Roe v Wade is gone. Who's to blame?

Congress can pass an abortion law if they wish SCOTUS can't tell them they can't legislate it.
The court has the power of judicial review of legislation passed. SCOTUS can't stop Congress from passing legislation but they certainly can overturn it which is what they would probably do.
The court has the power of judicial review of legislation passed. SCOTUS can't stop Congress from passing legislation but they certainly can overturn it which is what they would probably do.
murder is murder, if that's what you think we should be doing go for it.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:

An actual leftist would actually know the answer.

Hillary, and to a lesser extent, Obama.

Obama was a nightmare right wing corporate war criminal whose love of capitalism created OWS.

Hillary is VASTLY worse.

So people rejected Hill, and we got Trump.

The end.
Dear Liberals - I vote left wing most of the time, but I would advise you folks not to blame Republicans for this latest Supreme Court decision. A major portion of the blame for this rests squarely on the tens of millions of liberal or left leaning people who never (or rarely) bother to vote. If even 1/2 of these folks had gotten off their rumps and cast a ballot these last dozen years, this mess could have all been avoided. Hopefully this sends a strong message to them. Your rights are not automatic, support them or lose them! :bye1:
There is absolutely an element of truth in that. A lack of enthusiasm for Hillary, some bad campaign decisions on her part, Putin's duplicity by meddling in the election, and Comey's letter all conspired (along with the country's most undemocratic institution, the EC) to leave us with the Orange Skidmark.
But let's not let Repubs completely off the hook. After all, if not for McTurtle's abuse of power the court would have a 5-4 liberal majority even with Dem voter apathy, reflecting the desires of a majority of Americans.
Placing blame is noteworthy and has to be a reflection of the fact that a large majority of Americans have allowed extremist politics to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.

Now what for America? Knitting needle abortions and women bleeding to death in back allies?

Surreptious medical care for wealthy women who can afford a legitimate abortion?

American women running to another country for their abortion? (Mexico or Canada)

Murder of doctors that defy the law in good conscience?

Extremist Christians got what the wished for, but already there's debate over which corrupt political party should take the blame. And America has squandered away another freedom in the name of superstitious religious beliefs.
Another country?

Abortion will remain legal in rearly all the coastal states & then some.
There is absolutely an element of truth in that. A lack of enthusiasm for Hillary, some bad campaign decisions on her part, Putin's duplicity by meddling in the election, and Comey's letter all conspired (along with the country's most undemocratic institution, the EC) to leave us with the Orange Skidmark.
But let's not let Repubs completely off the hook. After all, if not for McTurtle's abuse of power the court would have a 5-4 liberal majority even with Dem voter apathy, reflecting the desires of a majority of Americans.
Idiot, now you are against democracy? You are too stupid to even realize that no right has been taken away, SCOTUS just gave you YOUR RIGHT BACK. All they did was to end the federalism that illegally usurped a constitutionally-mandated state right to let each state's PEOPLE to again decide for themselves democratically how they want abortion handled, and to FEDERALIZE IT.

Had the court decided to federally take away state rights 50 years ago to BLOCK all abortion, you would be jumping happy today, which is why you are such a stupid hypocrite. Now each state and its people therein can decide for THEMSELVES their abortion policy again, and while some states will no doubt choose to further restrict it, no doubt, many states will choose to leave abortion the same--- who knows, a few states like NY, CA and HA might even decide to make abortion still legal up to the age of five, in case your kid doesn't turn out the way you wanted or you don't like him so much. :poke:
And THAT is the thread win.
As RBG rightly made clear, the people to blame are the justices that wrote it. It was a horribly worded, and reasoned opinion
The way Justice Ginsburg saw it, Roe v. Wade was focused on the wrong argument — that restricting access to abortion violated a woman’s privacy. What she hoped for instead was a protection of the right to abortion on the basis that restricting it impeded gender equality, said Mary Hartnett, a law professor at Georgetown University who will be a co-writer on the only authorized biography of Justice Ginsburg.

Justice Ginsburg “believed it would have been better to approach it under the equal protection clause” because that would have made Roe v. Wade less vulnerable to attacks in the years after it was decided, Professor Hartnett said. She and her co-author on the biography, Professor Wendy Williams, spent the last 17 years interviewing Justice Ginsburg for the book and, though it initially didn’t have a release date, they are hoping to publish it some time next year, Professor Hartnett said in an interview.

Her concern for the ruling was due to, as she viewed it, its vulnerability to attack from those wanting to force unwanted pregnancies on women.
The way Justice Ginsburg saw it, Roe v. Wade was focused on the wrong argument — that restricting access to abortion violated a woman’s privacy. What she hoped for instead was a protection of the right to abortion on the basis that restricting it impeded gender equality, said Mary Hartnett, a law professor at Georgetown University who will be a co-writer on the only authorized biography of Justice Ginsburg.

Justice Ginsburg “believed it would have been better to approach it under the equal protection clause” because that would have made Roe v. Wade less vulnerable to attacks in the years after it was decided, Professor Hartnett said. She and her co-author on the biography, Professor Wendy Williams, spent the last 17 years interviewing Justice Ginsburg for the book and, though it initially didn’t have a release date, they are hoping to publish it some time next year, Professor Hartnett said in an interview.

Her concern for the ruling was due to, as she viewed it, its vulnerability to attack from those wanting to force unwanted pregnancies on women.
as i stated, as your link highlights…she thought it was horribly reasoned…the folks ro blame are the justices that wrote it

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