Romney NOT Running

11 pages later and he was still never running. You people need to turn off Fox and CNN and grow a brain.
My opinion of Reagan would not be relevant. We know that Republicans and the general electorate flock to Reagan like moths to a light. Nothing has changed that reality. Other than that, I'm not interested in your Reagan revisionist history. I'm not even a fan; but I know the raise tax stuff is bull shit when you look at the cumulative reality. So, save your canned talking points for some idiot that might buy them, guy; LIKE ANYONE COULD HAVE RAISED THE TAX AMOUNTS OF WHAT CARTER CREATED IN THE SECOND PLACE...

Carter didn't create any new taxes, and frankly, arguing against your ignorance is getting tiresome.

Okay, to recap. Reagan did a whole bunch of tax cuts between 1981 and 1983. He effectively reduced the top marginal rates on the wealthiest Americans. He spewed a whole bunch of nonsense about the "Laffer Curve" and how the country would grow it's way out of debt. It didn't. He ran up twice as much debt as the previous 39 Presidents combined!

Then in 1983, it became obvious that the Social Security Trust fund was going to run out of money. So he sat down with Tip O'Neill and hammered out a pretty massive reform that raised employee contributions to 12% of their income (6% from the employee, 6% from the employer). It also eliminated a lot of payments, like those to college students with dead parents, but fuck those kids.

Well, after beating Walter MOndale in 1984, after Mondale made the mistake of being honest enough to admit we had to raise taxes to fix our fiscal woes, Reagan raised taxes in 1986 as part of "Tax Reform", which meant eliminating a bunch of deductions that actually impacted working folks worse than the rich. Because again, fuck working people. And he blamed Democrats for what he agreed to.

That's why Bush made the "Read My Lips" comments. Because all you stupid ass mouth-breathers in the GOP were Sooooooo upset with Reagan for raising taxes.

Now, people forget this because the Conservatives has deified Reagan and papered over his flaws. Mostly because he's the only GOP president after Ike who wasn't a complete failure of some sort or another. No one is saying nice things about Nixon, Ford, or the Bushes.
TBH, I don't know why the left wouldn't pay posters. They're all about artificial reality as a means.

I'm still wondering why you think the left would pay posters to put messages on message boards only read by a couple hundred people, most of whom have already made up their minds on things.

I'm just not seeing how that would be a good investment.

Now, I can understand the world view of a LiberTURDian idiot who thinks that no one can honestly disagree with their childish worldview. so they must be getting paid.
That's the same STUPID logic that gave us Bill the rapist Clinton.

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

What I remember about the Clinton years was that we had peace, prosperity and 4% unemployment.

But you are deluded if you think Bush-41 or Dole could have won if Perot wasn't in the mix. Most polling with Perot taken out showed his votes splitting pretty much evenly.
if Bush and Dole could not convince people that they are who you should vote for....thats on them,not the people who voted for Perot....

the facts remain. Perot elected Clinton. Twist all you like, that is what happened.
sounds like an excuse....maybe Bush should have convinced people WHY they should vote for why didnt he?....

Clinton got 41% of the vote. Why couldn't he get half of the american voters to support him. This is not about why Bush 41 ran a crappy campaign, its about how a third party gets us the worst result.
Scott Walker Takes Lead [15%] In Iowa Poll - [Jeb 6th, at 8%] ^ | January 31, 2015 | Huffington Post
In the poll, released on Saturday night, [Sott] Walker was the first choice of 15 percent of respondents in the poll, up from 4 percent when the poll was conducted in October. Walker bested Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who was at 14 percent. Mitt Romney was in third at 13 percent; the poll was taken from Monday to Thursday, before he announced his withdrawal from the race. Ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was in fourth with ten percent of voters' support. ...Jeb Bush, who is viewed as the GOP's establishment choice, was only preferred by eight percent of voters. The results...
Romney is not running. That is clear. Romney is a good man who would have been a good president. But it was time for a black guy with absolutely no experience and in inbred hatred of everything this country stands for.

YOU elected him, america. Now you are paying for it.
Scott Walker Takes Lead [15%] In Iowa Poll - [Jeb 6th, at 8%] ^ | January 31, 2015 | Huffington Post
In the poll, released on Saturday night, [Sott] Walker was the first choice of 15 percent of respondents in the poll, up from 4 percent when the poll was conducted in October. Walker bested Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who was at 14 percent. Mitt Romney was in third at 13 percent; the poll was taken from Monday to Thursday, before he announced his withdrawal from the race. Ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was in fourth with ten percent of voters' support. ...Jeb Bush, who is viewed as the GOP's establishment choice, was only preferred by eight percent of voters. The results...

Meh... not really. The Iowa Caucuses haven't picked the GOP nominee since 2000. They are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Just ask Presidents Huckabee and Santorum.
Romney is not running. That is clear. Romney is a good man who would have been a good president. But it was time for a black guy with absolutely no experience and in inbred hatred of everything this country stands for.

YOU elected him, america. Now you are paying for it.

Yeah, we are.

Record stock market, low gasoline prices, unemployment at 5.6%. Strong GDP Growth.

Good thing we didn't put the Mormon Cult in charge of our country.
Ford was a good man placed in a bad situation. He was far from an idiot.

No, the man really was an idiot. I don't mean just "WIN" buttons, which were stupid. I mean pardoning Nixon and wondering why his reputation was trashed. Shit, the guy couldn't walk out of the White House without people randomly shooting at him.

He pardoned NIxon to save the country from an impeachment hearing that would have torn us apart. He did the right thing. BTW, Nixon never lied under oath like Clinton did. Both Clintons that is.
Romney is not running. That is clear. Romney is a good man who would have been a good president. But it was time for a black guy with absolutely no experience and in inbred hatred of everything this country stands for.

YOU elected him, america. Now you are paying for it.

Yeah, we are.

Record stock market, low gasoline prices, unemployment at 5.6%. Strong GDP Growth.

Good thing we didn't put the Mormon Cult in charge of our country.

please list the specific things that obozo did to push up the market and lower gas prices.

your unemployment claim is bullshit because they changed the way they calculate it. They no longer count people who have given up looking for work. The actual UE rate is closer to 15%.
You can't name one thing about the Regan that would not appeal to today's GOP.


How about granting Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens?
Appointing pro-choice moderates O'Conner and Kennedy to SCOTUS
Tripling the National Debt
Negotiated with Terrorists and traded arms for hostages.
Raised Taxes after cutting them.
Compromised with the Democratic Majority to expand social security.
Reached agreements with America's adversaries.
Rarely went to church and believed in Astrology
  • Cut and ran from Lebanon.
  • Didn't respond to Soviet shoot-down of commercial flight.
  • Funded the Contras in direct defiance of Congress.
  • Reagan CIA flooded California with cocaine and crack as another of William Casey's schemes to fund the Contras.

Reagan was a weak leader who refused to stand up to foreign aggression.
Romney is not running. That is clear. Romney is a good man who would have been a good president. But it was time for a black guy with absolutely no experience and in inbred hatred of everything this country stands for.

YOU elected him, america. Now you are paying for it.
"Are you better off now than you were six years ago?"

Fuck yes! No one would answer no unless they were lying.
He pardoned NIxon to save the country from an impeachment hearing that would have torn us apart. He did the right thing. BTW, Nixon never lied under oath like Clinton did. Both Clintons that is.

There was no need for an "impeachment hearing", as Nixon had already resigned.

And there's a good chance that had their been a criminal trial, Nixon would have been acquitted.

But there should have been a trial.

Instead, we now have the horrible precedence of using the power of Pardon to excuse abuses of office by the President.
please list the specific things that obozo did to push up the market and lower gas prices.

your unemployment claim is bullshit because they changed the way they calculate it. They no longer count people who have given up looking for work. The actual UE rate is closer to 15%.

Actually, we are calculating it the way we've ALWAYS calculated it.

the UE6 number that you guys like to drag out includes part time workers and those who have given up looking, and it's only 11%.
The fact is very simple America as a whole hates the far right and their candidates. The GOP itself demonstrated that fact in the primaries last year when the majority of the far right TP candidates were rejected.

Kosh, I am glad to see you finally understand how to post. Good on you.

This from the far left drone that can only post far left propaganda not based in reality..
:) You are just so easy to provoke.

The mainstream GOP will just piss on far right candidates in 2016. You guys on the far right just don't stand a chance.

Yes anything that is not far left, to the far left is far right!

We know far left drone who voted for Obama...
Yes anything that is not far left, to the far left is far right!
this coming from a guy who calls anyone who disagrees with him....far left....geezus kosh do you read what you post?....

And always you are wrong on such matters..

But hey what do I expect from one that thinks Jake is a moderate right winger..
i do?....lets see you do what you have failed to do in the past.....prove it.....
That is exactly what I am (a Gerald Ford Republican). Anybody to your left begins with Genghis Khan, Kosh. You are a simple train wreck.

Wrong again far left drone that voted for Obama and supports his illegal wars..
Kosh, you are the neo-con; you are the one who supported Bush from the get go; you are the one who would let the hungry and the ill die rather than help his fellow American.

Even Edward Baiamonte is more moral than you.

More far left propaganda to cover the fact that this far left drone will not come out of the closet..
hey i like how you answered those allegations against you kosh....brilliant....
That's the same STUPID logic that gave us Bill the rapist Clinton.

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

What I remember about the Clinton years was that we had peace, prosperity and 4% unemployment.

But you are deluded if you think Bush-41 or Dole could have won if Perot wasn't in the mix. Most polling with Perot taken out showed his votes splitting pretty much evenly.
if Bush and Dole could not convince people that they are who you should vote for....thats on them,not the people who voted for Perot....

the facts remain. Perot elected Clinton. Twist all you like, that is what happened.
sounds like an excuse....maybe Bush should have convinced people WHY they should vote for why didnt he?....

Clinton got 41% of the vote. Why couldn't he get half of the american voters to support him. This is not about why Bush 41 ran a crappy campaign, its about how a third party gets us the worst result.
fish look.....if Bush could not convince me to vote for him,if Clinton could not convince me to vote for him....but Perot managed too convince me he is the guy....then thats on Clinton and Bush....not me....they all have the same amount of time....

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