Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


230427^|a| 1975poll

NotfooledbyW said:
Did you have a better way to defend your pro choice interests 50 years ago?

Apr 27, 2024 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,516 {to: 08,513 frvnf} No, as the public was overwhelmingly against roe v wade and would have voted it down...

Apr 27, 2024 NFBW {to: 08,516} Do you have data that backs what has existed in your mind for perhaps fifty years if you were consciously engaged as an adult in the late sixties? My memory and my data certainly suggest you are in error. ref: 230427^|a| 1975poll
Sep 22, 2022 ¥blind_boo¥ #3 “The rhythmic fluttering of the nerves”

Sep 22, 2022 ¥frnknvstn¥ #29 ..btw, a "right" is universal and covers everyone, and when it does not it is then by definition a privilege.”

Apr 27. 2023 NFBW #8,509 “When an ultrasound picks up the rhythmic fluttering of the nerves of the living human organism inside the belly of a woman (a) does the woman have a universal right to kill it or (b) does the living human organism, with its own unique DNA have a universal right to life which includes protection by a government that forces the woman to submit her body to the government until the baby can be delivered and takes his or her first breath? or (c) mind your own fuckjng business. That decision is between the woman and her doctor. I am for (c) and we need to keep it that way.

Apr 27, 2024 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,520 {to: 08,508 frvnf} “That is not a "right" you describe but a "privilege" posited as a "right". "Universal right" means we all possess it not just members of a certain group. It's only a right if everyone possesses it, it is otherwise, by definition, a this case one of which I don't mind or object.

Apr 27. 2023 NFBW {to: 08,520}

Why didn’t you pick (c) and mind your own business about what goes on regarding a woman’s uterus, her health, her bodily autonomy, and her doctor?

Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?
Apr 27, 2024 NFBW {to: 08,516} Do you have data that backs what has existed in your mind for perhaps fifty years
A graph? :abgg2q.jpg:
That's the difference between a social education and an academic one, all one need do to fool the socially educated is show them a graph/chart as they do not possess the proper skills to see through the ruse even as transparent as yours.
if you were consciously engaged as an adult in the late sixties?
I was 16 in 73...had to ask what abortion was, everyone said no other response
My memory and my data certainly suggest you are in error. l
your argument does not.
a graph is more relevant and reflective upon reality, then a statement that you obviously pulled out of your ass.

If you don’t have any kind of consensus, don’t make statements that you can’t back up

The truth is that graph indicates that little has changed since the early 70s to the present day as far as public opinion goes on abortion being legal. You have absolutely no way of deciding that a referendum on legal abortion nationwide in 1972 would have failed, nothing whatsoever unless you can present it here.

Pulling fact out of your ass counts for nothing.
Why didn’t you pick (c) and mind your own business about what goes on regarding a woman’s uterus, her health, her bodily autonomy, and her doctor?
because that does not correct your mistake in (a)...I did not choose any answer just fixed your mistake
Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?
Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya say?
a graph is more relevant and reflective upon reality, then a statement that you obviously pulled out of your ass.
Maybe, but that sure does set the bar so low that it makes my point about them valid.
If you don’t have any kind of consensus, don’t make statements that you can’t back up
TRANSLATION: "please stop, I'm begging you"
The truth is that graph indicates that little has changed since the early 70s to the present day as far as public opinion goes on abortion being legal. You have absolutely no way of deciding that a referendum on legal abortion nationwide in 1972 would have failed, nothing whatsoever unless you can present it here.
see: "social education"
Pulling fact out of your ass counts for nothing.
Even if you consider it a fact?
NFBW: may I refer to you Americans as anti-choice religious MAGA conservatives both Catholic and Protestant?

I have the impression that ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ is concerned that I do not refer properly and politely to all the predominantly white Americans who are working very hard to make sure the government will force giving birth on every pregnant woman henceforth until the Raoture.
Nobody is forcing any woman to give birth.... That's a lying narrative you and possibly your buddies are trying to run with now.

How many false narratives or bull crap have you come up with thus far in this thread ?

Anyways, no one is forcing any woman to give birth, but the nation is trying to stop the genocidal maniac's who turned abortion into a fad, a convenience, a form of birth control, and an out from the supposed problem's that might come or be associated with a beautiful or handsome new born child.

Of course you know this, but you are reaching for something else that you fear. Hmmmm.
because that does not correct your mistake in (a)...I did not choose any answer just fixed your mistake

Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya say?
White or other... It's the "determination of", otherwise that comes from the inward character be it of anyone regardless of race or title, but I do get your liberal analogy without disagreement on. 😁

Anyone that might try to determine who is human and who is not (like you purdy much say), are playing dangerous soul destroying games.
Apr 27. 2023 NFBW #8,522 {to: 08,520} Second question, regardless of your gender, do you believe all human beings have a right to bodily autonomy, including the right to protect themselves in their entire body from harm from others, and most, especially from the government?

Apr 27, 2024 ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ #8,525 {to: 08,522} Of course, but that is where I run afoul of white liberals who feel it is their right to determine which of us is human and which is not...very very dangerous for those who cannot defend themselves wouldn't ya

Apr 27, 2024 NFBW {to: 08,525} White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement. Thats been determined since Moses came down from the mountain with Thou Shall not kill. Moses was Jewish so his momma possibly more than likely taught him that he became a gift from God at the moment when he took his first breath and met the live birth requirement for the First Commandment to apply.

I expect your reference to innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves are fetuses who have not met a live birth requirement. Assuming that is correct; white liberals and white religious extremists cannot determine whether a fetus at that stage inside a woman’s body gets civil defense of life liberty and pursuit of happiness from state or federal government

. No human can answer it for anybody else.

The only answer is (c) It’s none of anyone’s business what goes on inside a woman’s body during pregnancy.

if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is ok with it get an abortion.

if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is NOT ok with DO NOT get an abortion.

It’s a simple rule.

Mind your own fuckjing business when it comes to what goes on in a woman’s uterus.

I fathered two kids and then I got snipped.
I took care of my business. So let freedom ring and make that apply to women. They are the better half of humans in my opinion. Give them the respect that they deserve to make their own decisions.
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Nobody is forcing any woman to give birth....
You are a liar. When a state like Florida
bans a women’s access to a safe legal abortion by the doctor of her choice in a safe medical facility or blocks the ability to obtain safe pharmaceuticals that induce abortion in the first ten weeks at home where she lives she is being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term. And that causes harm or could be fatal. It is also government “force” to those who can afford it, to travel to another state, where a legal abortion can be safely obtained.
Jul 18, 2022 Ding #2,403 “This is pretty simple. It's a scientific fact that human life begins at conception. I have provided ample scientific testimony to this and you have provided none to dispute it.

NFBW: Why would I dispute a scientific fact ding that I believe is factual based on common sense alone.

Mar 18, 2023 NFBW #7,745 “I do not deny that a genetically unique human life is produced at conception.”

Mar 18, 2023 BackAgain #7,747 {to: 07,745} None of them {stages of human development} change the fact that life has already begun.

Mar 27, 2023 NFBW #7,973 {to: 07,747} I have always maintained the fact that Life begins at conception” {So} When do you think life begins?

BackAgain239338-#7,975 to: -2 ¥ BackAgain ¥ {Life begins at} “conception •••• And life continues through, until death.
Is the

Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein #8,444 “ when does your science say life begins?”

Apr 27, 2023 NFBW: I have always believed the science that human life begins at conception. So now what? When else would life begin?
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Apr 27, 2024 NFBW {to: 08,525} White liberals who have met a live birth requirement cannot determine and have never tried to determine (that I know of) which of us is human and which of us is not.. in regard to all of us who have met a live birth requirement. Thats been determined since Moses came down from the mountain with Thou Shall not kill. Moses was Jewish so his momma possibly more than likely taught him that he became a gift from God at the moment when he took his first breath and met the live birth requirement for the First Commandment to apply.

I expect your reference to innocent human beings who cannot defend themselves are fetuses who have not met a live birth requirement. Assuming that is correct; white liberals and white religious extremists cannot determine whether a fetus at that stage inside a woman’s body gets civil defense of life liberty and pursuit of happiness from state or federal government

. No human can answer it for anybody else.

The only answer is (c) It’s none of anyone’s business what goes on inside a woman’s body during pregnancy.

if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is ok with it get an abortion.

if you are pregnant but do not want to be and your conscience or religion is NOT ok with DO NOT get an abortion.

It’s a simple rule.

Mind your own fuckjing business when it comes to what goes on in a woman’s uterus.

I fathered two kids and then I got snipped.
I took care of my business. So let freedom ring and make that apply to women. They are the better half of humans in my opinion. Give them the respect that they deserve to make their own decisions.
Reads like the epitaph for your argument...all that text and nothing! same old defeated points over and over again, so lets give it the appropriate response it deserves...
I understand much the same way I understand refrigerator art.
I have always believed the science that human life begins at conception.'re making this too easy
So now what?
I prove that you have no problem lying when it suits you.
When else would life begin?
evidently it depends on which argument you happen to be losing at the time.
I believe the sanctity of life begins when science says human consciousness is possible.,
I smell a barnyard of white liberal semantics bearing down on us.
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Jul 18, 2022 Ding #2,403 “This is pretty simple. It's a scientific fact that human life begins at conception. I have provided ample scientific testimony to this and you have provided none to dispute it.

NFBW: Why would I dispute a scientific fact ding that I believe is factual based on common sense alone.

Mar 18, 2023 NFBW #7,745 “I do not deny that a genetically unique human life is produced at conception.”

Mar 18, 2023 BackAgain #7,747 {to: 07,745} None of them {stages of human development} change the fact that life has already begun.

Mar 27, 2023 NFBW #7,973 {to: 07,747} I have always maintained the fact that Life begins at conception” {So} When do you think life begins?

BackAgain239338-#7,975 to: -2 ¥ BackAgain ¥ {Life begins at} “conception •••• And life continues through, until death.
Is the

Apr 24, 2023 ¥ Frankeneinstein #8,444 “ when does your science say life begins?”

Apr 27, 2023 NFBW: I have always believed the science that human life begins at conception. So now what? When else would life begin?
You did skip over a question I posed:
How do you feel about the way white Christians have both historically and contemporarily treated communists? [I added the time references]
Semantics: the meaning of words, phrases and sentences

: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death: "the origins of life"

The "sanctity of life" is the idea that human lives are inherently valuable — more valuable than any other material thing there is. The fact that we value human life owes itself to various religious traditions.

Human being means a person who has been born and is alive. Human life means a human person and is the biological development of the species homosapiens that begins when a human egg is fertilized by a human sperm and continues to develop as a living organism. Human life Definition | Law Insider. 230428^life

NFBW ref 230225^consciousness
> Assuming that consciousness is mainly localized in the cortex, consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established. The emergence of consciousness: Science and ethics - PubMed.

{1) Jun 29, 2022 ¥ DigitalDrifter ¥ #1
@Janefonda “If a corporation can be defined as a person, why not redefine vaginas as AK47s. That way they’d be free of governmental restrictions by those who care about ‘the sanctity of life’.”

(2) Sep 22, 2022 ¥frnknvstn¥ #29 “so it was just the semantics that had you in a flutter

{3) Nov 12, 2022 ¥frnknvstn¥ #365 A zygote is not an embryo which is not a fetus which is not an infant which is not a toddler which is not a post-pubescent teenager which is not an adult, but they are the necessary forms that comprise and constitute life... •••• so a zygote only needs the rights that guarantees its continued "life" but it is entitled to even the ones it has no use for..

(4) Nov 13, 2022#379 “I just tenuously consider it "life", [and that is subject to change and not all that important to me] one of many forms and steps in the human experience, much like the one you call a person. •••• so no, it has not reached the "person" stage in its development yet.

(5a) Apr 24, 2023 NFBW #8,443 “I believe the sanctity of life begins when science says human consciousness is possible.,”

(5b) Apr 27, 2023 NFBW #8,531 “I have always believed the science that human life begins at conception.”

(6) Apr 27, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,533 {to: 08,531 frvnf} so which is it? I smell a barnyard of white liberal semantics bearing down on

(7) Apr 27, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,533 {to: 08,531 frvnf} hmm…. you're making this too easy

(8) Apr 27, 2023 NFBW #8,531 So now what?

(9) Apr 27, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,533 {to: 08,531 frvnf} I prove that you have no problem lying when it suits you.

(10) Apr 27, 2023 NFBW #8,531 When else would life begin?

(11) Apr 27, 2023 ¥frnknvstn¥ #8,533 {to: 08,531 frvnf} “evidently it depends on which argument you happen to be losing at the time.”

Apr 28, 2023 0337 NFBW {to: 08,522 (11) frvnf} I have one fundamental argument Mind your own business if it is not your pregnancy. It is nobody’s business but a woman and her doctor about what she does in an unwanted pregnancy because although presence of human life begins at conception sanctity of life begins at 24 weeks with potential for consciousness. Neurological development makes consciousness possible and survival outside the womb prematurely is possible. See ref 230225^consciousness above
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" Too Dumb To Relate "

* Screwballs *

Does the woman have a choice as to whether to allow access to her vagina, from said overloaded aroused heterosexual male? Yes? thought so!
Hopefully you do realize that the literal meaning for the metaphor of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection described as life .

You sure seem to be obsessed with others having sex and do not seem to understand the origin of the anxiety for your uniform fetish and envy .

Yes ? Thought so .
About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).
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" Lacks Clear Understanding Of The Players "

* Sectarian Psychopathy *

to the secularist, an individual requires one to be born. You aren't the only people that are in existence. Most of the world is still with faith in God and thus recognizes the human being in the womb. The Lord said that he knew Jeremiah before and while in the womb.
Go sell the accolades for icon cultural heroes to those cast aside and ignored .

The excuse by the catholic church for poverty created from over population beyond economic and environmental carrying capacity , from its policy against birth control and its ascetic position of sex only for procreation , is that the foundation of its economic beliefs includes communism .

* Delusional Basis Of Reason *
Those like Stalin and Mao relish in your definition because it is what allowed the two to kill 100 million people in their own countries to try and end the poverty. It did not do it, but communists always will try.
I am a republican for a us republic with credo for e pluribus unum espousing independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by live birth to receive them .

The facts are that the principles of individuals do not support authoritarian dictators , whether the authoritarians are communists , socialists or sectarian theocrats .

* Religious Socialism *

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" Too Dumb To Relate "

* Screwballs *

Hopefully you do realize that the literal meaning for the metaphor of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity so that another , both figuratively and literally as themselves , through a sophisticated physical state , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection described as life .

You sure seem to be obsessed with others having sex and do not seem to understand the origin of the anxiety for your uniform fetish and envy .

Yes ? Thought so .
About 3% of all conceptions are associated with major congenital malformations, many of them are lethal developmental defect and genetic in origin or teratogenic (adverse effects of the envi- ronment during gametogenesis or early embryogenesis).
Cute, it's not about the sex they have imbecile, sex is awesome, it's about the lack of accountability when because of their lack of self control, a human is produced, then murdered.

Since 97% of all abortions are simply for convenience let's talk
Nov 25, 2021 ¥ Red Storm Rising ¥ #53
And what about the Constitution of the United States? Are not all people conceived in this country deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

NFBW: On The “SANCTITY OF LIFE” the US Constitution is Jewish not Catholic. It gives individuals who are born on US soil, or naturalized after meeting a live birth requirement on foreign soil, the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness at first breath.

There is no constitutional protection such as a right to life that starts on the date of an individual’s moment of conception. The only constitutional right to life that a fertilized human egg, Zygote, Embryo or Fetus has cones through the actual live birth rights of it’s mother.

Do you agree and acknowledge ¥ Frankeneinstein ¥ that the US Constitution is silent on human life that begins at conception but recognizes and extends rights to every conceived individual human being when they meet a live birth requirement by taking a first breath?

First breath establishes sanctity of life in Jewish doctrine.,
Apr 28, 2023 ¥ Frankenstein ¥ #8,538 {to; 08,538 “Cute, it's not about the sex they have imbecile, sex is awesome, it's about the lack of accountability when because of their lack of self control, a human is produced, then murdered.”

When a human is produced and begins secular and in nature “individual human life” inside one of its two creator’s bodies such individual is not constitutionally protected from being killed by the person, of rational mind and consciousness, who by keeping the newly conceived living human organism alive, has sole autonomy over whether her body can be used as life support until potential independent live birth can be achieved with or without modern technological advancement in medical support .

There is no crime of murder in the situation described above.

IF anyone can refute that without calling me a commie imbecile baby killer please proceed intelligently and rationally with facts
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