Roe overturned

I was debating with civility and reason until you went the other way and I just went along for the ride
you have never done that. you and your lib cohorts always resort to insults and lies. its the way of the left. if you can't win the debate denigrate the other side. Alinsky taught you well and you idiots are following his rules to the destruction of this great country. its quite pathetic.
you have never done that. you and your lib cohorts always resort to insults and lies. its the way of the left. if you can't win the debate denigrate the other side. Alinsky taught you well and you idiots are following his rules to the destruction of this great country. its quite pathetic.

I was doing it in this very thread till with you until you could not help yourself and I just gave back what I got.
By the time a woman knows she is pregnant the fetus has a heartbeat.

Don't try to dehumanized the murder. That is like what the Nazis did with the Jews. Dehumanize them to justify extermination. It ain't cool to do that. Not cool at all.
The fluttering of the nerves is not a heat beating.

Terminating a fetus is not murder. Calling Americans who support a woman's choice Nazis, is not cool. There is nothing cool about the Neo-GOP.
The fluttering of the nerves is not a heat beating.

Terminating a fetus is not murder. Calling Americans who support a woman's choice Nazis, is not cool. There is nothing cool about the Neo-GOP.
How are people simultaneously pro-choice for abortions, but not pro-choice for jab mandates?
The fluttering of the nerves is not a heat beating.

Terminating a fetus is not murder. Calling Americans who support a woman's choice Nazis, is not cool. There is nothing cool about the Neo-GOP.
You don't know jackshit about Biology, do you?

A heartbeat is not a fluttering of the nerves.

Stop being an asshole. It makes you look like a real creep.
The fluttering of the nerves is not a heat beating.

Terminating a fetus is not murder. Calling Americans who support a woman's choice Nazis, is not cool. There is nothing cool about the Neo-GOP.
Incorrect. Terminating a fetus has always ended life and always will. Low IQs will attempt to dissect the concept of murder from the concept of the ending of life when the contradiction is exposed. That still gives SCOTUS no authority to bolster church-and-state pathologies and violence while simultaneously excluding non-religious mothers and fathers, a mistake also due to a Catholic-CIA puppet now in the White House.
Hopefully back to legal abortions
. To move this discussion into a different realm, not political, nor legal….give the answers to this quiz:

a. when does science say life begins?(when two strands of DNA join to form a new and distinct human being)

b. what does science say about the two separate bodies involved in an abortion? (It’s not ‘her body’)

c. what percent of the 63 million abortions done via Roe are for rape or incest? (if we make exception for rape and incest, will you ban abortion?)

d. at what point does the prospective mom have the ability not to have a child, without the step of murder? (she already had her chance not to have a child)

e. Is ending the life of another human being murder? (or at least homicide?)

Why will no pro-abortion advocate give the answers to these questions?

You know why.

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