Roe overturned

So you'll have to plan on driving your bitch to another state, if between the two of you you're not intelligent enough to manage a condom or a Plan B pill.
I don't have to worry about that when my woman is 52. So you go by your bitch those adult diapers.
Quite right. And let's be clear, the negro has no rights the white man is obliged to respect. A negro woman can never be made a white man's wife, only his bitch.
I think Loving is more protected under the 14th Amendment.

Interestingly, Loving said specifically that marriage was a fundamental right:
These statutes also deprive the Lovings of liberty without due process of law in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.
  Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law.

edit, a quick word search of the new opinion does not mention Loving. Strange.
So, who knows?
Saves many women who got tuned Friday and Saturday nights from having to deal with the consequences of loose morals.

If it feels good, do it.
And now you want lots of kids with parents who didn’t want them. Child abuse maybe?
Depends on how its interpreted...
A future court could revisit and determine that the "Militia" fragment is the active portion, thus meaning state militias may not be infringed.
That won't happen as it would open the door and protect ungoverned militias. Every Democrat since Clinton has been at war with the Militia movement.
The Court most certainly did fuck up overturning Roe. The SC Court just told American women that they have NO RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION.

The last time women were this angry, Republicans lost the House. This time, they're going to lose the Senate, and the Trump Court has lost the respect of American women.

The courts fucked up o
Yes, that is going to be the new big lie Republicans will tell, as they prepare to take cases on contraception and same sex marriage before the SCOTUS.

I see it has already filtered down to you.

Let me help you a bit:

Nobody believes those lies. Nobody. The people telling them (you) and the people hearing them don't believe them.

Kind of like having to lie that women can have penises?
Like crying over poor bakers.

Letting a few bakers deny one specific transaction isn't getting 100% my way.

Actually it is, because if they denied point of sale services I would be on your side, not theirs.
The Court is making it clear
Past rulings are off the table

The only thing that matters is the views of 18th century Americans thought we needed

If you did not need in in the 1700s, you don’t need it now
One of the ironies here is, I guarantee a lot of these people don't give two shits about abortion. Like their demigod.

But, they get to own da libs, and that's the top priority.

Elections have consequences.
Depends on how its interpreted...
A future court could revisit and determine that the "Militia" fragment is the active portion, thus meaning state militias may not be infringed.
The Militia was the People when the Constitution and Amendments were written.
It was well detailed as to intent.
Remember one thing, The Constitution and Amendments were there not to protect the government from its people,
but to protect the people from its government.

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