Romney and ethics


VIP Member
Dec 3, 2008
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -


Hey, how's Obama's $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record unemployment, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans on welfare and other public assistance, first U.S. credit downgrade in history, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, etc.?
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -

McKayla is unimpressed with your OP.
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -


Hey, how's Obama's $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record unemployment, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans on welfare and other public assistance, first U.S. credit downgrade in history, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, etc.?

Know any other talking points or slogans? Half of what said is lies the other half is misleading.
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -

McKayla is unimpressed with your OP.

As am I with you.
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -

McKayla is unimpressed with your OP.

As am I with you.

I agree. Tough to be impressed with one-liners that don't really say anything.
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -


Hey, how's Obama's $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record unemployment, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans on welfare and other public assistance, first U.S. credit downgrade in history, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, etc.?

Know any other talking points or slogans? Half of what said is lies the other half is misleading.

You consider layoffs or 'outsourcing' as unethical.. may of us find what Obama has done to be unethical too... And if I am not mistaken, even Obamalama himself said that Bush's level of spending deficit was 'unpatriotic', I wonder now how he would describe the current deficit??
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -


Hey, how's Obama's $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record unemployment, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans on welfare and other public assistance, first U.S. credit downgrade in history, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, etc.?

Know any other talking points or slogans? Half of what said is lies the other half is misleading.

You know your right.... the debt is $5,000,000,000,000 less, we've reached near full-employment, welfare has been eliminated due to lack of demand, U.S. credit is still AAA, housing markets are awesome and GDP is around 10%.

Feel better?

I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -

McKayla is unimpressed with your OP.

As am I with you.
Whoop-de-fucking do.

You pimp for one of the most ethically challenged presidents since Nixon, by casting your monkey turds at Romney and some offshore banks accounts, and we're supposed to take you seriously?

Really? :lol:
It matters not if every politician is unethical. We have to chose the lesser of those and the impact their policies and what they do has on the average guy. So far, I'm not impressed with Romney's record in that regard. If he wants to be a billionaire and achieves it, I have no problem with it at all. I just don't think that makes good presidential material for the general citizenship. I'm not saying Obama is much better but I think he is more in touch with women's issues and other social issues.
Obama and Geithner and the Treasury Department stripped non union members of their pensions.

Let's see is that ethical?

Hey, how's Obama's $5,000,000,000,000 new debt, record unemployment, 40+ months of record unemployment, record numbers of Americans on welfare and other public assistance, first U.S. credit downgrade in history, housing markets in the shitter, no growth, etc.?

Know any other talking points or slogans? Half of what said is lies the other half is misleading.

You consider layoffs or 'outsourcing' as unethical.. may of us find what Obama has done to be unethical too... And if I am not mistaken, even Obamalama himself said that Bush's level of spending deficit was 'unpatriotic', I wonder now how he would describe the current deficit??

You have to consider why each of the two deficits were run. As far as I am concerned there is no comparison.

When bush took office he had a couple of hundred billion in surplus. He left us with the second worst depression in our history, two unfunded wars (much of it "off budget") while doubling the national debt.

Most of the Obama debt is a result of trying to cope with that. I detect a slight difference.
I keep repeating that legal and ethical are not the same thing, Being legal is often compelled behavior. The only thing that prevents unethical behavior is character.

The right wing seems to applaud any unethical behavior if it brings a profit. Character has long been abandoned as a trait necessary in the business world and is more often scorned than applauded

What we have here is classic Mitt. This is the type of "job creation" and "capitalism" Mitt chose to pursue.

Did Romney enable company's abusive tax shelter? -
The liberal left seems to think that taking advantage of the deductions that are allowed in the Federal tax Code is somehow wrong. Romney didn't write the Tax Code he just followed it. Democrats see nothing wrong with someone like Guitner, who was in charge of enforcing tax law, failing to pay his fair share by underpaying what he was legally supposed to pay, but criticize Romney for taking legal deductions. Only a fool would pay more that he legally required to pay and Romney is no fool. Romney has been extremely successful. Bain Capital would buy failing companies and try to make them successful. Sometimes they were successful and saved jobs for their employees sometimes the company was too far gone and would be closed. It wasn't Bain Capital's fault the steel industry was dying due to low cost imports from China, That is our governments fault
The left seems to think a company can operate at a loss for the benefit of the employees but, unlike the government, a company cannot just print money and act like everything's fine when they are going broke.
Romney has been successful at everything he has done and would make us a successful nation again, unlike obama.
Know any other talking points or slogans? Half of what said is lies the other half is misleading.

You consider layoffs or 'outsourcing' as unethical.. may of us find what Obama has done to be unethical too... And if I am not mistaken, even Obamalama himself said that Bush's level of spending deficit was 'unpatriotic', I wonder now how he would describe the current deficit??

You have to consider why each of the two deficits were run. As far as I am concerned there is no comparison.

When bush took office he had a couple of hundred billion in surplus. He left us with the second worst depression in our history, two unfunded wars (much of it "off budget") while doubling the national debt.

Most of the Obama debt is a result of trying to cope with that. I detect a slight difference.
1) Surplus MYTH.... already covered many many times.. yes, Clinton did better in terms of spending, but there was no surplus. We have not had a surplus since 1957.
2) We did not have a depression
3) Much of what the government has every year (because of the leviathan) is off the budget (also see intragovernmental spending and how that played into Clinton's numbers)
4) Obama has added just as much debt in much less time... BUT I am not defending Bush's fiscal policy, it was indeed horrible. But if you think Obama's is not worse, you are delusional

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