RNC convention fact check LOL

Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
Fact check: You're a moron!
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
Jesus Christ! How stupid are you fukkers? You only have to go through the first four or five to see that it (the "fact checking") is nothing but partisan bullshit.

Again, I constantly have to ask myself, "Are Leftists stupid or subversive?" There are no other alternatives.
The unemployment one was funny.

They list the claims made, then confirm the claims are correct................BUT say the shutdown has hurt the numbers. And call it a lie.

CNN is a bunch of morons, but the idiots who buy their bullshit are bigger morons............like the OP>

The unemployment numbers were at 4.7% when he took office. 3.5% is hardly earth shattering.
That's a 25% drop, and the lowest in 50 years, which was the claim that CNN said wan't true.

You are playing games with numbers to make it look better. The unemployment rate was 7.2% when Obama took office. When he left it was 4.7%. That was a 2.5 percentage point drop vs Trump's 1.2 percentage point drop. The percentage decrease in unemployment under Obama was twice that of Trump.
why no lower than 4.7%? Trump figured it out. and you can't give him credit. And you, you mthr fking twiddle dee want me to give obammy credit. go fk yourself.
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
Fact check: You're a moron!
I fact checked, She is a moron
No Biden doesn't want to take your guns, he got pissed someone thought so.
Did Joe not praise the guy that said "Hell yes we're coming after your A.R. 15's a d your AK 47's"?

Shut the fuck up you gun-grabbing commie. You're just like Joe Biden. Bunch of fucking lies.
You are going to be so disappointed when no one ever comes for your guns. You've wasted your life being paranoid.
You are very correct though, because when President Trump is elected and then again in 2024, you guys are going to be so pissed...
You think you are being funny but you just sound like an idiot.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa......A crazy person thinks everyone else is crazy....You just proved my point.
Nobody wants your guns. There are certain parties that want you to be afraid though.

Spoken like a very naive, spoiled American who doesn't have a grasp of world history. They are incrementally chipping away at these rights. That is the methodology used to achieve their ultimate goal. Same goes for illegal immigration.
I have guns and somehow I do not feel they are going to be taken away. It's because I do not listen to the gun lobby who absolutely love the periodic panic buying you dupes engage in every so often. All that shit does is cause shortages and price hikes for reasonable people who just like to shoot.

You can't seriously believe the left would like nothing better than to take your guns. Most politicians walk on egg shells to some extent when talking about gun control in public, but the real truth slips out on occasion. Yes, they ultimately want to take your guns just like they ultimately like illegal immigration and would love nothing more than to give them the right to vote to secure all future elections. This is not tin-foil hat kind of stuff. This is based on actual policies the left continue to support and implement that head down this path.
The republican party is in no position now to allege secret agendas since they just got officially married to the Alt-Right and their apocalyptic race war bullshit.
Would you like a cracker?


This guy just used the Lame Stream Media (DNC) talking points again....
As predicted, plenty of whining from the peanut gallery, but not a single viable defence or challenge of a CNN fact check being wrong, only endless whining.
Republicans must live with a hard cold fact, Trump has built his administration and campaign on falsehoods and lies. He and his supporters will be confronted with his falsehoods and lies every day until election day. The debates will be all about his lying.
As predicted, plenty of whining from the left, but not a single viable defence or challenge of a CNN fact check being wrong, only endless whining.
Democrats must live with a hard cold fact, the Left has built their campaign on falsehoods and lies. Their supporters will be confronted with their falsehoods and lies every day until election day. The debates will be all about their lying.
I was watching the commentary on several stations last night and the left is apoplectic. This tells me they know they are toast.. Even the left wing commentators on FOX (Jessica, Donna, and Juan) were visibly shaken and worried to death that the message was resonating.

Over 60 million viewers last night across all platforms.. 6 times those who viewed day one of the DNC convention... OUCH!

Last edited:
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.
Another instance where Fake News CNN confirms a statement, then claims it is a lie.............

Xenophobic accusation
Donald Trump Jr. claimed that Joe Biden had called President Donald Trump a racist and xenophobe for having imposed travel restrictions on China.

Facts First: Biden did accuse Trump of "xenophobia" in an Iowa campaign speech the same day, Jan. 31, that Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the Trump administration's travel restrictions on China -
I really like how Fake News CNN contorted themselves to call this a lie...........

An RNC video played during the convention contrasted President Trump as a "decisive leader" on coronavirus while suggesting that Democrats and media outlets "got it wrong" by downplaying the pandemic.

CNN doesn't quote any of the times Dimwingers played down the Kung Flu.........From Nazi telling everyone to come on down to Chinatown...........to DeBlimpo doing the same in NY..............to Cuomo saying NY was too prepared for it to affect NY like it did Europe............to all the idiot talking heads claiming Trump overacted because he is racist and xenophobic.

Nope, what did Fake News CNN do? They listed some quotes by Trump and ignored what the claim actually was............then said it was a lie.
Washington (CNN) The Republican National Convention started off with a parade of dishonesty, in stark contrast with last week's Democratic convention. While CNN also watched and fact-checked the Democrats, those four nights combined didn't have the number of misleading and false claims made on the first night of the Republicans' convention.

Here are some of the most noteworthy falsehoods from night one of the RNC.

FACT CHECK First night of the GOP convention features more dishonesty than four nights of Democratic National Convention

The dishonesty was unbelievable! The above link provides proof.
Fact check: You're a moron!
cnn and a toilet.PNG

I hope this not confirmation of bias but they are lying out their collective asses....
I really like how Fake News CNN contorted themselves to call this a lie...........

An RNC video played during the convention contrasted President Trump as a "decisive leader" on coronavirus while suggesting that Democrats and media outlets "got it wrong" by downplaying the pandemic.

CNN doesn't quote any of the times Dimwingers played down the Kung Flu.........From Nazi telling everyone to come on down to Chinatown...........to DeBlimpo doing the same in NY..............to Cuomo saying NY was too prepared for it to affect NY like it did Europe............

Nope, what did Fake News CNN do? They listed some quotes by Trump and ignored what the claim actually was............then said it was a lie.
CNN has absolutely ZERO credibility... they are lying in the hopes their viewers wont see the truth... Nothing more than the propagandist arm of the DNC...
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Apparently you don't know what "fact check" means.............(neither does CNN). Get ready to be owned yet again, Fuckwit.

Here is the title of their bogus opinon piece:

Fact check: First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Apparently you don't know what "fact check" means.............(neither does CNN). Get ready to be owned yet again, Fuckwit.

Here is the title of their bogus opinon piece:

Fact check: First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC
And they accurately detailed how those speakers dishonestly spoke about the unemployment rate by talking about the past and not the present.

You remain the forum's jester. :laugh2:
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Apparently you don't know what "fact check" means.............(neither does CNN). Get ready to be owned yet again, Fuckwit.

Here is the title of their bogus opinon piece:

Fact check: First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC
And they accurately detailed how those speakers dishonestly spoke about the unemployment rate by talking about the past and not the present.

You remain the forum's jester. :laugh2:

Now, if they claimed those were current numbers Fake News CNN might have a case. As stated, they were facts.

But then, facts always trigger you into a meltdown.
Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Apparently you don't know what "fact check" means.............(neither does CNN). Get ready to be owned yet again, Fuckwit.

Here is the title of their bogus opinon piece:

Fact check: First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC
And they accurately detailed how those speakers dishonestly spoke about the unemployment rate by talking about the past and not the present.

You remain the forum's jester. :laugh2:

Now, if they claimed those were current numbers Fake News CNN might have a case. As stated, they were facts.

But then, facts always trigger you into a meltdown.

Again, they didn't call it a lie. You even posted that yourself even though you idiotically claimed they called it a lie.

And by "meltdown," you mean bitch-slapping you which is typical.

Do you have a real source?

You have no clue what a real source is. You want someone to tell you exactly what you want to hear. You are clearly in denial.
I have already demonstrated how the hacks at CNN fucked up their claim on the unemployment comments. I didn't bother to wast any more time on the idiots who tell you what to think.

You poor, lying sycophant. They did not get their claims wrong.

Are you ever not a moron?




Multiple speakers — including Rep. Vernon Jones, Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark McCloskey — touted the low unemployment rate America has witnessed under the Trump administration. Both Jordan and McCloskey credited the President for the "lowest unemployment in 50 years," while Jones said President Trump "built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans."


Facts First:
This is misleadingly outdated, as it ignores the economic destruction caused by the coronavirus pandemic. While the US unemployment rate fell to a seasonally adjusted rate of 3.5% last September -- its lowest level since 1969 -
The unemployment rate for Black workers, meanwhile, fell to 5.4% in August of 2019, a record low for the data, which have been collected since 1972.

There ya go, Fawn. CNN confirmed the claims, then says they are lies.

And you are so fucking stupid you buy into their bullshit.

Dayum, are you ever demented. There's no lie there. CNN was correct, that claim is outdated as the unemployment rate skyrocketed since then to an all-time monthly high according to the BLS.
CNN said it was lies, idiot.

It was not lies.

You quoted CNN, dumbfuck. The word, "lie," isn't even there.

They said the unemployment rate dropped to as low as 3.5% -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate was the lowest in 50 years -- that's true.
They said the unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said 20 million jobs disappeared in April - that's true.
They said the unemployment rate peaked at 14.7%, the highest monthly recording by the BLS - that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, at 5.4%, was the lowest recorded since 1972 -- that's true.
They said the black unemployment rate, is currently 14.6% -- that's true.

You can't find one lie in there.

Apparently you don't know what "fact check" means.............(neither does CNN). Get ready to be owned yet again, Fuckwit.

Here is the title of their bogus opinon piece:

Fact check: First night of the Republican National Convention features more dishonesty than four nights of DNC
And they accurately detailed how those speakers dishonestly spoke about the unemployment rate by talking about the past and not the present.

You remain the forum's jester. :laugh2:

Now, if they claimed those were current numbers Fake News CNN might have a case. As stated, they were facts.

But then, facts always trigger you into a meltdown.

Again, they didn't call it a lie. You even posted that yourself even though you idiotically claimed they called it a lie.

And by "meltdown," you mean bitch-slapping you which is typical.

So you are claiming CNN went to all that trouble to put together that opinion piece on "dishonesty" so they could say all the claims are true.

Got it. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

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