Romney quotes


Class Warrior
Aug 1, 2011
From today:

"the idea of making a short-term profit actually doesn't really exist in business..."
That really isn't worth much without the entire content.
Or link.
At least he built a succeful business. Unlike Obongo that community organized and spent his life in a class room.
That really isn't worth much without the entire content.
Or link.
That is why s/he plagiarized it the way s/he did.


Romney Defends His Work at Bain Capital - Washington Wire - WSJ

“I think any time a job is lost it’s a tragedy. For the family, for the individual that loses a job, it’s devastating,” Mr. Romney said after a campaign stop here. “And every time that we invested in the business it was to try and encourage that business to have ongoing life. The idea of making a short-term profit actually doesn’t really exist in business because no one wants to buy something or buy stock in a company that’s going to be a short term success.”

These idiots sure are reaching for anything to throw at Romney. It's back firing as it's making me start to like Romney as I'm learning he is a Succeful business man and a good choice to get our economy going again. I DON'T like him socially as I know he supported the gays and the anti-gun people as gov in the early 1990's. But, heck Reagan as gov was pro-abort and a whole mass of shit. So people can change. I care about what he BELIEVES NOW!
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