Rockin Bruce Springsteen: President Trump is committing a crime against humanity by dividing America

Anybody ever hear Springsteen's "Born in the USA"? The song was intended to divide America and make millions for a freaking idiot who has no business commenting about politics.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
The Bits used to award Knighthood to heroes but now a homosexual piano player qualifies for the honor. I guess (Sir) Elton John might be the greatest living Brit.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
The Bits used to award Knighthood to heroes but now a homosexual piano player qualifies for the honor. I guess (Sir) Elton John might be the greatest living Brit.
Paul Weller is the greatest living Brit. He would not accept any "honour". Elton has done enough in his career to earn respect.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
Your opinion is not only highly ignorant and questionable, it is very presumptuous considering you aren't even an American but a resident of that blighted land, England.

Springsteen's idiotic comment about Trump and his "crime against humanity" could have been said just as easily, and more accurately, about Obama. But that would be far too honest for the butt kissing Bruce.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
The Bits used to award Knighthood to heroes but now a homosexual piano player qualifies for the honor. I guess (Sir) Elton John might be the greatest living Brit.

Do elucidate the class on what the fuck sex has to do with playing the fucking piano.
no matter what the crap you were posting says pogo....when bush took over we were a stream wide,you can still talk somewhat decently with each other,when he was done we were a river and you had to yell to be heard,obama takes over and we are still yelling,by the time he is done we are a lake and need phones to hear each other and if the line is busy or never returns calls.....trump has got us moving even further apart....its been 2 years,trump now owns this presidency,so we will have to wait until the next 2 years are up to see ....

Hey Harry ---- I gave you dozens of examples and you know damn well I can give you dozens more --- go ahead and show us anywhere that any POTUS --- any O'bama, any Clinton, either Bush, either Johnson, either Adams, any one anywhere any time in any century ------------ pulled anything like this childish shit.

Go ahead. We'll wait, right here.

Even ONE, Harry.

Not what "we" did. Not what you could hear on the "phone", whatever that means --- what THEY did.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

Honestly, division is what politics is all about.

Vote for me and not them cuz they suck.

I guess Dims are saying that Trump is better at it and now they are pissed.

That's in the election campaign. Once that's over the division thing is supposed to be over.

Not Rump though. Can't seem to help himself. That's why there's a sentiment to, at the risk of paraphrasing the orange pimple, "get that sumbitch off the field right now, he's fired". Because if you can't respect the office or the country it's connected to, then you don't deserve the office.

Really it's as simple as that.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
Your opinion is not only highly ignorant and questionable, it is very presumptuous considering you aren't even an American but a resident of that blighted land, England.

Springsteen's idiotic comment about Trump and his "crime against humanity" could have been said just as easily, and more accurately, about Obama. But that would be far too honest for the butt kissing Bruce.
I am not English.
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
Your opinion is not only highly ignorant and questionable, it is very presumptuous considering you aren't even an American but a resident of that blighted land, England.

Springsteen's idiotic comment about Trump and his "crime against humanity" could have been said just as easily, and more accurately, about Obama. But that would be far too honest for the butt kissing Bruce.
I am not English.
But you don't live in America? Right? You still don't get to insult Americans for not thinking this over rated dick sucker is America's greatest living citizen.
Actually I can't remember either one of those guys ever denigrating their critics with "loser" or "could anyone vote for that face" or "blood coming out of her wherever" or "bleeding badly from a facelift" or "knock the crap out of 'em" or "maybe he should have been roughed up" or "fake news" or "you'd be in jail" or "Pocahontas" or "crazed, lying lowlife" or "Little Rocket Man" or "Sloppy Steve" or "Crooked Hillary" etc etc etc etc etc etc etc, we'd fill up the page listing them all --- not to mention gyrating to mock the physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for him, or even "I alone can fix it" or "I'm thankful for myself" or "three million illegals"....

Actually I can't even imagine either of those guys using any one of those phrases. Actually I can't imagine any POTUS ever doing it.

Imagine Jimmy Carter jerking around onstage to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
Imagine George Bush moaning that Nancy Pelosi had "blood coming out of her wherever".

COME OFF IT, man. This suspension-of-reality shit is funny only up to a point. When do we quit crowing about the emperor's new clothes that we all damn well know don't exist and face the reality?
no matter what the crap you were posting says pogo....when bush took over we were a stream wide,you can still talk somewhat decently with each other,when he was done we were a river and you had to yell to be heard,obama takes over and we are still yelling,by the time he is done we are a lake and need phones to hear each other and if the line is busy or never returns calls.....trump has got us moving even further apart....its been 2 years,trump now owns this presidency,so we will have to wait until the next 2 years are up to see ....

Hey Harry ---- I gave you dozens of examples and you know damn well I can give you dozens more --- go ahead and show us anywhere that any POTUS --- any O'bama, any Clinton, either Bush, either Johnson, either Adams, any one anywhere any time in any century ------------ pulled anything like this childish shit.

Go ahead. We'll wait, right here.

Even ONE, Harry.

Not what "we" did. Not what you could hear on the "phone", whatever that means --- what THEY did.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

It's not my yob to disprove your assertion Harry. It's yours to flesh out.

Once again, you proclaimed that O'bama and Bush did the "same thing" Rump is doing. You have yet to offer any evidence thereto. And we both know it's not going to happen because there isn't any.
Hey Harry ---- I gave you dozens of examples and you know damn well I can give you dozens more --- go ahead and show us anywhere that any POTUS --- any O'bama, any Clinton, either Bush, either Johnson, either Adams, any one anywhere any time in any century ------------ pulled anything like this childish shit.

Go ahead. We'll wait, right here.

Even ONE, Harry.

Not what "we" did. Not what you could hear on the "phone", whatever that means --- what THEY did.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

Honestly, division is what politics is all about.

Vote for me and not them cuz they suck.

I guess Dims are saying that Trump is better at it and now they are pissed.

That's in the election campaign. Once that's over the division thing is supposed to be over.

Not Rump though. Can't seem to help himself. That's why there's a sentiment to, at the risk of paraphrasing the orange pimple, "get that sumbitch off the field right now, he's fired". Because if you can't respect the office or the country it's connected to, then you don't deserve the office.

Really it's as simple as that.
Obama really brought people together I right? (")
Hey Harry ---- I gave you dozens of examples and you know damn well I can give you dozens more --- go ahead and show us anywhere that any POTUS --- any O'bama, any Clinton, either Bush, either Johnson, either Adams, any one anywhere any time in any century ------------ pulled anything like this childish shit.

Go ahead. We'll wait, right here.

Even ONE, Harry.

Not what "we" did. Not what you could hear on the "phone", whatever that means --- what THEY did.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

Honestly, division is what politics is all about.

Vote for me and not them cuz they suck.

I guess Dims are saying that Trump is better at it and now they are pissed.

That's in the election campaign. Once that's over the division thing is supposed to be over.

Not Rump though. Can't seem to help himself. That's why there's a sentiment to, at the risk of paraphrasing the orange pimple, "get that sumbitch off the field right now, he's fired". Because if you can't respect the office or the country it's connected to, then you don't deserve the office.

Really it's as simple as that.

With how the Dims have reacted to Trump, perhaps you should have more respect for the office.

Na, it's all Trump.

Destroy orange man!
no matter what the crap you were posting says pogo....when bush took over we were a stream wide,you can still talk somewhat decently with each other,when he was done we were a river and you had to yell to be heard,obama takes over and we are still yelling,by the time he is done we are a lake and need phones to hear each other and if the line is busy or never returns calls.....trump has got us moving even further apart....its been 2 years,trump now owns this presidency,so we will have to wait until the next 2 years are up to see ....

Hey Harry ---- I gave you dozens of examples and you know damn well I can give you dozens more --- go ahead and show us anywhere that any POTUS --- any O'bama, any Clinton, either Bush, either Johnson, either Adams, any one anywhere any time in any century ------------ pulled anything like this childish shit.

Go ahead. We'll wait, right here.

Even ONE, Harry.

Not what "we" did. Not what you could hear on the "phone", whatever that means --- what THEY did.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

It's not my yob to disprove your assertion Harry. It's yours to flesh out.

Once again, you proclaimed that O'bama and Bush did the "same thing" Rump is doing. You have yet to offer any evidence thereto. And we both know it's not going to happen because there isn't any.
i cant believe you are this dense dont have to do what trump is doing to divide the country there are other ways.....yea i know your shocked....
Springsteen is the greatest living American. Its sad that you partisan hacks cant see past your blle.
Your opinion is not only highly ignorant and questionable, it is very presumptuous considering you aren't even an American but a resident of that blighted land, England.

Springsteen's idiotic comment about Trump and his "crime against humanity" could have been said just as easily, and more accurately, about Obama. But that would be far too honest for the butt kissing Bruce.
I am not English.
But you don't live in America? Right? You still don't get to insult Americans for not thinking this over rated dick sucker is America's greatest living citizen.
I think that I can say or do what I want. And you are free to ignore me.I wish that you would because you have very little of interest to say.
pogo is the country on the same page or not?....was it on the same page with obama? about bush?....and if you did not know what i meant by the phone thing then you did not read what i said,and if you did and you still could not understand it.....accept my apologies....

So you have no such examples.

Which is the correct answer, because there aren't any.

The point was about what POTUSes actively did. That's what you said above, let's quote it:

he forgot to mention Bush and Obama for doing the same thing....

"Doing" is an active verb, Harry. What were Bush and O'bama DOING that was "the same thing"? Nothing. You're trying to change your own question into a passive "what the country hears on the phone" or "what page we're on". That was never the question. The question is, and was, what did they DO that was "the same thing"?

And there is no answer, because they didn't. Bush never exhorted people to "beat the crap out of 'em". O'bama never referred to a "Pocahontas" or a "Little Marco". Neither of them gyrated onstage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who wouldn't lie for them.

This is an entirely new ball game. No one in such a position has ever behaved this way, is the point. Oh people somewhere have certainly behaved this way but they usually grow past it somewhere in grade school.
its called DIVIDING the country pogo....all 3 of them have divided this country...prove me wrong...

Honestly, division is what politics is all about.

Vote for me and not them cuz they suck.

I guess Dims are saying that Trump is better at it and now they are pissed.

That's in the election campaign. Once that's over the division thing is supposed to be over.

Not Rump though. Can't seem to help himself. That's why there's a sentiment to, at the risk of paraphrasing the orange pimple, "get that sumbitch off the field right now, he's fired". Because if you can't respect the office or the country it's connected to, then you don't deserve the office.

Really it's as simple as that.
Obama really brought people together I right? (")

Sure as fuck did more than Rumpleforeskin did.

But then, that's true of almost anybody.

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