Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?

I guess I'll blame your insane propaganda and the scumbag lying greedy megarich GOP swine who brainwash you goobers (politically) lol with this garbage, hater dupe. Try the BBC and France 24 on know, world news...
I see you are still a stupid troll.
Placing blame is noteworthy and has to be a reflection of the fact that a large majority of Americans have allowed extremist politics to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.

Now what for America? Knitting needle abortions and women bleeding to death in back allies?

Surreptious medical care for wealthy women who can afford a legitimate abortion?

American women running to another country for their abortion? (Mexico or Canada)

Murder of doctors that defy the law in good conscience?

Extremist Christians got what the wished for, but already there's debate over which corrupt political party should take the blame. And America has squandered away another freedom in the name of superstitious religious beliefs.
I guess you forgot the baby that is getting its limbs yanked off, but you mention the almost non existent coat hanger crap you guys like to regurgitate. However, my sympathy for a woman bleeding out for trying to kill a baby is at zero.
I blame the smarmy moral purity crowd, the ones who "just didn't feel right" voting for Clinton. They brought us Trump and the current full-scale assault on liberty.

Everyone, keep repeating this: "It's not about me. It's not about me. It's not about me. It's not about me."

Feelings of moral purity are irrelevant. Butthurt about Wall Street and those DemocratsWhoAreJustAsBad is irrelevant.

Moral people attempt to _do_ good with their vote, instead of trying to _feel_ good about their vote.

Don't be one of those smarmy morally pure idiots. Do the right thing, not the thing that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Vote a Democratic party line every time.
I blame the smarmy moral purity crowd, the ones who "just didn't feel right" voting for Clinton. They brought us Trump and the current full-scale assault on liberty.

Everyone, keep repeating this: "It's not about me. It's not about me. It's not about me. It's not about me."

Feelings of moral purity are irrelevant. Butthurt about Wall Street and those DemocratsWhoAreJustAsBad is irrelevant.

Moral people attempt to _do_ good with their vote, instead of trying to _feel_ good about their vote.

Don't be one of those smarmy morally pure idiots. Do the right thing, not the thing that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Vote a Democratic party line every time.
That's how we'll get a dictator- wrapped in the flag and the bible, all to save the greedy rich from paying their fair share, dupe. Roe was a good compromise....Thanks for too gd many people in the world. Thank goodness for O-Care and free BC, now many less abortions....Poor America, hater dupe....
And you don’t deny it! Population issues.

The entire world population can fit in the state of Texas.

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Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:

155,000,000 people voted in 2020. 73,000,000 in this country are under the age of 18. That leaves roughly 100,000,000 who did not vote. So the majority of those who could, did. Donald Trump and Don McGhan are responsible for this. They essentially went with whatever the Heritage Foundation sent them down the pike. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg should have retired while Obama was POTUS. But judges are the most fucking arrogant and self-important people in the country after cardiovascular surgeons.

Face it…you low-down filthy bastards remove the shame from all things shameful….your pet human dark people have murdered enough unborn.
Nobody thinks abortion is murder. Nobody thinks embryos are people. My cat has a brain the size of walnut, and even she understands that. Specks aren't people. Speck, person. Speck, person. Different things.

Pro-lifers presumably have larger brains, so they all understand that as well. They just choose to lie about it. They oppose abortion because they're sick control freak pervs.

Understand the conservative mindset, which is that they get off on controlling everyone around them. Once you grasp how that's what motivates them, all of their actions make a sort of perverse sense.
155,000,000 people voted in 2020. 73,000,000 in this country are under the age of 18. That leaves roughly 100,000,000 who did not vote. So the majority of those who could, did. Donald Trump and Don McGhan are responsible for this. They essentially went with whatever the Heritage Foundation sent them down the pike. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg should have retired while Obama was POTUS. But judges are the most fucking arrogant and self-important people in the country after cardiovascular surgeons.

Felons and illegals too

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