Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

They have to chip away at Christian values because they know Christians do not go along with their agenda (climate change lies, etc) They know Christians value human beings. That goes against their pro-abortion agenda (etc)
I think our chance was the stolen 2020 election. We should have had a million armed man march on DC and removed the assholes that stole the election from the American people. Our Founding Fathers would have wanted us to tar and feather the tryants. But we didn't and we won't the next time. We will let our Democracy destroy our Liberty one bite at a time.
You mean like these sicko Libtards that are Liberal as hell and call themselves Christians but hate Conservatives, condone killing children for birth control,
I am a Lutheran.

Do both of you “Baby Fetus Saviors” wish Mike Pence would have been aborted by hanging on Jan6 for not being Christian enough to suit real Christians like you.,

nmdc.23.03.33 #16
flvsh.23,06.22 #44
flvsh.23.09.10 #7
flash.23.06.09 #411
nf.23.06.29 #9,461
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Do both of you “Baby Fetus Saviors” wish Mike Pence would have been aborted by hanging on Jan6 for not being Christian enough to suit real Christians like you.,

nmdc.23.03.33 #16
flvsh.23,06.22 #44
flvsh.23.09.10 #7
We didn't want the traitorous sonofabitch hanged. Tar and feathering and run out of town on a rail would have been sufficient.
It was pointed out earlier that many who consider themselves pro-life, really are not. They are little more than political hustlers.

Can this asshole ever stick to the subject?

When the subject is human life there are no boundaries that should contain discussing it . . Unless you are a Baby Fetus Savior, book banning mud-slinging anti-intellectual, irrational, anti-democracy Trump voter; well, then access to truths we humans can dig up regarding human life must be restricted or compartmented and regulated by the Saving Baby Fetus Cult Flash goons. Truth scares the shit out of atheist CarsomyrPlusSix . His cult is dying on a Dobbs Decision Message Board and he can’t burn this book -Jesus turned his gasoline into water. It’s a miracle. Think about it.

pknopp.23.04.15 #76
myrpls.23.06.30 #9,464
nf.23.06.30 #9,465
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Do you think Trump is a better Christian than Pence? What if Trump was wrong about the Constitution and Pence was right?

Can this asshole ever stick to the subject?

What event involving one originally pro/choice, white male during the past half century made it possible for Roe vs Wade to be overturned?

The event began on a golden escalator in New York City as if the white male Great Hope was being descended from Heaven.

nf.23.06.29 #9,463
myrpls.23.06.30 #9,464
nf.23.06.30 #9,466
Can this asshole ever stick to the subject?

Holy shit.

Worst poster on any message board, ever.
Pence was a traitor to country by allowing the stolen 2020 to be certified without a Congressional audit. As President of the Senate he could have shown leadership and insisted on an audit, like was done before.

Instead he took the coward's way out and let the Democrat scum get away with stealing our country and now we are a debt ridden inflationary banana republic with significant economic problems. A sonofabitch owned by the Chinese (that made his family filthy rich) got away with stealing an election.

In Pence's case it is a great example of when bad things happen because good people do nothing.
Then if 500,000 women a year cannot avoid puking daily for months, gaining 40 pounds, and then having their bodies ripped apart in childbirth and maybe be one of the one hundred or so to die, then why can’t society torture the male who was irresponsible with his ejaculation into the woman who did not want to be tortured like that.

If your girl get’s pregnant but doesn’t want to gestate a fetus for nine months why not have the state torrture you equally for nine months. And you get the death penalty if she dies.

synthhlc.23.06.23 #1
hkrgy.23.06.25 #9,217
nf.23.06.29 #9,460

It's amazing that you still want to argue this with me.

I've told you REPEATEDLY that I have never stated my position on abortion. I've asked you to provide evidence I am against it and all you do is say "your general attitude.....blah blah blah blah". Which is to say that since I don't buy your argument on a LEGAL basis.....I am in opposition to you.

I only care about the legal part of this discussion.

You can shove the rest of it.
Pence was a traitor to country by allowing the stolen 2020 to be certified without a Congressional audit. As President of the Senate he could have shown leadership and insisted on an audit, like was done before.
Trump wanted Pence to acknowledge the chaos caused by Eastman and Giuliani’s fake electors scheme. Commit fraud for him.
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In Pence's case it is a great example of when bad things happen because good people do nothing.
I was talking about W's Bitchboy, I don't know what you're on about, but like, please stop with the off-topic rant about Mike Pence. Don't take the bait, thanks.
Trump wanted Pence to acknowledge the chaos caused by Eastman and Giuliani’s fake electors scene. Commit fraud for him.
All Pence had to do was show leadership and insist on a audit of the Democrat controlled swing big city shitholes where the Democrats used the scam of the Pandemic being a cover for unverified mail in and harvested ballot to steal the Electoral College from the American people.

Instead he did nothing and the Democrat assholes got away with it. Now we are a failed banana republic and shame on us.
1. There is no such right (to avoid physical harm).
You stated this as if it were fact.

I say you are wrong. Why do you believe state government can force women to gestate an unwanted fetus for full natural term if she decides within 22 weeks she does not wish to endure the harm or take the risk of possible death if she does not want to allow that to happen to her body?
All Pence had to do was show leadership and insist on a audit of the Democrat controlled swing big city shitholes where the Democrats used the scam of the Pandemic being a cover for unverified mail in and harvested ballot to steal the Electoral College from the American people.

Are you saying that you have evidence that “unverified mail in and harvested ballots” were not cast by legal voters but were illegal counted as votes for Biden?

flvsh.24.06.30 #9,472
You stated this as if it were fact.
Because it is. Duh.

I say you are wrong.
No one cares what you say, retard.

Why do you believe state government can force women to gestate an unwanted fetus for full natural term if she decides within 22 weeks she does not wish to endure the harm or take the risk of possible death if she does not want to allow that to happen to her body?
State governments can prosecute murders, and they should, as that is a premeditated aggressive homicide for financial remuneration, deserving of the execution of the contract killer and client both.
No. You are lying. I wrote at the top that it is {“Baby Fetus savers” forcing gestation } on women that causes harm to women. There is no kid involved.

nf.23.06.29 #9,453
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,455
nf.23.06.29 #9,457
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,458
nf.23.06.29 #9,459
There is a kid involved, especially if a late term abortion is somehow seen as an acceptable practice just like assisted suicide is being attempted by certain reasoning to become an acceptable practice... The slippery slope continues, and you are laying out the sliding mat's for the unsuspecting.
Deductive logic tells me “Baby Fetus” savers are in favor of harming (punishing) women by forcing full term gestation on women for the “sin” of having unprotected sex.
Kids aren’t a punishment. Kids aren’t harm.
Never said they are.
You literally just did,
No. You are lying. I wrote at the top that it is {“Baby Fetus savers” forcing gestation } on women that causes harm to women. There is no kid involved.
There is a kid involved, e

Ninety eight percent of fetuses are aborted within the first twenty weeks. There is no kid involved. There is only one conscious person living off of one brain at that time. It’s the mother’s brain. Normally KIds have their own brain. All my kids and their kids and their kid’s kids were born with their own brain.

What about your kids? Or do MAGA have kids that do not have a brain? Is that what leads to your confusion?

nf.23.06.29 #9,453
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,455
nf.23.06.29 #9,457
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,458
nf.23.06.29 #9,459
bvvgl.23.06.30 #9,476
nf.33.06.30 #9,477
Deductive logic tells me “Baby Fetus” savers are in favor of harming (punishing) women by forcing full term gestation on women for the “sin” of having unprotected sex.
Kids aren’t a punishment. Kids aren’t harm.
Never said they are.
You literally just did,
No. You are lying. I wrote at the top that it is {“Baby Fetus savers” forcing gestation } on women that causes harm to women. There is no kid involved.
There is a kid involved, e
Ninety eight percent of fetuses are aborted within the first twenty weeks. There is no kid involved. There is only one conscious person living off of one brain at that time. It’s the mother’s brain. Normally KIds have their own brain. All my kids and their kids and their kid’s kids were born with their own brain. •••• What about your kids? Or do MAGA have kids that do not have a brain? Is that what leads to your confusion?
There is no kid involved.
Stop lying, retard. •••• Nothing you said substantiates this outlandish and ridiculous claim. Because nothing could.
At what week during pregnancy are there two or more individual, separable, independently functioning brains and neurological systems capable of sustaining independent life and individual consciousness?

nf.23.06.29 #9,453
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,455
nf.23.06.29 #9,457
myrpls.23.06.29 #9,458
nf.23.06.29 #9,459
bvvgl.23.06.30 #9,476
nf.33.06.30 #9,477
nf.23.06.29 #9,459
myrpls.23.03.30 #9,478
nf.23.07.01 #9,479
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