Romney NOT Running

Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Know what 'Nazi' is short for, douche-nozzle? Didn't think so....

It is short for "NATIONAL SOCIALIST"

And you wonder why I call you stupid? Because you are.

Republicans are anything but socialists, National or otherwise


Its kind of like Saddam Husseins Republican Guards

More proof the far left does not understand anything beyond their programming..

Are you trying to convince us that Republican Guards are not really Republicans?
Five million Mormon hating McCain voters will now possibly return to the polls.

Naw, you guys are going to have to do a lot more than that to get me to vote republican again.

NOw, I'll admit, I fit into the category you just described. I voted for McCain (and Bush, and Dole, and Bush's Dad and Reagan), but I didn't vote for Romney because I really, really do hate Mormons.

But the GOP still has bigger problems with me. They don't work for working people, they work for the rich. Romney just made that a lot more obvious than Bush did.

I also sort of dispute your notion that the "Mormon Haters" were that big of a factor. Romney actually got MORE votes than McCain did. Not many, but he got more.

If someone didn't show up in 2012, it was a lot of these young kids who got all dewy eyed for Obama in 2008 but the sheen was off the rose in 2012 when they graduate college and found there weren't jobs waiting for them.
This is bad news. He wasn't my first choice but I thought he had the best shot at winning. If Jeb Bush is the nominee I'm done with the party.

You'll be back here in the summer of 2016, screaming about how we have to support Bush.
Jeb don't have a chance, IMHO.

He was a good Governor down here, a good administrator but no leader of men.

We already have a piece of shit that can't lead.

I think the nomination is Scott Walker's to lose.

We'll have to wait and see

I think Walker might be a good candidate- in 2020. Now, most people don't know that much about him other than he got into a nasty fight with the unions in his state.

Also, I don't think in 2016, we are going to elect a president who couldnt' get a college degree.
Except for one thing...... dimocraps are the scum of the earth. They are the lowest form of life that has ever existed on this planet.
no truer words have ever been typed anywhere on this planet !! :up:
"You will vote for whoever the GOP tells you to. I will be laughing when you break out the Jeb Bush sigs, then accuse him of being a RINO the moment he loses."

That's what the right and left do, whether extremists or mainstreamers. And you all act surprised?
That's the same STUPID logic that gave us Bill the rapist Clinton.

Remember Ross Perot and all the idiots that voted for him and gave The Rapist the election?

What I remember about the Clinton years was that we had peace, prosperity and 4% unemployment.

But you are deluded if you think Bush-41 or Dole could have won if Perot wasn't in the mix. Most polling with Perot taken out showed his votes splitting pretty much evenly.
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.

And come 2016, when the people who RUN your party tell you that's who you guys are going to vote for, you will be back here cheering him on and denouncing Hillary and screaming "Benghaaaaazi" at the top of your lungs.
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.

Jeb Bush will not get the nomination as he is for amenity..

If he does get the nomination then we know that Hilary will get the DNC nomination..

Although I doubt the far left will allow Hilary to get the nomination..

Oh, noes, what "amenities" is Bush for? Morning massages? Continental Breakfasts?

The far left can probably live with Hillary. I think after 2014, they are probably just looking for the most electable candidate, and HIllary is the best they have.
Who will Jeb select as his VP running mate? Romney? Did they strike a deal? Maybe Mitt decided that VP was better than nothing. However, since Mitt is currently almost 68 years old, that seems unlikely - unless he would just like to be VP for maybe 8 years. We may not be done with Mitt just yet...

Stop thinking out loud, you're making everyone who reads your posts dumber.
thinking.., libturds are incapable of this human process. :up:
:lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao:
Jeb don't have a chance, IMHO.

He was a good Governor down here, a good administrator but no leader of men.

We already have a piece of shit that can't lead.

I think the nomination is Scott Walker's to lose.

We'll have to wait and see

I think Walker might be a good candidate- in 2020. Now, most people don't know that much about him other than he got into a nasty fight with the unions in his state.

Also, I don't think in 2016, we are going to elect a president who couldnt' get a college degree.
Walker is just plain boring

Hillary is old news, a charismatic Republican with a vision of the future instead of 1980 America can beat her

Walker is not that man
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.

Jeb Bush will not get the nomination as he is for amenity..

If he does get the nomination then we know that Hilary will get the DNC nomination..

Although I doubt the far left will allow Hilary to get the nomination..

Oh, noes, what "amenities" is Bush for? Morning massages? Continental Breakfasts?

The far left can probably live with Hillary. I think after 2014, they are probably just looking for the most electable candidate, and HIllary is the best they have.

Wrong! They could not live with her in 2008..

Just as you keep showing..
Sooo, now the question becomes whether the NaziCon base will support Jeb in the GOP Primary? Jeb could possibly win the General Election - but I'm less sure he can win the GOP Primary. IF he can survive the GOP Primary - the Daddy Bush political machine will be formidable. After all, Daddy Bush wanted Jeb in the White House instead of Dubya.

Know what 'Nazi' is short for, douche-nozzle? Didn't think so....

It is short for "NATIONAL SOCIALIST"

And you wonder why I call you stupid? Because you are.

Republicans are anything but socialists, National or otherwise


Its kind of like Saddam Husseins Republican Guards

More proof the far left does not understand anything beyond their programming..

Are you trying to convince us that Republican Guards are not really Republicans?

Proof why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
Jeb don't have a chance, IMHO.

He was a good Governor down here, a good administrator but no leader of men.

We already have a piece of shit that can't lead.

I think the nomination is Scott Walker's to lose.

We'll have to wait and see

I think Walker might be a good candidate- in 2020. Now, most people don't know that much about him other than he got into a nasty fight with the unions in his state.

Also, I don't think in 2016, we are going to elect a president who couldnt' get a college degree.
Walker is just plain boring

Hillary is old news, a charismatic Republican with a vision of the future instead of 1980 America can beat her

Walker is not that man

Of course the far left would say such tings as he has beaten them many times..
To all GOP supporters----------------Jeb is NOT the answer. He is Hillary in a man suit.

And come 2016, when the people who RUN your party tell you that's who you guys are going to vote for, you will be back here cheering him on and denouncing Hillary and screaming "Benghaaaaazi" at the top of your lungs.

as much as you lefties would like it, Benghazi will not go away. Hillary and Obama lied about it. Their politically motivated non-action cost the lives of 4 americans. Their lies about the video and the nature of the attack will not go away.

I sincerely hope that we are not forced to choose between Jeb and HRC in 2016. That contest would be a loser for the country.
as much as you lefties would like it, Benghazi will not go away. Hillary and Obama lied about it. Their politically motivated non-action cost the lives of 4 americans. Their lies about the video and the nature of the attack will not go away.

Guy, I'm going to try to break this to you as gently as I can. Other than the fever swamps of Hate Radio, no one gives a crap about Benghazi. You guys have been trying to make a political issue out of it for two and a half years now, and you just look ghoulish doing it.

No one cares about Benghazi. They care about who is going to make their lives better or worse. And unless the GOP can make the argumetn they can make the country better, they'll lose.

I sincerely hope that we are not forced to choose between Jeb and HRC in 2016. That contest would be a loser for the country.

I agree, I am not thrilled with those choices, but I'm enough of a realist to realize that, as the guys on South Park said, an election is usually a choice between a douche and a turd.

Bush would be awful because he'd bring back the same assholes who ran things when his father and brother were in.

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