Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

@ding there states unequivocally that legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs have the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins. are you with him on that? END2208910314
Can you show me where I said that?
NFBW2307201010-#3,693 “The mother has a natural right to accept or reject the continued growth ding inside her body as Jewish people believe “ensoulment’ takes place at first breath of the newborn child. I agree with Jewish tradition and disagree with Catholic tradition that a soul is created by God at conception”
We don't write laws based on religion in America. :)
NFBW2207201010-#3,693 “The mother has a natural right to accept or reject the continued growth @ding inside her body as Jewish people believe “ensoulment’ takes place at first breath of the newborn child. I agree with Jewish tradition and disagree with Catholic tradition that a soul is created by God at conception”
We don't write laws based on religion in America. ;)
Science that Mr fake Science @ding won’t acknieledge and Judaism show me that when a woman terminates her own pregnancy she is not killing a separate individual human being that has blood cells marked with its own unique DNA circulating in its bloodstream. IT IS THE BLOOD OF THE POTENTIAL MOTHER KEEPING THE UNDERDEVELOPED ORGANISM ALIVE.
What part of we don't write laws based on religion in America don't you understand. :dunno:
You can disagree with science for Christ sake but should not be able to demand that government must force your unscientific religious views on women you want charged with murder for killing a human being that only potentially exist.
Good thing no one is doing that :laugh:
@ding there states unequivocally that legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs have the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins. are you with him on that? END2208910314
NotfooledbyW there states unequivocally that human life begins at conception and abortion ends a human life.

See what I did there?
NotfooledbyW there states unequivocally that he is a white Catholic American Taliban who wants to force women to be impregnated by Donald Trump and have his babies.
Can you show me where I said that?
NFBW: As I said in the Post :

NFBW2208010314-#4,094 ding said: Tell it to the Supreme Court ding220731-#4,090

Am I wrong? Do you agree ding with me states have no authority to ban abortion or the SCOTUS decision that legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs have the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins.

if no that is great to hear.

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Federally yes. States No. Was the Constitution written in your opinion to allow states to write laws based on religion?
The establishment clause of the first amendment was but the courts have bound the states through the 14th. Which they also did to the 2nd. :)
NFBW: As I said in the Post :

NFBW2208010314-#4,094 ding said: Tell it to the Supreme Court ding220731-#4,090

Am I wrong? Do you agree ding with me states have no authority to ban abortion or the SCOTUS decision that legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs have the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins.

if no that is great to hear.

I am saying that the Supreme Court's ruling didn't go your way and you are having a fit and throwing yourself into it.
I am saying that the Supreme Court's ruling didn't go your way

NFBW: that means your way is that states have the authority to ban abortion when they have legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs giving them the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins.”

Like I said that is exactly what you were saying, but you don’t want to admit it for some reason. END2208011127
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I am saying that the Supreme Court's ruling didn't go your way
I am opposed to the consequences of that ruling. You have been celebrating the consequences of this ruling. You are evasive and reluctant to discuss the many aspects of this ruling. Are you going to open up with direct answers when asked? END2208011216
NFBW: that means your way is that states have the authority to ban abortion when they have legislative majorities in states with Christian Catholic “life” beliefs giving them the right to pass laws banning Jewish belief on when human life begins.”

Like I said that is exactly what you were saying, but you don’t want to admit it for some reason. END2208011127
No. That doesn't mean that's my way. It means exactly what I said and nothing more.

What you just said means that your way is to impregnate all women with Donald Trump's seed.
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I am opposed to the consequences of that ruling. You have been celebrating the consequences of this ruling. You are evasive and reluctant to discuss the many aspects of this ruling. Are you going to open up with direct answers when asked? END2208011216
You are way more than opposed to the ruling, you have been triggered by that ruling such that you can't have an honest discussion.

I'm not evasive. I work through things in a logical, sequential manner and don't skip steps.
you can't have an honest discussion.
NFBW: What have I said or written or inferred or suggested or implied that is not honest. Your vague statement is a typical example of your evasiveness. So don’t evade my question. Show me an example of me being dishonest. Are you going to open up with direct answers when asked?END2208011243
NFBW: What have I said or written or inferred or suggested or implied that is not honest. Your vague statement is a typical example of your evasiveness. So don’t evade my question. Show me an example of me being dishonest. END2208011243
Every single time you state what I believe you misstate it. It's getting old. Use the quote feature and you won't have a problem.
I’ve been snipped since my second daughter took her first breath of life so you are a dimwitted American Taliban liar saying things you can’t possibly know if true. Your word means nothing.
Then you arent the problem. Others are the problem and you are defending them. They should take measures to ptevent getting pregnant. And why are you defending them for making bad decisions? Call me Taliban when late term abortion is barbarism. Your opinion doesnt matter to me or my state.

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