Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?

Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
Placing blame is noteworthy and has to be a reflection of the fact that a large majority of Americans have allowed extremist politics to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.

Now what for America? Knitting needle abortions and women bleeding to death in back allies?

Surreptious medical care for wealthy women who can afford a legitimate abortion?

American women running to another country for their abortion? (Mexico or Canada)

Murder of doctors that defy the law in good conscience?

Extremist Christians got what the wished for, but already there's debate over which corrupt political party should take the blame. And America has squandered away another freedom in the name of superstitious religious beliefs.
Placing blame is noteworthy and has to be a reflection of the fact that a large majority of Americans have allowed extremist politics to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.

Now what for America? Knitting needle abortions and women bleeding to death in back allies?

Surreptious medical care for wealthy women who can afford a legitimate abortion?

American women running to another country for their abortion? (Mexico or Canada)

Murder of doctors that defy the law in good conscience?

Extremist Christians got what the wished for, but already there's debate over which corrupt political party should take the blame. And America has squandered away another freedom in the name of superstitious religious beliefs.
America was founded, built and run by moral order. Time to restore what made us so exceptional in such a short period of time….time to stomp on the necks of filthy leftists.
salty tears.jpg
OMG dead dems vote... illegal dems vote... and democrat mickey mouse votes all over the nation....
I blame brainwashed and/or bought off GOP voters...There are plenty of conservative nut jobs out there who don't vote either= plenty of hopelessness.... but yes, wtf IS going on here lolarrggghhhhhh.....
Neither voters nor nonvoters overturned Roe v Wade. 6 justices in the Supreme Court did, 5 men and 1 women which included 3 Trump appointees. It will be interesting to see the backlash in Republican states by republican women who do not share the zeal of republican men to take away their freedom of choice. Among republican women, 49% favor overturning Roe v Wade and 48*% do not.

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Neither voters nor nonvoters overturned Roe v Wade. 6 justices in the Supreme Court did, 5 men and 1 women which included 3 Trump appointees. It will be interesting to see the backlash in Republican states by republican women who do not share the zeal of republican men to take away their freedom of choice.
When those republican women realize that they are free to choose contraception, we'll talk.
Neither voters nor nonvoters overturned Roe v Wade. 6 justices in the Supreme Court did, 5 men and 1 women which included 3 Trump appointees. It will be interesting to see the backlash in Republican states by republican women who do not share the zeal of republican men to take away their freedom of choice.
Interesting indeed.... we are going to learn a lot about the American people that our media hides from us...
Neither voters nor nonvoters overturned Roe v Wade. 6 justices in the Supreme Court did, 5 men and 1 women which included 3 Trump appointees. It will be interesting to see the backlash in Republican states by republican women who do not share the zeal of republican men to take away their freedom of choice.

You really think women don't know who they are on the bench?

It was a bad case that was going to be overturned now it goes back to congress or to the states where it belongs.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
Elections have consequences.

Maybe the Dems and the Left should re-evaluate where they're putting their energies.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
Funny that you blame people for not having the foresight to vote in the past, but if they had the foresight to use birth control, this wouldn't even be an issue.
I guess I'll blame your insane propaganda and the scumbag lying greedy megarich GOP swine who brainwash you goobers (politically) lol with this garbage, hater dupe. Try the BBC and France 24 on know, world news...

You can pretend those things didn't happen, but they did, and the court reacted. What happened is essentially due to people like you.
I wish this had been left alone
It wasn’t so as a thinker I accept what I didn’t want and I behave.
Recent lawlessness of last several years plus repeated witch hunts and illegal influence attempts at judges homes likely strained the judges. Even though they work from law, they are flesh and blood and they do develop perceptions, not emotions, that they well should
In essence the 3 year liberal bullshit of Get Trump, burn cities, create endless hoaxes, most likely were participatory in the demise of that which lib loons held dear.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:

Idiot, now you are against democracy? You are too stupid to even realize that no right has been taken away, SCOTUS just gave you YOUR RIGHT BACK. All they did was to end the federalism that illegally usurped a constitutionally-mandated state right to let each state's PEOPLE to again decide for themselves democratically how they want abortion handled, and to FEDERALIZE IT.

Had the court decided to federally take away state rights 50 years ago to BLOCK all abortion, you would be jumping happy today, which is why you are such a stupid hypocrite. Now each state and its people therein can decide for THEMSELVES their abortion policy again, and while some states will no doubt choose to further restrict it, no doubt, many states will choose to leave abortion the same--- who knows, a few states like NY, CA and HA might even decide to make abortion still legal up to the age of five, in case your kid doesn't turn out the way you wanted or you don't like him so much. :poke:
I blame women

Trump made it clear he would appoint judges who would repeal Roe v Wade

Any woman in a Red State who voted for Trump has nothing to complain about

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