Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,496 tuchrtl
bckvgn.24.07.02 #9,492
cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,496 tuc•tgb
nf.23.07.03 #9,497

Didn’t you read what BackAgain wrote in post #9,492

I say the unborn do not have a Constitutionally protected right to life.

BackAgain says the unborn do not have a Constitutionally protected right to life.

The USSC says the unborn do not have a Constitutionally protected right to life.

You say the unborn do have a Constitutionally protected right to life.

What in Jesus’ name causes you to believe you are right? It is not possible in any way to be right so I would like you to attempt to explain why you think you are right.

Please give it a try.

cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,499
bckvgn.24.07.02 #9,492
nf.23.07.03 #9,500
The USSC said Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional. So, the unborn are protected. But, the Dems only agree when it helps their woke abominable acts.
You pro killing of human life people like to twist the truth to suit your own twisted minds
The USSC said Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional. So, the unborn are protected.

Reply to One. I speak truth precisely in the same exact manner that two/thirds of pro-choice Americans do. I oppose killing all viable innocent human life. I oppose forced gestation to unwanted pregnancy by the government prior to the point of potential fetal viability.

And, because 98 percent of all abortions are done prior to the actual moment of potential capability for when a fetus can survive when removed from the womb; it basically means “state interest to invade a woman’s privacy@ becomes moot.

But it is my opinion then thatvstate interest should never interfere or disrupt a woman’s need to an abortion when she is under the care of a licensed practitioner and both are of sound mind and body making a private decision.

Reply to Two: The USSC said RvW was unconstitutional as a states rights issue. They argue in Dobbs that because gestating a fetus in private is not mentioned in the CONSTITUTION such as the words “right to bear arms in a well regulated militia” the states can invade privacy in order to regulate the medical procedure of abortion because that is not a private matter if a majority religion in a state decides a fetus must be protected as if they were actually born.

They did not say the fetus had a right to life according to the Constitution. They basically said if there are enough white Christians in a state they can pass laws to make an unwanted pregnancy difficult to terminate safely and in close proximity where she lives.. Trump’s justices essentially voted in favor of punishing women who get pregnant by human error to be tortured and punished by risk of death when that woman is unfortunate to live in a state ruled by white Christians who believe women are reproductive slaves to the God of their Bible.

It’s an injustice to women and it is morally repugnant that you are eager to sentence a woman to pain and suffering for committing the unChristian sin of having unprotected sex with no intent to have a baby.

Who do you think you are and what part of we have a right freedom from your religion do you not understand.

cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,499 ypk•otm
cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,501 tus•uap
nf.23.07.03 #9,502
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1 hkrgy.23.06.13 #9,193
2 mnkvyv.23.04.23 #8,422 pap•rce
3 jzyzphr.23.05.13 #1
4 cgrbr.23.04.23 #8,433 to #8,422
5 cgrbr.23.04.23 #8,434
6 cgrbr.23.05.18 #6
7 cgrbr.23.05.24 #18
8 hkrgy #62
nf.23.07.02 9,483

How about abortion on demand is none of your business when it’s involving people who do not share your religious beliefs.

It’s fine if you think God is going to decide what happens to women who end a pregnancy. If you fear that kind of god, do not abort your fetus. But it is not appropriate when you demand that the government restrict access to abortion because you believe it to be a sin.

We have freedom of conscience to not believe and to rationally reject your interpretations of the supernatural world. I accept the Jewish interpretation of the supernatural world who believe that that God breathes sacred life into human beings during the new infant’s first breath. That appears to be completely more rational than sacred life begins at conception . . . . because 20% of all conceptions end in natural miscarriage. So God does not hold life sacred that early. Why should we?

cgrbr.23.05.18 #6
cgrbr.23.07.02 #9,493
nf.23.07.02 #9,495
And you call yourself a conservative... Pfft.......... LIAR, LIAR. That's the thing with undercover agents like yourself, you always boastfully open that mouth, and reveal the lie that you claim to be a conservative Republican or even an independent or libertarian. You are nothing more than a leftists, otherwise exactly as it has been shown in your words written...


Reply to One. I speak truth precisely in the same exact manner that two/thirds of pro-choice Americans do. I oppose killing all viable innocent human life. I oppose forced gestation to unwanted pregnancy by the government prior to the point of potential fetal viability.

And, because 98 percent of all abortions are done prior to the actual moment of potential capability for when a fetus can survive when removed from the womb; it basically means “state interest to invade a woman’s privacy@ becomes moot.

But it is my opinion then thatvstate interest should never interfere or disrupt a woman’s need to an abortion when she is under the care of a licensed practitioner and both are of sound mind and body making a private decision.

Reply to Two: The USSC said RvW was unconstitutional as a states rights issue. They argue in Dobbs that because gestating a fetus in private is not mentioned in the CONSTITUTION such as the words “right to bear arms in a well regulated militia” the states can invade privacy in order to regulate the medical procedure of abortion because that is not a private matter if a majority religion in a state decides a fetus must be protected as if they were actually born.

They did not say the fetus had a right to life according to the Constitution. They basically said if there are enough white Christians in a state they can pass laws to make an unwanted pregnancy difficult to terminate safely and in close proximity where she lives.. Trump’s justices essentially voted in favor of punishing women who get pregnant by human error to be tortured and punished by risk of death when that woman is unfortunate to live in a state ruled by white Christians who believe women are reproductive slaves to the God of their Bible.

It’s an injustice to women and it is morally repugnant that you are eager to sentence a woman to pain and suffering for committing the unChristian sin of having unprotected sex with no intent to have a baby.

Who do you think you are and what part of we have a right freedom from your religion do you not understand.

cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,499 ypk•otm
cgrbr.23.07.03 #9,501 tus•uap
nf.23.07.03 #9,502
Sad that you think being pregnant is punishment. That sad and morbid.
Then you talk about being viable. Well, the fact is, born children aren’t viable either. They can’t live on their own until they are much older. Many teenagers would have a difficult time at that. So, Senior Hitler, we should kill all the deformed people, gypsies, homosexuals, Jews and whoever you don’t deem viable. You are pro choice. Who gets to choose if a child is retarded in some way or deformed? Democrats are really uncivilized. Probably make Solent Green if it came to that.
Sad that you think being pregnant is punishment.
I do not think being pregnant is punishment. Pregnancy causes harm and 17 out of every hundred thousand births in the United States results in maternal death. When the pregnancy is wanted, taking the risk has to be a decision made by the mother. When the pregnancy is unwanted and unexpected or unplanned, and the woman does not want to take the risk of death, she has a natural human right to avoid the risk of death when and if her conscience raises no objection.

You want 17 out of 100,000 women to die if any single one of them is forced by your state government to gestate a fetus all the way to natural birth. No woman can opt out of the white Christian religion in your state, and that is cruel and unusual punishment and a violation of her First Amendment right to a free conscience.
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I do not think being pregnant is punishment. Pregnancy causes harm and 17 out of every hundred thousand births in the United States results in maternal death. When the pregnancy is wanted, taking the risk has to be a decision made by the mother. When the pregnancy is unwanted and unexpected or unplanned, and the woman does not want to take the risk of death, she has a natural human right to avoid the risk of death when and if her conscience raises no objection.

You want 17 out of 100,000 women to die if any single one of them is forced by your state government to gestate a fetus all the way to natural birth. No woman can opt out of the white Christian religion in your state, and that is cruel and unusual punishment and a violation of her First Amendment right to a free conscience.
The freedom of thought is given to all faiths and non-faiths. In a free society everyone’s beliefs are important and should be included in the process of developing a civilization. The majority rules in our country. You don’t like it, move. Move from your state or country. Sad how abortionists always assume their way is the majority. And if it isn’t then they quickly blame Christians. How small of you.
The majority rules in our country.

Majorities elect lawmakers, Mayors, Governors, Presidents etc but not one of those elected officials can impose the Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception on anyone living in or visiting this country.

Then you talk about being viable. Well, the fact is, born children aren’t viable either. They can’t live on their own until they are much older.

I am talking about having a neurological system independent of its mother being capable for the very first time of surviving birth. Do that once and you get the same right to life as every human who has been born.

Born children have their own brain and neurological strength that supports all organs required to continue life when physically extracted and separated from their birth mother for the first time.
Majorities elect lawmakers, Mayors, Governors, Presidents etc but not one of those elected officials can impose the Catholic doctrine that the sanctity of life begins at conception on anyone living in or visiting this country.

I am talking about having a neurological system independent of its mother being capable for the very first time of surviving birth. Do that once and you get the same right to life as every human who has been born.

Born children have their own brain and neurological strength that supports all organs required to continue life when physically extracted and separated from their birth mother for the first time.
Well, then none of your libitards can use their beliefs as well. We are to vote our conscience. Our representatives are also to vote their conscience. Our conscience comes from our upbringing, studies, faith and whatever makes our conscience. So yes, any politician can vote based on their past experiences including faith. If people don’t want it then through voting it can be changed.
America was not founded to be a Christian only nation. •••• It was never meant to be a theocracy. ••••• But it was founded by orthodox Christians, based on the Judeo-Christian Bible....which was the single most quoted document by the Founders, and points to Jesus Christ in the text of the Constitution. Segments of our founding documents come directly from the Bible. •••• That religion and that book were always seen as the guidance that would form the basis of our morality.

The freedom of thought is given to all faiths and non-faiths. In a free society everyone’s beliefs are important and should be included in the process of developing a civilization. The majority rules in our country. You don’t like it, move. Move from your state or country. Sad how abortionists always assume their way is the majority. And if it isn’t then they quickly blame Christians. How small of you.
We have at least three generations of white selfish me me me Christians who have absolutely no understanding of what freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought means and what each individual is guaranteed by no government being able to establish any law that promotes or interferes with an individual’s freedom of conscience. They ignore freedom of conscience when those who exercise that freedom cause no harm to others or to society as a whole as in having an abortion.

State abortion bans are despotism over the mind soul and body of individuals based on one basic crackpot version of an authoritarian Christian regime’s role over the non-churched individual behavior when they live in certain church dominated states.

The Federal Government is cleanly and precisely separated from the church., And when it comes to individual states using force, law and coercion against any law abiding person on US soil, the federal protection of the free individual conscience must always prevail including in the very churchiest if states. Freedom of conscience never goes away. That applies to pregnant women always as well.

We have six Catholic Justices on the USSC and PoliticalChic and an atheist GOING BY CarsomyrPlusSix who want the church/state Confederacy to prevail over individual decisions based on the conscience not meeting thine HOLY BIBLE Standard of way too many Biblical minded white fanatics.,

Pretty much the same Confederacy run by traitors against the Constitution to keep their slave owning way of life intact - individual freedom be damned.

Today women experiencing an unwanted pregnancy need to submit their bodies to reproductive slavery if they live in the figuratively speaking Bible Belt Confederacy. CarsomyrPlusSix is their slave master.

cgrbr.23.07.04 #9,507
pltclchc.20.10.02 #667
nf.23.07.05 #9,510
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We have at least three generations of white selfish me me me Christians who have absolutely no understanding of what freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of thought means and what each individual is guaranteed by no government being able to establish any law that promotes or interferes with an individual’s freedom of conscience. They ignore freedom of conscience when those who exercise that freedom cause no harm to others or to society as a whole as in having an abortion.

State abortion bans are despotism over the mind soul and body of individuals based on one basic crackpot version of an authoritarian Christian regime’s role over the non-churched individual behavior when they live in certain church dominated states.

The Federal Government is cleanly and precisely separated from the church., And when it comes to individual states using force, law and coercion against any law abiding person on US soil, the federal protection of the free individual conscience must always prevail including in the very churchiest if states. Freedom of conscience never goes away. That applies to pregnant women always as well.

We have six Catholic Justices on the USSC and PoliticalChic and an atheist GOING BY CarsomyrPlusSix who want the church/state Confederacy to prevail over individual decisions based on the conscience not meeting thine HOLY BIBLE Standard of way too many Biblical minded white fanatics.,

Pretty much the same Confederacy run by traitors against the Constitution to keep their slave owning way of life intact - individual freedom be damned.

Today women experiencing an unwanted pregnancy need to submit their bodies to reproductive slavery if they live in the figuratively speaking Bible Belt Confederacy. CarsomyrPlusSix is their slave master.

cgrbr.23.07.04 #9,507
pltclchc.20.10.02 #667
nf.23.07.05 #9,510
And there you have stupidity in full display. There is a reason for pro life and stopping selfish abortions. Same reason for stopping selfish gender affirming care (a lie). We support those who cannot decide for themselves and protect them against the present day genocide machine Democrat Party.
If you want to do murder, but you’re not allowed to, then you’re my slave.
There is no murder. There is no crime. There is no victim. There is only one conscious person inside the body of a pregnant woman prior to 21 weeks.

All abortions before that do not involve a victim. There is no murder. You are a liar.
We support those who cannot decide for themselves and protect them against the present day genocide machine Democrat Party.

1/3 of Republicans are pro-choice. if you truly believe what you say, rebuke and shame and kick the pro-choice Republicans out of your Maga, saving baby fetus movement. Stop blaming it all on Democrats or better yet if you think abortion is a sin, don’t get an abortion leave everybody else alone
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There is no murder.
There is a premeditated aggressive homicide.

It should be criminalized as murder, which we’re working on.

There is no crime.
Abortion is absolutely a crime already. Guess you didn’t read the news. Boy, do you have some crow to eat.

There is no victim.
Insanely stupid lie on your part, retard.

But objectively false, obviously.

Now get me my cotton. I want my cotton.

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