Roe overturned

So, who will provide the legal check on Congress when they exceed their powers laid out in the constitution? The common populous with little or no legal expertise?

The whole system is broken beyond repair because the whole system, including the courts, are now 100% political.

My plan to retire outside of the US has gotten to be far more serious than it once was.
Wimpy decision by the court

If Abortion is immoral……say it is immoral and outlaw it
Letting 50 states determine morality makes no sense
We are a very large nation RW. And the most diverse nation on the planet. In every way, race, ethnicities and religion.
America was designed to disallow a central government ruling so many different kinds of people, with very different needs and opinions.
Allowing the states to rule, compensates for who lives in that region. Most states will do nothing to change Abortion laws. So the ruling in most of these states truly means nothing changes. Nothing changes.
In other rural states, people there believe differently. And why should they not be able to have control of their area?
Why should rural/religious people in Minnesota have to live by the opinions and desires of New Yorkers or people in California?
But - no doubt, the left is going to go batshit crazy over this and make it out to be the end of the world
From Footnote 4 in the majority opinion:

It's only been overturned in cases where the original court fucked up, like in Plessey.

And the court fucked up with Roe.

The Court most certainly did fuck up overturning Roe. The SC Court just told American women that they have NO RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION.

The last time women were this angry, Republicans lost the House. This time, they're going to lose the Senate, and the Trump Court has lost the respect of American women.
Hopefully not too long.

They will wait till after the mid-terms.

Then once it is gone birth control will be next.

Not sure if they will get to interracial marriage, somehow I think Thomas will not touch that one for some reason.
Actually, there is. Article IV, Section 2. The Privileges and Immunities Clause.

This was carried over from Article IV of the Articles of Confederation which states:

The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different states in this union, the free inhabitants of each of these states, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from Justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states, and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions and restrictions as the inhabitants thereof respectively, provided that such restrictions shall not extend so far as to prevent the removal of property imported into any state, to any other state of which the Owner is an inhabitant, provided also that no imposition, duties or restriction shall be laid by any state, on the property of the united states, or either of them.
Interstate only. Oklahoma could declare you can't leave the county you live in.
see post 464

'Kay. Those hearings are nothing more than political grandstanding. There are very few honest people in DC these days who are very skilled at talking but saying nothing, if not outright lying.

The truth is that 9 unelected people ought not to be making laws and creating constitutional rights that have no real basis in the Constitution. That is exactly what Roe v Wade did; it was a bad decision in the 1st place by a progressive liberal activist court and deserved to be overturned.
They will wait till after the mid-terms.

Then once it is gone birth control will be next.

Not sure if they will get to interracial marriage, somehow I think Thomas will not touch that one for some reason.
He's such a hypocrite that he just might
Yet for guys who speak all the time and even wrote a book on the
subject of Blacks and being Fatherless { Talk Radio's Larry Elder }
proving it seven ways to sunday and back ... Today's Blacks cannot
be bothered.Or for Soft spoken Black Conservatives like Civil Rights
leader Robert Woodson { a regular on Tucker Carlson } who created
the Woodson Center in Washington D.C. providing years of effective
help for inner-city communities.
While Guys like Obama cut his teeth in Chicago training
ACORN members how to Protest and be good little Democrat
Elders and Woodson are idiots. Woodsons Center is a good thing, but his politics aren't and Larry Elder is a flat out idiot. The only people who praise them are white extremists.

You guys talk about fatherless black homes, unwed births, then to talk about how many abortions blacks have. So on one hand we have massive unwed births while we are setting records for abortions. So there is a lie being told somewhere and listening to old black men with internalized racism telling you what you desperately want to believe to feel better about yourselves is not the answer.

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