Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?

Even though I dont agree with decision let’s look at a way it happened
Federal government has been in renegade mode since they started trying to cripple Trump. They have done little to encourage civil behavior and rule of law. So it seems now an even higher authority felt the need to flex. This is what abandonment of reality and catering to PC feeling and persecuting Trump can get you.
I will now use a famous liberal ploy which I have never before stated-Shame on you lib loons for creating and causing your own demise. Responsibility best be embraced rather than avoided and derided in the future. Shame, shame………
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
Who is to blame??
It isn't who - it is what.
The Constitution is to "blame"
And the only constitution that is worth the paper it is written on, is one that everyone will both agree and disagree on.
Thanks for making my point about the undemocratic nature of the EC.
Beat me to it I see!

Honorable mention to Obama as well for being such a dog-awful corporate lackey; he paved the way for Trump.
Let's be reasonable here. No matter what you believe about Obama's presidency the fact remains McTurtle's unprecedented abuse of power kept Obama from getting Garland, who even Repubs had previously said glowing things about, appointed to the court. Neither Gorsuch or Barrett would be on the bench if not for McConnell's treachery.
I guess I'll blame your insane propaganda and the scumbag lying greedy megarich GOP swine who brainwash you goobers (politically) lol with this garbage, hater dupe. Try the BBC and France 24 on know, world news...
Pub Crap
I guess this makes impeaching & removing the SCOTUS judges that voted to overturn Roe v. Wade the major issue in the upcoming congressional elections.

They almost all stated that they considered Roe v. Wade to be settled law and would not overturn it at their nomination hearings. That makes them guilty of perjury.

A hot topic for Dem congressional candidates.

Regardless of your political views, wouldn't you have to agree that these judges lying while under oath to be impeachable?
That’s not what you said ricochet
Here's what I said.......There is absolutely an element of truth in that. A lack of enthusiasm for Hillary, some bad campaign decisions on her part, Putin's duplicity by meddling in the election, and Comey's letter all conspired (along with the country's most undemocratic institution, the EC) to leave us with the Orange Skidmark.
Let's be reasonable here. No matter what you believe about Obama's presidency the fact remains McTurtle's unprecedented abuse of power kept Obama from getting Garland, who even Repubs had previously said glowing things about, appointed to the court. Neither Gorsuch or Barrett would be on the bench if not for McConnell's treachery.
That's how it works when it comes to SCOTUS appointments; both parties are massively *treacherous.*

And thus it lands back on what created Trump & his capacity to place those judges - Obama and Hillary.
They almost all stated that they considered Roe v. Wade to be settled law and would not overturn it at their nomination hearings.

Did they say the wouldn't overturn it? I don't recall any of them saying that. The did say it was settled law, but I don't they ever stated how they would rule were the issue to come before the court. In fact, I would be surprised if any of them would ever say how they would rule on any issue while answering questions during their confirmation hearings. That would be almost as stupid as someone expecting them to...
I guess this makes impeaching & removing the SCOTUS judges that voted to overturn Roe v. Wade the major issue in the upcoming congressional elections.

They almost all stated that they considered Roe v. Wade to be settled law and would not overturn it at their nomination hearings. That makes them guilty of perjury.

A hot topic for Dem congressional candidates.

Regardless of your political views, wouldn't you have to agree that these judges lying while under oath to be impeachable?
And you can prove that they KNEW they were lying at the time? That is what is required to charge perjury.
Are they not allowed to change their minds?
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
The court that viewed it Constitutionally protected. They ignored the fact abortion is not a constitutional protected right.
Here's what I said.......There is absolutely an element of truth in that. A lack of enthusiasm for Hillary, some bad campaign decisions on her part, Putin's duplicity by meddling in the election, and Comey's letter all conspired (along with the country's most undemocratic institution, the EC) to leave us with the Orange Skidmark.
But voters only vote to a total, not EC? You’re confused as always. There is a finite number of EC votes
Too late for blame. Now we will see who the DNC really are. The DNC is about to throw millions of red state women under the bus. They can no longer exploit rural women for cash on this issue and they won't spend a dime on districts they can't win.
Did they say the wouldn't overturn it? I don't recall any of them saying that. The did say it was settled law, but I don't they ever stated how they would rule were the issue to come before the court. In fact, I would be surprised if any of them would ever say how they would rule on any issue while answering questions during their confirmation hearings. That would be almost as stupid as someone expecting them to...

Word have meaning:

look at baby killer here, blaming the GOP for caring for life over death. Can't make it up.
That's how we'll get a dictator- wrapped in the flag and the bible, all to save the greedy rich from paying their fair share, dupe. Roe was a good compromise....Thanks for too gd many people in the world. Thank goodness for O-Care and free BC, now many less abortions....Poor America, hater dupe....

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