Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?

The blame lies on our fucktard Congress.

There, that was easy.

You really think women don't know who they are on the bench?

It was a bad case that was going to be overturned now it goes back to congress or to the states where it belongs.
I don't see why this court would not overturn a federal law protecting abortion using the same reason they used to overturn Roe v Wade. The majority opinion is that the decision should lie with the states not the federal government.
When you constantly cry Wolf and gin up hoax bullshit repeatedly then come crunch time on legitimacy, your voice is tainted
I don't see why this court would not overturn a federal law protecting abortion using the same reason they used to overturn Roe v Wade. The majority opinion is that the decision should lie with the states not the federal government.

Congress can pass an abortion law if they wish SCOTUS can't tell them they can't legislate it.
Neither voters nor nonvoters overturned Roe v Wade. 6 justices in the Supreme Court did, 5 men and 1 women which included 3 Trump appointees. It will be interesting to see the backlash in Republican states by republican women who do not share the zeal of republican men to take away their freedom of choice. Among republican women, 49% favor overturning Roe v Wade and 48*% do not.

I’m a Republican woman in a Republican state that does not approve of the decision Made today by our SC. That being said, my voting habits will not change. I’m more concerned with gas prices, grocery prices and illega immigration. Maybe if the country wasn’t already burning all around me bc of poor decisions made by a Democrat administration , I’d think about my future votes. While I’m a pro choice Republican, this decision will not change my vote.
Funny that you blame people for not having the foresight to vote in the past, but if they had the foresight to use birth control, this wouldn't even be an issue.
In a few years, contraception may not be a choice. Republicans tried to stop the birth control pill when it first came into use. They tried keep stop Medicaid funding for birth control and opposed Obamacare requiring insurance company coverage.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:

Blame? It's to be celebrated
I don't see why this court would not overturn a federal law protecting abortion using the same reason they used to overturn Roe v Wade. The majority opinion is that the decision should lie with the states not the federal government.
No. Congress can make laws. The point is, they don't. They can't agree. And it's not the Constitution's fault.

Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?​

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I’m a Republican woman in a Republican state that does not approve of the decision Made today by our SC. That being said, my voting habits will not change. I’m more concerned with gas prices, grocery prices and illega immigration. Maybe if the country wasn’t already burning all around me bc of poor decisions made by a Democrat administration , I’d think about my future votes. While I’m a pro choice Republican, this decision will not change my vote.
Abortion is now a state issue. Will republican women support their republican state legislators who are restricting their right to an abortion in their state. The right to an abortion has been a women's right for over 50 years but no longer. It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the coming years. I suspect that we are going see a lot of changes in abortion legislation in those states as women realize they are going to have to bear children they don't want because the goverment says so.
You can pretend those things didn't happen, but they did, and the court reacted. What happened is essentially due to people like you.
Actually , due to demagogues like Trump, Rush, Sean, Tucker and the internet conspiracy nuts and the old silent/now loudmouth "majority" of political ignorance...Trump's packed supremes are lying political appointees....arghhhh. Poor America
I guess I'll blame your insane propaganda and the scumbag lying greedy megarich GOP swine who brainwash you goobers (politically) lol with this garbage, hater dupe. Try the BBC and France 24 on know, world news...
It sucks when SCOTUS actually interprets things properly instead of with left wing propaganda forced in.
I blame brainwashed and/or bought off GOP voters...There are plenty of conservative nut jobs out there who don't vote either= plenty of hopelessness.... but yes, wtf IS going on here lolarrggghhhhhh.....
You forgot to blame Murdoch. Get with it, you're slipping.

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