Roger Stone: If Russia investgiation removes Trump from office Hillary may become President

Cellblock2429 said:
/——-/ Im just asking. Has there been any politician removed from office because they were caught cheating during the election?
Don't Know About ANY Politician

But The President Of The United States ??
I Don't See How A Presidential Candidate
Could Directly Change/Ditch Votes In The Ballot Box
Enough To Change The Result Of A Nation-Wide Election

But If One Could
1960 Would Be the Place To Look
Cellblock2429 said:
/——-/ Im just asking. Has there been any politician removed from office because they were caught cheating during the election?
Don't Know About ANY Politician

But The President Of The United States ??
I Don't See How A Presidential Candidate
Could Directly Change/Ditch Votes In The Ballot Box
Enough To Change The Result Of A Nation-Wide Election

But If One Could
1960 Would Be the Place To Look
/——/ To his credit, Nixon refused to challenge the election results in the Senate because he said it would have torn the country apart.
It doesn't work that way, someone has their priorities off key. The Speaker of the House would be next in line..

Yup. If both Trump and Pence died or were removed, the Speaker is the next in line.

No way would Hitlery be POTUS. She would have to be elected to the position.
But if the findings nullified the election... So the standard rules of succession may not apply.
Nullify this election and there will be civil war.
Yup. If both Trump and Pence died or were removed, the Speaker is the next in line.

No way would Hitlery be POTUS. She would have to be elected to the position.
But if the findings nullified the election... So the standard rules of succession may not apply.

Findings of what? How would that overrule the Constitution?
It wouldn’t overrule the constitution. It would forfeit trump’s election.

There is no such thing, Chicken Little! The Presidential line of succession is coded into the Constitution for the Vice President and provides Congress to set continued line below the Vice President under federal law.
But this wouldn’t be about a duly elected president being incapacitated. This would be about the nullification of an election. You wouldn’t be able to apply the normal succession process because the president isn’t being succeeded. He be DQ’d.
There is no justification to nullify the election. Even collusion isn't against the law.
It doesn't work that way, someone has their priorities off key. The Speaker of the House would be next in line..

Yup. If both Trump and Pence died or were removed, the Speaker is the next in line.

No way would Hitlery be POTUS. She would have to be elected to the position.
Only if Trump cheated, and it could be proven he CHEATED....

That would mean he NEVER WON the presidency in the first place, could I envision something like that ever happening.... And even then, unlikely, because we have rules of succession....
The most you could pin on Trump is that he used the age old democrat policy of using dirty tricks. It didn't happen and would be pointless to try to pull it off. There was 50 independent elections for President. Trump got the majority of Electoral votes.
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
Poor Roger....doesn't know how our system of federal government works.

Everything that Roger Stone said was correct. These are his exact words:

"Look, I honestly believe that they are gonna try to charge the president and the vice president with some hoped-up frame of Russian collusion," said Stone, Monday night. "That way they could make Nancy Pelosi president. She could make Hillary Clinton vice president, and then step aside. It's a nightmare. But, I think that's what they have in mind."

Stone Cold Theory: Pence and Trump Will Both Be Charged | 93.1 WIBC

According to the U.S. Constitution and other laws (Including 3 USC 19) that scenario is possible. If President Trump is impeached, Vice President Pence would assume the Presidency. If Pence also is impeached, the next in line of succession is the Speaker of the House. If Pelosi became President, a Vice President must be appointed. According to Amendment 25, Section 2, here is how that is done: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”

Under the specific provisions of the U.S. Constitution and other applicable laws, here's how it could go down. First, both Trump and Pence are impeached. Second, Nancy Pelosi assumes the Presidency. Third, she selects Hillary Clinton as her vice present. Fourth, after Clinton is confirmed as Vice President, Pelosi resigns, making Hillary Clinton President. It's bizarre but it is legally possible.

Impeachment isn't done in the middle of the night in 15 minutes. Pence could appoint a Vice President. You people are jacking off dead frogs.
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
Poor Roger....doesn't know how our system of federal government works.

Everything that Roger Stone said was correct. These are his exact words:

"Look, I honestly believe that they are gonna try to charge the president and the vice president with some hoped-up frame of Russian collusion," said Stone, Monday night. "That way they could make Nancy Pelosi president. She could make Hillary Clinton vice president, and then step aside. It's a nightmare. But, I think that's what they have in mind."

Stone Cold Theory: Pence and Trump Will Both Be Charged | 93.1 WIBC

According to the U.S. Constitution and other laws (Including 3 USC 19) that scenario is possible. If President Trump is impeached, Vice President Pence would assume the Presidency. If Pence also is impeached, the next in line of succession is the Speaker of the House. If Pelosi became President, a Vice President must be appointed. According to Amendment 25, Section 2, here is how that is done: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”

Under the specific provisions of the U.S. Constitution and other applicable laws, here's how it could go down. First, both Trump and Pence are impeached. Second, Nancy Pelosi assumes the Presidency. Third, she selects Hillary Clinton as her vice present. Fourth, after Clinton is confirmed as Vice President, Pelosi resigns, making Hillary Clinton President. It's bizarre but it is legally possible.

Impeachment isn't done in the middle of the night in 15 minutes. Pence could appoint a Vice President. You people are jacking off dead frogs.
/----/ Libtards think Hildabeast has a clear path to the WH
hillary path to white house.jpg
It doesn't work that way, someone has their priorities off key. The Speaker of the House would be next in line..

Yup. If both Trump and Pence died or were removed, the Speaker is the next in line.

No way would Hitlery be POTUS. She would have to be elected to the position.
Only if Trump cheated, and it could be proven he CHEATED....

That would mean he NEVER WON the presidency in the first place, could I envision something like that ever happening.... And even then, unlikely, because we have rules of succession....

You people are truly stupid. There is NO provision for pretending like a President was never President, none, and you can't just make one up out of whole cloth, so the "it would be like Trump was never President" discussion is stupid.
Cellblock2429 said:
/——/ To his credit, Nixon refused to challenge the election results in the Senate because he said it would have torn the country apart.
Same With Impeachment Proceedings...
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DandyDonovan said:
There is NO provision for pretending like a President was never President, none, and you can't just make one up out of whole cloth, so the "it would be like Trump was never President" discussion is stupid.
Same As If Barry's Records Were Blown Wide Open
And Found Nothing But Identity Fraud And Citizenship Deceit

Nothing Could Be Changed
It doesn't work that way, someone has their priorities off key. The Speaker of the House would be next in line..

Yup. If both Trump and Pence died or were removed, the Speaker is the next in line.

No way would Hitlery be POTUS. She would have to be elected to the position.
Only if Trump cheated, and it could be proven he CHEATED....

That would mean he NEVER WON the presidency in the first place, could I envision something like that ever happening.... And even then, unlikely, because we have rules of succession....
/——-/ Im just asking. Has there been any politician removed from office because they were caught cheating during the election?
Oh I don't know... I was just speculating with a bunch of gymnastic moves in my mind! :p
But this wouldn’t be about a duly elected president being incapacitated. This would be about the nullification of an election. You wouldn’t be able to apply the normal succession process because the president isn’t being succeeded. He be DQ’d.

Come on! You are not that stupid. Read the damn Constitution instead if making shit up!
You’re missing the point. The constitution wouldn’t apply because trump would have been deemed to have never been president. You can’t apply the constitution where it’s moot.

Utter bullshit! Where does it say in the Constitution that it would not apply. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and you are being an incredible dumbass!
You can’t follow a rule of succession from something that doesn’t exist.

You need to see a doctor immediately. You have has a strike. You brain is no longer functioning.
You’re still missing the logic. This would be unprecedented and not considered in the constitution in the first place. You can’t remove a president who never was president.
But if the findings nullified the election... So the standard rules of succession may not apply.

Findings of what? How would that overrule the Constitution?
It wouldn’t overrule the constitution. It would forfeit trump’s election.

There is no such thing, Chicken Little! The Presidential line of succession is coded into the Constitution for the Vice President and provides Congress to set continued line below the Vice President under federal law.
But this wouldn’t be about a duly elected president being incapacitated. This would be about the nullification of an election. You wouldn’t be able to apply the normal succession process because the president isn’t being succeeded. He be DQ’d.
There is no justification to nullify the election. Even collusion isn't against the law.
I’m not saying there is. My point is that this would make the normal line of succession moot.
But if the findings nullified the election... So the standard rules of succession may not apply.

Findings of what? How would that overrule the Constitution?
It wouldn’t overrule the constitution. It would forfeit trump’s election.

There is no such thing, Chicken Little! The Presidential line of succession is coded into the Constitution for the Vice President and provides Congress to set continued line below the Vice President under federal law.
But this wouldn’t be about a duly elected president being incapacitated. This would be about the nullification of an election. You wouldn’t be able to apply the normal succession process because the president isn’t being succeeded. He be DQ’d.
There is no justification to nullify the election. Even collusion isn't against the law.
Again, I’m not saying there is and I seriously doubt there is. This is about an unpredicted hypothetical.
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
So info wars is as dumb as you? That is NOT what would happen if they were booted out of office lol.

Sad that there are voters this stupid
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
That is so stupid. Hillary won't be president because she doesn't want it. Pelosi would become president over this illegal election. And by the way, there is no hoax conspiracy with Russia.
I dont know if she wants it now or not, but I would bet she certainly has wanted the Presidency since the election.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
That is so stupid. Hillary won't be president because she doesn't want it. Pelosi would become president over this illegal election. And by the way, there is no hoax conspiracy with Russia.
Evelyn Rupert, “Obama Used Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton,” The Hill, September 23, 2016;

Josh Gerstein and Nolan D. McCaskill, “Obama Used a Pseudonym in Emails with Clinton, FBI Documents Reveal,” Politico, September 23, 2016;

Daniel Halper, “Obama Used Pseudonym to Talk with Hillary on Private Server,” September 24, 2016.

She was nailed.

If she was indicted, it would lead to Obama and the both of them being charged with mishandling classified materials.

From The Russia Hoax...

"Obama was not only concealing his communications with an alias, he was mishandling classified information in the same negligent manner as Clinton.

This may explain why the FBI and the DOJ were motivated not to charge Clinton.

If they did so, Obama’s mishandling of classified communications would be exposed."

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
It doesn't work that way, someone has their priorities off key. The Speaker of the House would be next in line..
Actually Pence is next in line. He was part of the ticket.

And hooray for wishful thinking.
"Ticket"? What ticket? If the conspiracy is announced, and I have no reason to believe it will not, there is no "ticket". It's an illegal election. "PERIOD"!
That is a big, "IF."

And what if you are wrong?

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
There is a way for HRC to become POTUS.
If the Great Douche and VP Dence were both removed. By Mueller report or death.
Speaker Nancy would be POTUS.
Speaker Nancy (aka Mrs. Wall, Slammer Hammer) could choose Tim Kaine to be her VP. But the Senate may block this.
(But still the next in line is still protected from DOPer Scums inline after VP and new Speaker HRC.)
The House can elect HRC as Speaker, And Nancy could resign and HRC is POTUS.
Then Nancy could be Speaker for the third time, and re-elected to the house in 2020.

This is a possible way it can be done. If needed, and Nancy will do it this way.

And if the great Douche is proven to be elected with Russian help. All Signed and appointed peoples should be removed and voided in a Blanket law. For a Massive fraud perpetrated on the American people. And we need hearings to review the peoples that protected the great Douche. We know who they are.

HRC would have to be a member of the House in order to become Speaker.

And if you think Pelosi would relinquish the Presidency, once she got it
you are crazy.
View attachment 242994

No HRC would not have to be an elected Rep. of a district to be the speaker. Just elected by the current members in the house. See yellow. It seems so far all elected speakers have been members of the house. But, the house
can elect really anyone to do job. If they elect a non-American citizen. The non-American citizen speaker
would be passed over to be POTUS .
As for Pelosi, she would do this. As she can go back to being the speaker. But will have to be later elected to house seat again in 2020.
It will and would never happen.

Never said it was going to happen. Just pointed out a legal scenario on how it could be done.
Hillary holds no super power status in the US the only reason she is so well known is the repubs can't stop talking about her.
We are allergic to vipers venom and I react to her the way cats do to cucumbers.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Former Trump campaign strategist Roger Stone claimed Monday that the ultimate goal of the Mueller investigation could be to charge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with “some hoked up frame of Russian collusion” in order to gain the president of their choosing.
Roger Stone: If Russia Investigation Removes Trump From Office, Hillary May Become President

Now you know it's all in plain view you can see articles of the past where Clinton says this or that. The savage pig bitch is running again hopefully she doesn't live long enough to see 2020.
'Thanks to #infowars for providing this article for D. C.

If that pos bitch became President omg!! You would want to move to Russia by the time this a.hole got done with this nation if these morons though Trump was Hitler lmfao, lmfao, you fkn idiots will have just voted in worse than Hitler.
Poor Roger....doesn't know how our system of federal government works.

Everything that Roger Stone said was correct. These are his exact words:

"Look, I honestly believe that they are gonna try to charge the president and the vice president with some hoped-up frame of Russian collusion," said Stone, Monday night. "That way they could make Nancy Pelosi president. She could make Hillary Clinton vice president, and then step aside. It's a nightmare. But, I think that's what they have in mind."

Stone Cold Theory: Pence and Trump Will Both Be Charged | 93.1 WIBC

According to the U.S. Constitution and other laws (Including 3 USC 19) that scenario is possible. If President Trump is impeached, Vice President Pence would assume the Presidency. If Pence also is impeached, the next in line of succession is the Speaker of the House. If Pelosi became President, a Vice President must be appointed. According to Amendment 25, Section 2, here is how that is done: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”

Under the specific provisions of the U.S. Constitution and other applicable laws, here's how it could go down. First, both Trump and Pence are impeached. Second, Nancy Pelosi assumes the Presidency. Third, she selects Hillary Clinton as her vice present. Fourth, after Clinton is confirmed as Vice President, Pelosi resigns, making Hillary Clinton President. It's bizarre but it is legally possible.


Well except for the fact that neither Trump nor Pence will be removed from office at the same time. You cannot hold trials for both at the same time anyway.

I agree to a point. I agree it will never happen, but I am not convinced that both men could not be impeached at the same time. I have been unable to find any source that is dispositive on the issue. Even if they could not be, it would be possible to impeach the Vice President First, and then impeach the President before his choice for Vice President could be confirmed. When both men are removed from office that could put Pelosi in the White House and she would pick Clinton as her VP.

Again, it will never happen. I'm only talking about the possibilities.

You are basing your possibilities on impossibilities.

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