Roger Ailes to Donald Trump: 'We resolve this now...or go to war'

Kelly SHOULD make an apology to Trump and to FOX viewers.

Trump is the biggest clown to ever seek the Presidency...The GOP knows he cannot win, even against the weakest Dem and are trying to stop him before he does irreparable damage to the GOP.

You can laugh and criticize FOX all you want, but they see the writing on the wall and are trying to stop a disaster for the Republican Party. Hey, but you can't fix carry on.
Grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy

Fox News chairman Roger Ailes woke up Monday morning thinking that his network and Donald Trump's campaign had reached an understanding.
After a weekend's worth of stressful phone calls, the tacit agreement -- he thought -- was that Trump would stop attacking Ailes' biggest television star, Megyn Kelly, in interviews and tweets.

Then came an ugly surprise. Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that he thought Kelly should apologize to him.

"This was the final straw for Roger," according to a source close to the situation.

Ailes' office called Trump's office. We "can resolve this now," Ailes said to Trump, "or we can go to war."

Roger Ailes to Donald Trump We resolve this now...or go to war - Aug. 12 2015
I just love rw internal civil wars :drool:


They don't have any infighting over in the DNC for several reasons:

Leftists aren't allowed out of line. Not allowed to think outside of the left wing dogma, and truely, they aren't capable of thinking on thier own. You don't get much flack or controversy when empty heads simply soak up what they are told to do and say.

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