RIP Republican party

President Obama didn't just drink the water in Flint. Obama ripped the heart of the failed small government ideology of the Republican Party.

Obama said, “It doesn’t matter how hard you work, how responsible you are, how you raise your kids. You can’t set up a whole water system for a city. That’s not something you do by yourself. You do it with other people. You can’t hire your own fire department or your own police force, or your own army. They’re things we have to do together. Basic things that we all benefit from.”

President Obama attacked the heart of small government ideology, “
Volunteers don’t build water systems and keep lead from leaching into our drinking glasses. We can’t rely on faith groups to reinforce bridges and repave runways at the airport. We can’t ask second graders, even ones as patriotic as Isiah Britt, who raised all that money, to raise enough money to keep our kids healthy. You hear a lot about government overreach. Oh, Obama, he’s for big government. Listen, it’s not government overreach to say our government’s responsible for making sure that you can wash your hands in your own sink, or shower in your own home, or cook for your family. These are the most basic services. There’s no more basic element sustaining human life than water. It’s not too much to expect for all Americans that their water is going to be safe.”

Can't argue with any of that.

As long as he isn't talking federal government.

Your claim he attacked the heart of small government ideology isn't supported by his statement.
Shes like a college professor compared to 2nd grader trump
The difference now is their base of old with bitter rubes are dying off, the whitey christian party is disappearing and the demographic shift will bury it for good

There is a real issue there for the republicans.

The misleading part of this is that the democrats are not going to get stronger.

More and more people identify as independents.
With democratic leanings.
Conservatism is dying off slowly but still dying.

Conservatism as you know it.....maybe.

But you are not that articulate.
You just keep telling yourself that.

Thanks for making my point.
And thanks for making mine .
There is a real issue there for the republicans.

The misleading part of this is that the democrats are not going to get stronger.

More and more people identify as independents.
With democratic leanings.
Conservatism is dying off slowly but still dying.

Conservatism as you know it.....maybe.

But you are not that articulate.
You just keep telling yourself that.

Thanks for making my point.
And thanks for making mine .

Had to think a while before you came up with that one ?

No wonder you want HIllary.
I agree he as little chance.

I really don't care Trump or Clinton, we get another Obozo.

But the house isn't strongly republican because the GOP is dying off.

And latinos and blacks are not turning on the GOP...they just won't join as long as people like Trump are running the show.
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.

Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems you suffer from self inflicted memory loss .
I hear it's pandemic on the right.
More latinoes are voting and they're not voting for republicans add that to the womens vote the black vote the smart white vote drumph imho has no chance

I agree he as little chance.

I really don't care Trump or Clinton, we get another Obozo.

But the house isn't strongly republican because the GOP is dying off.

And latinos and blacks are not turning on the GOP...they just won't join as long as people like Trump are running the show.
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Does the term really sucks make the point ?
Only in republican delusion land.

Really ?

So you have to be a republican to think Obama sucks ?

That's funny.

Two years into his historic Hope and Change...he did the unthinkable.

He lost the house. He never got it back.

I guess if I were a republican...I'd have to worry.
Never said that .
There is more than enough evidence that the hate Obama thing is a conservative invention that would include libertarians and right leaning independents.
With democratic leanings.
Conservatism is dying off slowly but still dying.

Conservatism as you know it.....maybe.

But you are not that articulate.
You just keep telling yourself that.

Thanks for making my point.
And thanks for making mine .

Had to think a while before you came up with that one ?

No wonder you want HIllary.
Nope, I had to piss.
Any more false assumptions?
I agree he as little chance.

I really don't care Trump or Clinton, we get another Obozo.

But the house isn't strongly republican because the GOP is dying off.

And latinos and blacks are not turning on the GOP...they just won't join as long as people like Trump are running the show.
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.
Enough so they voted for the pos in his 2nd term
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.
Enough so they voted for the pos in his 2nd term'll scare him with the facts.
There’s a very simple way for the GOP to not die, and become a viable party again.

Relegate the ridiculous social right, libertarian loons, and TPM nitwits to the political backseat and get serious about responsible governance again.
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.

Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems you suffer from self inflicted memory loss .
I hear it's pandemic on the right.

It seems you have no clue as to my political leanings.

Nor do you know my history.

Like most on the seem to think you know more than you actually do.
Conservatism as you know it.....maybe.

But you are not that articulate.
You just keep telling yourself that.

Thanks for making my point.
And thanks for making mine .

Had to think a while before you came up with that one ?

No wonder you want HIllary.
Nope, I had to piss.
Any more false assumptions?

I admit that you thinking is probably a "false assumption".
There’s a very simple way for the GOP to not die, and become a viable party again.

Relegate the ridiculous social right, libertarian loons, and TPM nitwits to the political backseat and get serious about responsible governance again.


The ridiculous social right, libertarian loons and TPM nitwits are the GOP.
Just how bad was Obama ?? Especially coming off the bush mess and having congress not giving him an inch?

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.
Enough so they voted for the pos in his 2nd term

Assuming that what you say is true.....because I know of nothing that proves for him is not applauding him.

I know many who vomited after voting.

Unfortunately, the alternative looked worse.

This election is going to evoke a great deal of barf.

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.
Enough so they voted for the pos in his 2nd term'll scare him with the facts.

What facts would those be.....

GWB was elected. Can't help that.

Many I know voted for him just to keep Kerry out.

If you equate that with applauding him, I am afraid you don't know what a fact is.
Anyone disagree this drumph is bad for America?

Anyone disagree that Hitlery is bad for America??
She will appoint pro choice Judges, and the only gun restrictions that get passed will be at the state and/or local level. She probably can get a bipartisan debt deal, assuming Ryan will pass it with only a minority of gopers, and the same is probably true for campaign finance reform.

Oh and like you know what her crooked ass will do??

Dream on benny boy.
Well, no one knows what Drumpf would do. That's one certainty. Claude.

I agree and include Hitlery in that assessment.
Anyone disagree this drumph is bad for America?

Anyone disagree that Hitlery is bad for America??
She will appoint pro choice Judges, and the only gun restrictions that get passed will be at the state and/or local level. She probably can get a bipartisan debt deal, assuming Ryan will pass it with only a minority of gopers, and the same is probably true for campaign finance reform.

Oh and like you know what her crooked ass will do??

Dream on benny boy.
anything she does will be insignificant when compared with the shit trump promises to do.

Nothing she does will be insignificant. As for Trump?? If he tackles illegal immigration, keeps more Muslims out of America then I think most Americans will applaud him.

You, on the other hand, can go on thinking how silly and ineffective he will be. Carry on. You can't cure stupid.

Oh, that was a good one....[wiping away a tear]

The GOP is a stupid mess.

Obama could easily be part of the GOP.

He campaigned against 4 more years of GWB and gave us just that.

Trumps support may not be a majority, but it is not a fringe.

It is that support that is a direct response to Obama.

Superhuman....oh, I am still laughing.

Only in republican delusional land.
It's a classic TeaBagger move placing blame on everything and everyone else.
Conservatives applauded everything GW did.
Love the rationalization.


Conservatives applaud GWB ?

Boy, are you a moron.

Public image of George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems you suffer from self inflicted memory loss .
I hear it's pandemic on the right.

It seems you have no clue as to my political leanings.

Nor do you know my history.

Like most on the seem to think you know more than you actually do.
Standard disclaimer lol

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