Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Wanton Inculcate For Entitlement To Histrionic Tantrum Denied "

* Sanctimonious Anthropocentric Hypocritical Blubbering *

I'm neither Catholic nor someone dumb enough to fall for your gaslighting BS that a mother murdering her own child has a Constitutional right to privacy.
Stop butchering babies behind the cover of a Constitutional right that does not exist to facilitate infanticide.
The opinions of anyone enabling the mutilation & murder of an innocent human being mean less than nothing to me.
I find your ghoulish proclivities towards the rights of a vulnerable & innocent child contemptible
A wright to privacy is not the actual constitutional basis for abortion , rather a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is the actual constitutional basis for abortion .

The dobbs decision by scrotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled by live birth to receive them .

As are babies , children have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen .
" Wanton Inculcate For Entitlement To Histrionic Tantrum Denied "

* Sanctimonious Anthropocentric Hypocritical Blubbering *

A wright to privacy is not the actual constitutional basis for abortion , rather a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is the actual constitutional basis for abortion .

The dobbs decision by scrotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled by live birth to receive them .

As are babies , children have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen .
A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
@HeyNorm230117-#6,757 And there you have it folks, his hatred of religion inspires his belief. He must destroy humanity and build it back in his image.

NFBW: I have never said that I hate religion. So please explain what makes you think that I do.

I wrote this:

NFBW: We now have clarity that jgs is not a Catholic Christian. This viable American human person who likely has a recorded birthday because his mother did not kill him in the womb, has explained that he experiences the presence of Jesus when he attends what must be his little Protestant Cowboy Church and that is nice.

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HeyNorm230116-#149 HeyNorm • Many, eligible for death by abortion in many states, absolutely could live outside the womb if delivers early. •••• But now we are getting somewhere.
NFBW230116- #6,745 • English Common Law establishes the “legalistic” moment of viability when we are contemplating secular law.
HeyNorm230117-#6,760 • @Hey Norm Hmmmm, Hitler legislated who deserved to live or die.

NFBW: Hitler never could be pregnant and had no uterus so it was impossible for him to decide whether or not a living human organism inside his body deserved to live or die. ••••

We are discussing the right to terminate pregnancy one woman, as an individual human being, at a time. ••••

We are not discussing dictators who commit genocide against Jewish people. ••••

We can further discuss your hatred for the “barbaric” (as you infer) Jewish women and people because you are aligned with Adolph Hitler on that as you make it perfectly clear that Jews are barbarians for believing as they contemplate secular law that human life and ensoulment begins at first breath.

HeyNorm230113-#6,699 HeyNorm • Oh, just another opposed because you think anyone who sees this as the ultimate barbarism, must be doing so because of religion.

HeyNorm230114-#6,708 HeyNormScience has evolved since barbaric days.

NFBW: And I see you HeyNorm are in jackboot lockstep with CarsomyrPlusSix on dehumanizing and hating Jews for their barbaric religious belief that life begins at first breath based on the Biblical story in Genesis. This is how that hate infested Buffoon defined any person who believes life begins at first breath or in secular English Common Law as I do.

Cplus6230117-#6,753 “That thing can’t evolve, it devolves. •••• It is genetic poison. Its stupidity should not be allowed to spread.”

NFBW: So HeyNorm do you aid and abet CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s hate and dehumanization of Jews for being barbarians in belief that life begins at first breath. ???? Will you answer this question this time or keep hiding from it?

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" Competent Laws And Ethical Standards "

* Scrotus Dobbs Orchestration Of Sedition *

A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
Abortions at 8 months for those possibly termed as " without cause " do not occur .

The roe v wade decision related that states may proscribe abortion in 3rd trimester , where natural viability was substituted in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and based on an ability to survive an imminent live birth .

* Hue Mammon Nature - More Well Being Than Given *

The evidence of fetal anomalies occurs by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks .

From medical care statistics , post 15 weeks abortions are sought for reasons possibly termed " with cause " , meaning that the abortions occur for developmental anomalies such a fetal abnormalities or physical health of the mother .

The hapless neglectful female wanting to end a pregnancy later than 15 weeks " without cause " is a tactic of sensationalism which overtly omits a stark reality of individuals confronted by circumstances that could markedly affect their life , liberty and pursuit of happiness .

* Ethics Of Empathy For Suffering *

Speculations for the onset of sentience vary , however empathy for suffering would only be an issue in abortions occurring well beyond 15 weeks that would be occurring " with cause " .

* Extra Summary *
A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
An assertion of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is not a rule that can be compromised for many reasons , and a zygote , or embryo , or fetus does not have constitutional protections , that would include a wright to life .

Alternatively , the ethical nature of hue mammon does not compel a concern that the rule for a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is being exploited by those seeking elective abortion ; rather , those disregarding the rule for live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen are seeking to proscribe abortion in manners contrary to legitimate and foundational reasons .

* Antinomian Ethos Inquisition As A Law Unto Themselves *

By principles of antinomianism , by a tautology , in paradox , a transliterate meaning of antinomian altruism is that " by no name will a law be made " , which asserts that a final valuation , to determine an intrinsic compliance of hue mammon in an obedience with an idealize manner as law , must occur by the removal of and without the existence of written laws .
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HeyNorm230117-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
Monk-Eye230118-#6,765 Monk-Eye • An assertion of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen is not a rule that can be compromised for many reasons , and a zygote , or embryo , or fetus does not have constitutional protections , that would include a wright to life .

NFBW: The authoritarians cannot seek truth through reason so they invoke Hitler from the pits of Hell to assist them in the current dehumanization of rational and reasonable humans who have passed the once in a lifetime moment of viability on the human development lifespan continuum and those of us who understand what that moment means with respect for every female human’s liberty and equal justice under the law.

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Hmmmm, Hitler legislated who deserved to live or die.

NFBW: tell it to Trump supporters who fought like hell for him on Jan6 like this one:

NFBW220905-#5,090 Trump said he would Pardon this NAZI who attacked the Capitol for TRUMP on JAN6.
Tim Cusanelli,


a Jan6 rioter



  • 1674050761871.gif
    42 bytes · Views: 14
NFBW: tell it to Trump supporters who fought like hell for him on Jan6 like this one:

NFBW220905-#5,090 Trump said he would Pardon this NAZI who attacked the Capitol for TRUMP on JAN6.
Tim Cusanelli,


a Jan6 rioter


Wow, talk about off topic.

And yet you’ve run from the question of why you think a 8 month gestated fetus get no civil rights when it is “similarly situated” to a newborn?

Interesting to say the least
A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made.
These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made.
Oh, I think they do. A basic point for the determination of civil rights that many of the moonbats use daily.
ding170421-#362 At conception a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence. It does not come into existence when it is "medically viable." I don't think you are viable. You must not be human. Did Hitler think the Jews were viable?

HeyNorm230116-#149 HeyNorm • Many, eligible for death by abortion in many states, absolutely could live outside the womb if delivers early. ••••
NFBW230116- #6,745 English Common Law establishes the “legalistic” moment of viability when we are contemplating secular law.
HeyNorm230117-#6,760 Hmmmm, Hitler legislated who deserved to live or die. Science be damned, right?
NFBW230118-#6,768 tell it to Trump supporters who fought like hell for him on Jan6 like this one:
HeyNorm230118-#6,769 Wow, talk about off topic.

NFBW: as you can see as I said, - your invoking Hitler goes all the way back to 2017 amongst you authoritarians who oppose freedom, liberty and equality for women when they get pregnant as you can see in ding ‘s post at the top.

NFBW-2301180757 II HeyNorm do you aid and abet CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s hate and dehumanization of Jews for being barbarians in belief that life begins at first breath. ???? Will you answer this question this time or keep hiding from it?

HeyNorm23017-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
Flash230118-#6,770 Flash • These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made

NFBW: I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan, continuum. •••• This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death if the new individual human being die prior to live birth. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?

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HeyNorm23017-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
Flash230118-#6,770 Flash • These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made

NFBW: I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan, continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?


You need to know that killing a child is not a "natural human right of a pregnant woman". It is killing a child as a birth control method and it is despicable and inhuman.
Monk-Eye230117-#6,761 Monk-Eye • The dobbs decision by scrotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled by live birth to receive them . •••• As are babies , children have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen
HeyNorm23017-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws.
Flash230118-#6,770 Flash • These Moon Bats don't understand simple Biology so they have no comprehension of the valid point you made
NFBW230118-#6,774 I understand the very simple truth, that every single individual human being who has ever lived on this planet, has a life that begins at conception. Immediately upon conception, the human living human organism gets attached to a woman’s uterus, and begins its development on the human lifespan, continuum. This continuum begins at conception and develops to a moment of viability then birth and then death. What else do I need to know about biology when we are contemplating the natural human rights of pregnant women in our secular society?
Flash230118-#6,775 Flash • You need to know that killing a child is not a "natural human right of a pregnant woman". ^^

NFBW: So you want me to adopt your authoritarian opinion about natural rights of pregnant women vs the child that is surviving life only insofar as being attached and part of it’s mother’s body ••••

So why did you question my knowledge of biology???? What does biology have to do with your opinion Flash on the morality of abortion, which is something a woman should be able to decide in private in my opinion and a majority of voters in the red state of Kansas.

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HeyNorm23017-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws^^

NFBW: There is no similar situation between a fetus having a physical body and brain that has not developed to the moment of viability when successful separation at birth could be possible versus well after the moment of viability when a fetus is very likely to survive when separated from its mother. •••• But even so Monk-Eye is correct constitutionally and you and Flash are wrong:

Monk-Eye230117-#6,761 @Monk-Eye • The dobbs decision by scrotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled by live birth to receive them . •••• As are babies , children have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen.

HeyNorm23017-#6,762 HeyNorm • A 8 month gestated fetus is similarly situated to a newborn, as such, deserves the same rights under our laws^^

NFBW: There is no similar situation between a fetus having a physical body and brain that has not developed to the moment of viability when successful separation at birth could be possible versus well after the moment of viability when a fetus is very likely to survive when separated from its mother. •••• But even so Monk-Eye is correct constitutionally and you and Flash are wrong:

Monk-Eye230117-#6,761 @Monk-Eye • The dobbs decision by scrotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments that is supported by traitors to us republic credo of e pluribus unum espouses independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled by live birth to receive them . •••• As are babies , children have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen.


The entire legal argument “similarly situated” went completely over your head. But when you are trying to argue such a barbaric act, no wonder you run.

An 8 month gestated fetus is often functioning in such a manner that it is almost certainly able to independently sustain life, just as a newborn. There is no gyration that rises to the level of being similarly situated to a newborn.

Or are you planning to argue they must be exact? In that case, the LBGTQ might want to clue you in on civil rights legal standards.
Yeah, this bloodthirsty vile sociopath thinks killing the innocent is not only a “human right” but a sacrament.

There is no rationality or humanity in that thing.

All you can do with that kind of filth is pass laws over its retarded inept objections and otherwise watch it in case it gives into its violent impulses so you can take it out before it hurts a human.
HeyNorm230118-#6,778 An 8 month gestated fetus is often functioning in such a manner that it is almost certainly able to independently sustain life, just as a newborn.

NFBW FACTS: Eight months is 34.64 weeks. Roe v Wade set legal abortion at 28 weeks. I agree with a federal abortion ban at 24 weeks except to save the life of the mother and from serious harm to the mother. ••••

A fetus has a shot at premature birth survival at 22 weeks. I would be fine banning all abortions at English Common Law at 16 weeks if women only voted that way. There is no way that a sixteen week fetus is functioning and or physically capable of surviving outside the human natural womb. So what is your point about a 34.64 week old human being being similar situated to what?

NFBW-2301180757 III • HeyNorm do you aid and abet CarsomyrPlusSix ‘s hate and dehumanization of Jews for being barbarians in belief that life begins at first breath. ???? Will you answer this question this time or keep hiding from it?

HeyNorm230118-#6,778 HeyNorm • But when you are trying to argue such a barbaric act ••••

NFBW: Have you ever told a Jewish person who believes according to their relationship with their version of God that human life begins at first breath which when full term is forty weeks?


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