Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

It is a constitutionally protected, right in Republican controlled states Ohio and Kansas.

So I see you have no idea what’s going on in the world.
We were talking about the US Constitution. Try and keep up. You're welcome to show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to get an abortion. Are you misinformed or just stupid?
We were talking about the US Constitution.
The US Constitution does not deny the right to an abortion because it does not recognize a fetus as a person.

That is why the voters in a Taliban State like Ohio and soon Florida can have reproductive freedom protected in their state constitution.
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The US Constitution does not deny the right to an abortion because it does not recognize a fetus as a person.

That is why the voters in a Taliban State like Ohio and soon Florida can have reproductive freedom protected in their state constitution.
You didn't show me in the Constitution where abortion is a right of the people. Probably because you could not and it's not in there. That is what the Supreme Court ruled on and that is what you'll have to live with whether you like it or not. When did the Taliban take over Florida? When do the beheadings begin? You seem unhinged
The Constitution doesn't care about polls. Abortion is not a constitutionally protected right. There are more abortions happening now than ever after the rights were sent back to the States! You can go down to the DNC in Chicago and get a free one.
Well, the voters in each state now decide. Like it or not this is now the way it's going to be. While I don't like abortion it's on people to not get pregnant.
Well, the voters in each state now decide.
It should be rightfully and will be rightfully that only the pregnant woman gets to decide.

The Republican Party has taken a politically suicidal position by enpowering white Christian males like DeSantis and Abbott and DeWine making family, wealth and health decisions for women on reproductive matters.
" Disingenuous And Plays Dumb "

* Dobbs Is Dumbfounded And Sedition Against Us 14th 9th 1st And 10th Amendments *

The Constitution doesn't care about polls. Abortion is not a constitutionally protected right. There are more abortions happening now than ever after the rights were sent back to the States! You can go down to the DNC in Chicago and get a free one.
Abortion 100% a constitutionally protected and NON ENUMERATED rite , because a legitimate state interest DOES NOT EXIST to protect a rite to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , and such is the " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE . A LEGITIMATE STATE INTEREST ... NOT ... PRIOR TO LIVE BIRTH . " conclusions of the roe v wade decision .
" Disingenuous And Plays Dumb "

* Dobbs Is Dumbfounded And Sedition Against Us 14th 9th 1st And 10th Amendments *

Abortion 100% a constitutionally protected and NON ENUMERATED rite , because a legitimate state interest DOES NOT EXIST to protect a rite to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it , and such is the " LOGICALLY , OF COURSE . A LEGITIMATE STATE INTEREST ... NOT ... PRIOR TO LIVE BIRTH . " conclusions of the roe v wade decision .
I don't understand you nut jobs worshiping abortion. It's just weird
" Missed Characterization By Abortion Anti Choice Lunar Ticks "

* Anthropocentric Psychosis With A Mentally Retarded Understanding Of Nature *

I don't understand you nut jobs worshiping abortion. It's just weirdView attachment 999765
The abortion anti-choice , anthropocentric psychopaths , revile independence of the individual us citizen and are traitors against us republic who support sedition against 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments of us constitution .

It would be appropriate to refer to abortion anti-choice as " ass holier than thou " , even though the ultimate award for that goes to fictional ishmaelism adherents prostrating themselves and pounding their head on the ground in blind obedience before every lofted ass hole in front of themselves and in the direction of an amulet depicting a shiny anus .
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" Missed Characterization By Abortion Anti Choice Lunar Ticks "

* Anthropocentric Psychosis With A Mentally Retarded Understanding Of Nature *

The abortion anti-choice , anthropocentric psychopaths , revile independence of the individual us citizen and are traitors against us republic who support sedition against 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments of us constitution .

It would be appropriate to refer to abortion anti-choice as " ass holier than thou " , even though the ultimate award for that goes to fictional ishmaelism adherents prostrating themselves and pounding their head on the ground in blind obedience before every lofted ass hole in front of themselves and in the direction of an amulet depicting a shiny anus .
This definitely gets a giant WTF from you cult members LOL
" Anthropocentric Psychosis Of Abortion Anti Choice Demanding Abdication To Its Delusions Of Grandeur "

* Phenomenology Of Blind Obedience To Lofted Ass Holes *

This definitely gets a giant WTF from you cult members LOLView attachment 1000049
Are the parallels clear now ?

" Anthropocentric Psychosis Of Abortion Anti Choice Demanding Abdication To Its Delusions Of Grandeur "

* Phenomenology Of Blind Obedience To Lofted Ass Holes *

Are the parallels clear now ?

Is this the alter your cult worships at?
" Anthropocentric Psychotic Fanatics "

* Abortion Anti Choice Lunar Ticks *

Is this the alter your cult worships at?View attachment 1000220
It is clearly a reference to the delusional brethren cult of yearn own that reviles independence of the individual citizen and panders for sectarian supremacy through a uniform fetish of authoritarian dictates to satiate its anxiety for mortality by abdication to pretentious allusions from goad .
" Anthropocentric Psychotic Fanatics "

* Abortion Anti Choice Lunar Ticks *

It is clearly a reference to the delusional brethren cult of yearn own that reviles independence of the individual citizen and panders for sectarian supremacy through a uniform fetish of authoritarian dictates to satiate its anxiety for mortality by abdication to pretentious allusions from goad .
Step away from the cult my friend. You even understand the words that are coming out of your head? LOL
The US Constitution does not deny the right to an abortion because it does not recognize a fetus as a person.

That is why the voters in a Taliban State like Ohio and soon Florida can have reproductive freedom protected in their state constitution.
When does fetus become a living being?
" Instantiation Of A Citizen Constitutional Protections Requires Live Birth "

* Reverence Or Revulsion Of Us Citizenship *

When does fetus become a living being?
A legitimate state interest does not concern itself with " when does life begin ? " , rather a legitimate state interest concerns itself with " when does a state interest begin ? " .

A state is comprised of citizens and the only non incidental requirement to become a us citizen is live birth and consequently a live birth is required for equal protection with a us citizen , and one either reveres or reviles the autonomy and independence of the us citizen on the issue of abortion .

The constitutional basis for the non enumerated rite to abortion and the basis for the blackmun statement , " logically , of course , a legitimate state interest . . . not . . . prior to live birth . " , does not need to be explained to anyone with a modicum of honesty , competence , legitimacy and patriotism !

The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and it is supported by traitors against us republic , and scotus should be charged with the crime just as any despot should be that suspends us constitution .
" Disparaging Others When So Little Trust Is Needed "

* Fabricating Red Herring Excuses To Outlaw All Abortion *

Meaning you support late term abortion of healthy babies
Why do the abortion anti-choice belittle and exemplify such little faith in the ethical principles of other individuals , whom are facing with cause abortion , to determine the meaning of healthy not only for the child but for the mother , while knowing full well that the behavioral motivation of individuals at such stages of development is to deliver a healthy child and not to option without cause abortion ?

No doubt the abortion anti-choice will allude to a cult of degenerates claiming a want to make sacrifices of mortal suffering to satan , all while knowing that such events would be exceedingly unlikely and not available under law .

The abortion anti-choice perception of healthy is a heart beat , irrespective of major congenital fetal abnormalities that comprise nearly 3% of all pregnancies .

The roe v wade decision stipulated that , at post natural viability , states could proscribe abortion in the 3rd trimester , but even that should include a consideration for developmental anomalies of health and wellness for quality of life .
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