Roe is just the latest example of all-or-nothing politics


9th A

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Except no rights have been denied or disparaged, snowflake.

Jurisdiction MAY be given back to the states. Liberals can still butcher as many babies as they want every year - that has not changed. Take a deep breath, collect your emotions - rein them in, and allow your intellectual to override your emotions instead of the other way around.
Except no rights have been denied or disparaged, snowflake.

Jurisdiction MAY be given back to the states. Liberals can still butcher as many babies as they want every year - that has not changed. Take a deep breath, collect your emotions - rein them in, and allow your intellectual to override your emotions instead of the other way around.
The right to privacy, self determination, liberty do not have to be written down and spelled out by the constitution...... according to the 9th Amendment.

And where does our constitution give The POWER to the States to abridge those valid rights that are not listed one by one in the constitution, but implied...?
The right to privacy, self determination, liberty do not have to be written down and spelled out by the constitution...... according to the 9th Amendment.

And where does our constitution give The POWER to the States to abridge those valid rights that are not listed one by one in the constitution, but implied...?
The enumerated powers. There.
The enumerated powers. There.
The Five Republican Justices want to redo Hamilton's National Bank. Been there done that.

If "conservatism" only rests on enumerated powers .... conservatism is fucked. I know that McConnell's greatest fear is the unwashed masses deciding they can have anything they vote for, but that's an elitist view, and most of the very rich families were unwashed masses a few generations back. And the Kochs are certainly belly up to the trough. So imo something more intellectually defensible than "no" is necessary. And imo Goldwater was onto something.
1. I respond in kind. Your stupid little pet names will be met with the truth about you.

Actually, no, what you did was a violation of the rules.. so I went back and reported you, Anger Issues .

2. Sounds like the system worked.

Only if you are a racist psycho! Prosecuting women for a miscarriage that happens during a suicide attempt.

The funny thing is, if we talk about suicide as it intersects with gun violence, you guys suddenly have NO PROBLEM with suicide.
Carville nails it again:

Well, it be somewhat fair, the left spent a lot of the last few years talking about federally funded daycare, federal minimum wage hikes, mandatory family leave, etc... and the dems got both chambers and the white house and got exactly fuck done on any of it.

Not that Carville is wrong., but maybe he should spend some of that attention whoring on advocacy for the things he says matter.
Well, it be somewhat fair, the left spent a lot of the last few years talking about federally funded daycare, federal minimum wage hikes, mandatory family leave, etc... and the dems got both chambers and the white house and got exactly fuck done on any of it.

Not that Carville is wrong., but maybe he should spend some of that attention whoring on advocacy for the things he says matter.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. The Left strayed from its core issues and is now (appropriately) attached to social/cultural issues that turn a large swath off the country off. Worse than that, many of its behaviors were instrumental in creating this massive pushback we're seeing, that began in earnest with the election of the orange buffoon.

I've been warning about this since I've been on this board, with examples along the way. I vastly underestimated its ultimate size and intensity, but I was warning about it. All I've gotten for it is denials and dismissals.

The ends of the spectrum just go too fucking far. Every fucking time. So here's the pushback.
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Six of one, half a dozen of the other. The Left strayed from its core issues and is now (appropriately) attached to social/cultural issues that turn a large swath off the country off. Worse than that, many of its behaviors were instrumental in creating this massive pushback we're seeing, that began in earnest with the election of the orange buffoon.

I've been warning about this since I've been on this board, with examples along the way. I vastly underestimated its ultimate size and intensity, but I was warning about it. All I've gotten for it is denials and dismissals.

The ends of the spectrum just go too fucking far. Every fucking time. So here's the pushback.

Wow... so many thing wrong with this argument.

Candidates who stood for real social change have done very well. Obama got 55 and 53%. Biden got 51%. Because they actually stood for something.

Carville's clients, the Clinton Crime Family, who have never taken a position on anything without taking a poll, has NEVER done as well. Clinton only got 43% of the vote in 1993 when he first ran. He only won because Ross Perot split the vote. He barely squeaked by with 49% of the vote in 1996 with a good economy, and no war, because so much of the country thought he was sleazy.

Hillary lost not because she embraced radical social issues, but because everyone thought she was corrupt. Everyone also assumed that Trump couldn't possibly win, so they could stay home or piss away their vote on a third party and feel special about themselves.


So Carville is talking out of his ass. We don't win by having no principles, we win by articulating those principles

Now, I will be the first one to agree... that the Democrats DO need to reach out to the rural areas more, but you don't do that by embracing their backwards bigotries.
The Left strayed from its core issues
40 years of defeat and obstruction can have that effect. Not an excuse, just an explanation. It's hard to get the left fired up over basic centrist ideas that fail to get past the nutter party in Congress.
Abortion law varies widely throughout the world. In many cases, there is a gestation period in which abortion is legal.

I have to wonder what would be happening if the Pro Choice movement had just been willing to agree to some kind of time restriction, instead of refusing to seriously discuss it and (apparently) backing abortion to the end of the pregnancy.

So now, the Pro Life movement can be expected to push this as far as they can, because they "won". After all, America is now all-or-nothing, right? Us vs. Them!

I know that many are just fine with all-or-nothing "wars". I just don't get it. They seem to do far more to divide than to actually improve things.
It's just pretty darn hard to compromise on whether to kill a little baby or not.
When they told me the topic was “Bench Press” I immediately started watching the show.

It turns out they meant something else


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