anymore period? I've seen it both ways before.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's worse. A couple $100,000 worth of damage in a riot, even if it is useless and does no good for society, or the theft that happens every day in corporate America by conglomerates of rich white guys. They steal your money EVERY DAY, but instead some of you guys focus on a riot like the one in Charlotte, and all of a sudden Black people are the worst forms of people on the planet.

Clintons Shell Out $1.16M To Buy House Next Door In Chappaqua

What have they ever produced?

Built? Besides the looks like a double-wide trailer - Review of William J. Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, AR - TripAdvisor
Let's have a riot every day? What ya say?

Once again, you're being an idiot. I really have to wonder how many of you guys are this stupid, or if you are just trolls. I guess I haven't been here long enough to know, but no matter which you are, your not worth my time.
Well damn, just when I was into rioting and looting. I was gonna loot me some new sneakers and a Sony TV. Now you've gone and spoiled all my fun. What's more fun? Rioting or hating on corporations. Which corporation should I start hating the most? Is there a particular white guy you have in mind to start hating on?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's worse. A couple $100,000 worth of damage in a riot, even if it is useless and does no good for society, or the theft that happens every day in corporate America by conglomerates of rich white guys. They steal your money EVERY DAY, but instead some of you guys focus on a riot like the one in Charlotte, and all of a sudden Black people are the worst forms of people on the planet.

Clintons Shell Out $1.16M To Buy House Next Door In Chappaqua

What have they ever produced?

Built? Besides the looks like a double-wide trailer - Review of William J. Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, AR - TripAdvisor

WTF are you talking about? I'm not just talking about the Clintons, I'm talking about all kinds of rich white people that have gotten rich off the misfortune of others. Look how Bernie Madoff lived. Look how the guy from the Wolf of Wall Street lived... and yes Jordan Belforte was a real person. This shit happens every day, 365 days a year. But instead of wanting to do something about it, you guys want to be them, and when they run into trouble, our government bails out their businesses.

Look at this article:

Look at ALL that money spent to bail out people that were vultures, yet this board is filled with people who want others to no longer get SNAP and starve. Or decide an entire race of people are sub-human because of a riot in a city... when the REAL devil is sitting in a multi-million dollar mansion laughing at all of you pawns.
And all I am saying is the Clinton's are ass deep in everything you are ranting about...

And I agree. I don't support Clinton. I would vote for my next door neighbor's dog for President before I would vote for her. She is by far the worst lying corrupt politician we have ever had in the United State of America.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's worse. A couple $100,000 worth of damage in a riot, even if it is useless and does no good for society, or the theft that happens every day in corporate America by conglomerates of rich white guys. They steal your money EVERY DAY, but instead some of you guys focus on a riot like the one in Charlotte, and all of a sudden Black people are the worst forms of people on the planet.

Clintons Shell Out $1.16M To Buy House Next Door In Chappaqua

What have they ever produced?

Built? Besides the looks like a double-wide trailer - Review of William J. Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, AR - TripAdvisor

WTF are you talking about? I'm not just talking about the Clintons, I'm talking about all kinds of rich white people that have gotten rich off the misfortune of others. Look how Bernie Madoff lived. Look how the guy from the Wolf of Wall Street lived... and yes Jordan Belforte was a real person. This shit happens every day, 365 days a year. But instead of wanting to do something about it, you guys want to be them, and when they run into trouble, our government bails out their businesses.

Look at this article:

Look at ALL that money spent to bail out people that were vultures, yet this board is filled with people who want others to no longer get SNAP and starve. Or decide an entire race of people are sub-human because of a riot in a city... when the REAL devil is sitting in a multi-million dollar mansion laughing at all of you pawns.
Isn't Bernie Madoff serving a life sentence?
Hey lew...........go change your panty-liner.

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So many ignorant pieces of shit on this board. Most if not all of them hide behind their keyboards and would never have the balls to go up to a person in public and say the things they say on here. I'm not black, but if you have the balls I'll give you my address and you can stop by and try spreading your hate to my face.

Hey Negro, are you watching Charlotte?!!! Any other minorities out there doing stupid Monkeyshine and getting shot?!!! Of course not!!! Only Negroes are stupid enough to continue doing the same old jacked up Monkeyshine and keep getting shot.

Hey dumbass, I'm not Black. Rioting and breaking the law is bad no matter what race you are. So what's worse? The Blacks rioting in Charlotte doing a couple $100,000 worth of damage, or the rich white guy that runs Wells Fargo that just cheated people out of millions and millions of dollars?

blacks are worse, they cost society in huge ways much more than that

Every day some rich white guy sits in his ivory tower ripping off citizens for millions and billions of dollars, and here we sit with people blaming Blacks as the cause of every ill in society. Why? Because they are different from you and you are a coward. Go after the real bad people around here and go after the ones doing the most damage... but you won't. Why? Because instead of vilifying the true bad guy, you instead wish to grow up and BE LIKE HIM. How ironic is that?
. So your blaming the rich guy, but don't nobody blame them thar rioter's for nothing eh ???
So many ignorant pieces of shit on this board. Most if not all of them hide behind their keyboards and would never have the balls to go up to a person in public and say the things they say on here. I'm not black, but if you have the balls I'll give you my address and you can stop by and try spreading your hate to my face.

Hey Negro, are you watching Charlotte?!!! Any other minorities out there doing stupid Monkeyshine and getting shot?!!! Of course not!!! Only Negroes are stupid enough to continue doing the same old jacked up Monkeyshine and keep getting shot.

Hey dumbass, I'm not Black. Rioting and breaking the law is bad no matter what race you are. So what's worse? The Blacks rioting in Charlotte doing a couple $100,000 worth of damage, or the rich white guy that runs Wells Fargo that just cheated people out of millions and millions of dollars?

blacks are worse, they cost society in huge ways much more than that

Every day some rich white guy sits in his ivory tower ripping off citizens for millions and billions of dollars, and here we sit with people blaming Blacks as the cause of every ill in society. Why? Because they are different from you and you are a coward. Go after the real bad people around here and go after the ones doing the most damage... but you won't. Why? Because instead of vilifying the true bad guy, you instead wish to grow up and BE LIKE HIM. How ironic is that?
. So your blaming the rich guy, but don't nobody blame them thar rioter's for nothing eh ???
So many ignorant pieces of shit on this board. Most if not all of them hide behind their keyboards and would never have the balls to go up to a person in public and say the things they say on here. I'm not black, but if you have the balls I'll give you my address and you can stop by and try spreading your hate to my face.

Hey Negro, are you watching Charlotte?!!! Any other minorities out there doing stupid Monkeyshine and getting shot?!!! Of course not!!! Only Negroes are stupid enough to continue doing the same old jacked up Monkeyshine and keep getting shot.

Hey dumbass, I'm not Black. Rioting and breaking the law is bad no matter what race you are. So what's worse? The Blacks rioting in Charlotte doing a couple $100,000 worth of damage, or the rich white guy that runs Wells Fargo that just cheated people out of millions and millions of dollars?

blacks are worse, they cost society in huge ways much more than that

Every day some rich white guy sits in his ivory tower ripping off citizens for millions and billions of dollars, and here we sit with people blaming Blacks as the cause of every ill in society. Why? Because they are different from you and you are a coward. Go after the real bad people around here and go after the ones doing the most damage... but you won't. Why? Because instead of vilifying the true bad guy, you instead wish to grow up and BE LIKE HIM. How ironic is that?
. So your blaming the rich guy, but don't nobody blame them thar rioter's for nothing eh ???

Uh no. I've said repeatedly rioting is wrong. Read again. I'm saying that people are saying Blacks are sub-human for rioting and the damage they cause, when there are rich white men that do multiple times the damage done by a riot, every day behind the scenes... yet it's the Blacks that are sub-human. It's so hypocritical for a group of people to judge one race and call them such horrible names and state how awful they are, when people of their same race that are making the complaints are doing worse acts.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's worse. A couple $100,000 worth of damage in a riot, even if it is useless and does no good for society, or the theft that happens every day in corporate America by conglomerates of rich white guys. They steal your money EVERY DAY, but instead some of you guys focus on a riot like the one in Charlotte, and all of a sudden Black people are the worst forms of people on the planet.

Clintons Shell Out $1.16M To Buy House Next Door In Chappaqua

What have they ever produced?

Built? Besides the looks like a double-wide trailer - Review of William J. Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, AR - TripAdvisor

WTF are you talking about? I'm not just talking about the Clintons, I'm talking about all kinds of rich white people that have gotten rich off the misfortune of others. Look how Bernie Madoff lived. Look how the guy from the Wolf of Wall Street lived... and yes Jordan Belforte was a real person. This shit happens every day, 365 days a year. But instead of wanting to do something about it, you guys want to be them, and when they run into trouble, our government bails out their businesses.

Look at this article:

Look at ALL that money spent to bail out people that were vultures, yet this board is filled with people who want others to no longer get SNAP and starve. Or decide an entire race of people are sub-human because of a riot in a city... when the REAL devil is sitting in a multi-million dollar mansion laughing at all of you pawns.
. It's amazing your worried about people staying on snap so bad, that you are like a blind snake striking at everything that moves. Give people some credit that if they are moved from entitlements to Independence, that they would thank the programs that finally but slowly helped them get off of being so dependent in life. No one is going to let anyone starve in America. It's just fear mongering.
Uh no. I've said repeatedly rioting is wrong. Read again. I'm saying that people are saying Blacks are sub-human for rioting and the damage they cause, when there are rich white men that do multiple times the damage done by a riot, every day behind the scenes... yet it's the Blacks that are sub-human. It's so hypocritical for a group of people to judge one race and call them such horrible names and state how awful they are, when people of their same race that are making the complaints are doing worse acts.
and i'm saying that jews are not white.
Hey Negro, are you watching Charlotte?!!! Any other minorities out there doing stupid Monkeyshine and getting shot?!!! Of course not!!! Only Negroes are stupid enough to continue doing the same old jacked up Monkeyshine and keep getting shot.

Hey dumbass, I'm not Black. Rioting and breaking the law is bad no matter what race you are. So what's worse? The Blacks rioting in Charlotte doing a couple $100,000 worth of damage, or the rich white guy that runs Wells Fargo that just cheated people out of millions and millions of dollars?

blacks are worse, they cost society in huge ways much more than that

Every day some rich white guy sits in his ivory tower ripping off citizens for millions and billions of dollars, and here we sit with people blaming Blacks as the cause of every ill in society. Why? Because they are different from you and you are a coward. Go after the real bad people around here and go after the ones doing the most damage... but you won't. Why? Because instead of vilifying the true bad guy, you instead wish to grow up and BE LIKE HIM. How ironic is that?
. So your blaming the rich guy, but don't nobody blame them thar rioter's for nothing eh ???

Uh no. I've said repeatedly rioting is wrong. Read again. I'm saying that people are saying Blacks are sub-human for rioting and the damage they cause, when there are rich white men that do multiple times the damage done by a riot, every day behind the scenes... yet it's the Blacks that are sub-human. It's so hypocritical for a group of people to judge one race and call them such horrible names and state how awful they are, when people of their same race that are making the complaints are doing worse acts.
Name these white's of whom you speak, and point out their damage and then tell us what you will replace the big bad corporations and rich white people with!
Uh no. I've said repeatedly rioting is wrong. Read again. I'm saying that people are saying Blacks are sub-human for rioting and the damage they cause, when there are rich white men that do multiple times the damage done by a riot, every day behind the scenes... yet it's the Blacks that are sub-human. It's so hypocritical for a group of people to judge one race and call them such horrible names and state how awful they are, when people of their same race that are making the complaints are doing worse acts.
and i'm saying that jews are not white.

Not all rich white guys are Jews. Donald Trump is not a Jew?
Hey Negro, are you watching Charlotte?!!! Any other minorities out there doing stupid Monkeyshine and getting shot?!!! Of course not!!! Only Negroes are stupid enough to continue doing the same old jacked up Monkeyshine and keep getting shot.

Hey dumbass, I'm not Black. Rioting and breaking the law is bad no matter what race you are. So what's worse? The Blacks rioting in Charlotte doing a couple $100,000 worth of damage, or the rich white guy that runs Wells Fargo that just cheated people out of millions and millions of dollars?

blacks are worse, they cost society in huge ways much more than that

Every day some rich white guy sits in his ivory tower ripping off citizens for millions and billions of dollars, and here we sit with people blaming Blacks as the cause of every ill in society. Why? Because they are different from you and you are a coward. Go after the real bad people around here and go after the ones doing the most damage... but you won't. Why? Because instead of vilifying the true bad guy, you instead wish to grow up and BE LIKE HIM. How ironic is that?
. So your blaming the rich guy, but don't nobody blame them thar rioter's for nothing eh ???

Uh no. I've said repeatedly rioting is wrong. Read again. I'm saying that people are saying Blacks are sub-human for rioting and the damage they cause, when there are rich white men that do multiple times the damage done by a riot, every day behind the scenes... yet it's the Blacks that are sub-human. It's so hypocritical for a group of people to judge one race and call them such horrible names and state how awful they are, when people of their same race that are making the complaints are doing worse acts.
. Go tell the people your defending here, to quit putting themselves in situations that cause them to be stereo typed by so many people in a bad way, and this when they are so careless about what they do or how they do it (i.e.the ones guilty of doing crazy crap).. That might help.
I understand Lewdogs' frustration. The corruption never seems to be caught, corrected, punished or stopped. big GOVT is "in on it". Obama had 8 years yet it corruption is even worse? But GOVT is bigger? SEC let maddof roll along, bankrupting thousands.
I understand Lewdogs' frustration. The corruption never seems to be caught, corrected, punished or stopped. big GOVT is "in on it". Obama had 8 years yet it corruption is even worse? But GOVT is bigger? SEC let maddof roll along, bankrupting thousands.
You know why? Because they did not believe the old adage "If it's too good to be true it probably isn't." They were greedy and played right into his ponzi scheme.

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