Roe overturned

You think the 6 conservative justices are dishonest? Are they any different from the 3 liberal ones? They all lied during their confirmation hearings, no?
Yes, they are dishonest.

“The strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison, is that they were raised by a single parent”. C.C. Harper and S.S. McLanahan, “Father Absence and Youth Incarceration”, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Assoc., San Francisco, CA, 1998
Yet for guys who speak all the time and even wrote a book on the
subject of Blacks and being Fatherless { Talk Radio's Larry Elder }
proving it seven ways to sunday and back ... Today's Blacks cannot
be bothered.Or for Soft spoken Black Conservatives like Civil Rights
leader Robert Woodson { a regular on Tucker Carlson } who created
the Woodson Center in Washington D.C. providing years of effective
help for inner-city communities.
While Guys like Obama cut his teeth in Chicago training
ACORN members how to Protest and be good little Democrat
If previous decisions get challenged it will only take four justices to grant cert and five to overturn. It depends on how aggressive this court chooses to be.
I just heard a liberal whining on the radio that the court had taken away "the Constitutional right to an abortion".

There is no Constitutional right to abortion.

As for your hysterics about stare decisis, the Supreme Court's Brown v Board of Education decision overturned the Plessy v Ferguson decision which had stood for 56 years. If you had some CRT education, you would know this.

But you needn't worry. The number of abortions are going to remain virtually unchanged in America.
Careful. There's no Constitutional right to travel either. There's no Constitutional right not to be forced to get vaccines, or other medical procedures. No Constitutional right against involuntary medical stays.

There is however, a constitutional right to Disco.
Do you blame them. I'm mad as hell, and I'm postmenopausal.

People who supported attacking the capital based on nothing, have nothing to say about people angry about losing a right.
What if 65% of Americans supported slavery? Or throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings? Things like today's ruling are why we don't do majority rules in the United States.
Don't talk stupid.
I agree. It seems to me this was "resolved" as best it could be by compromises all around.

But that is the nature of our system. Elect new people to change things. Those people make appointments to cater to their mindset.

Over time, enough shifts and simply proves nothing is ever really accomplished.
This post absolutely nails it. Elections have consequences.
The craziness of the agendas was shown last night at the NBA draft. The families and friends of the potential draft picks introduced before the picks tells us what the agendists have done. Black women have a right to be pissed.

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