Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Is Roberts screwed up because of his medication? Or is he just another fake conservative appointed by a Republican?... I don't normally listen to Savage but I found this and thought I'd through it out there

I always said that Obamacare would have been Constitutional if they passed it as a tax, and not under their powers of the Commerce clause.

Roberts ruled that even though the Leftists lied and deceived the American public by calling it something other than a tax, that they are lying filth does not make the legislation not a tax - or unConstitutional. That part surprised me, but it is logical.

It is a political matter at this point.
Certain Anti-Seizure medications do infact affect the body in different ways, mine for example lowers my immune sustem and gives me calcium deficiency.
Is Roberts screwed up because of his medication? Or is he just another fake conservative appointed by a Republican?... I don't normally listen to Savage but I found this and thought I'd through it out there

Michael Savage: Roberts Epilepsy Medication Affects His Cognition - YouTube

The CJ was able to place modest limits – but limits nonetheless – on Congress’ Commerce Clause powers, avoid defying the will of the people as expressed through their elected representatives, and took back his Court from Mr. Justice Kennedy.

The first two accomplishments comport with conservative dogma, apparently there’s no pleasing a partisan rightist.
Could be..... You never know. Roberts siding with the libs to help destory our constituion ? He's gotta be on something
That's not the more plausible statement Savage made so
e set up by the Chicago organized crime gang is 1000 times more likely. Explaining Roberts actions immediately points to the gang or Obama regime 'getting to him' someway. Lol
Okay, it's time to play the RWNJ® song.

[ame=]Chubby Checker - limbo rock - YouTube[/ame]
Is Roberts screwed up because of his medication? Or is he just another fake conservative appointed by a Republican?... I don't normally listen to Savage but I found this and thought I'd through it out there

Holy Cow there J.

Roberts just handed Romney and the GOP a great big gift.

He also handed Barry one big assed problem.

Smile. Be happy. I sure am.

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