Romney threw big bird under the bus

Mitt threw Big Bird, the Tea Baggers, the Far Right, and even Paul Ryan under the bus. He became a Moderate for one night. But now he will have to explain his flip flops at the next debate. I didn't think Mormon's lied so easily.

Oddly, Mitt didn't say anything different than I've heard him say before. You on the left should listen for yourself instead of waiting for the media to spin it for you.
If Dora the Explorer can support herself through commercial advertising then so can Big Bird. Time to get off the government dole rich bird. :D


Yep, that's a pretty good freakin' point.

How much are we helping "the children" with a destroyed dollar that is making the gasoline that Mom is putting in the car twice as expensive as it should be?


Yes, it would have been nice if 40 years ago, the first time OPEC tried to pull this shit with the price of oil, we did a crash investment project in fuel efficiency instead of doubling down and selling mom an SUV she didn't really need.

We are 16 Trillion in debt because we've lowered taxes on the wealthy to their lowest point ever, while increasing spending and fighting wars on borrowed money.

Big Bird had nothing to do with that.

PBS has, is and will be a waste of money.

Crying that romney hates big bird is a sham

Cuts have to be made, obama refuses to do them, maybe Mitt will.

But again, you don't care about the country, only the (D)

What does that have to do with anything I said.

The point is, the billions we waste giving tax breaks to billionaires, corporations that send our jobs over seas, weapons that don't work or never get deployed, and the top think Mittens can think of to kill off is PBS.

In fact, it was the only specific the guy really gave.

He was going to cut off PBS, because he had a PBS employee in front of him he could taunt.

He later cut Jim Lehrer's hair and then strapped him to the roof of his car for good measure.
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.

Funding for PBS programs comes from a variety of sources - member stations' dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, government agencies, foundations, corporations and private citizens.
Funding : PBS

Here's How Much Money Romney Will Save By Killing Big Bird

Do you know merchandising for Sesame street things make over 40 million dollars.. Guess what they can fund their own damn show with this instead of our tax dollars .
Do you know merchandising for Sesame street things make over 40 million dollars.. Guess what they can fund their own damn show with this instead of our tax dollars .

40 million they make now vs. the 440 million they already get?

Well, yeah, they could, if they aggressively marketed the toys like a show like a lot of other kids shows do. They could be like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who just created characters and vehicles in the show for the sole purpose of selling toys.

All they'd have to do is spend less time each show teaching kids how to read and count, and more time each show hawking toys.

I mean, why would they want to do that shit?

And here is the fundemental difference between Obama's America vs. Romney's America.

In Obama's America, we do things for the common good.

In Romney's America, we do things so a few douchebags can make money.
Big Bird needs to fly the coup and stop taking money out of the mouths of the children he so loves

He's a Big Bird after all
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Big BIrd create jobs and tax revenue with it's sell of Sesame Street toys and pays for it's programing.


Actually, all the profits for the toys don't exactly go to Big Bird, they go to Tyco (the company that makes the toys). Tyco pays Sesame St. liscencing fees for using the likeness of the characters on the show. could fund Sesame St. for a full year for the cost of 1 Raptor.

Me personally? I liked Sesame St. when I was a kid. Learned quite a bit about reading and math from there when I was growing up, which helped with my grades.

And..................if you kill Big Bird, you're killing the jobs of those that work at Tyco who make those toys. Are you really interested in killing more jobs?

damn you're dumb

No, seriously, I'm having a hard time coming to terms that a shipmate, actually thinks that cutting government funding means PBS will go under.

You did 20 years, you're past time to grow the fuck up.
Yes, it would have been nice if 40 years ago, the first time OPEC tried to pull this shit with the price of oil, we did a crash investment project in fuel efficiency instead of doubling down and selling mom an SUV she didn't really need.

We are 16 Trillion in debt because we've lowered taxes on the wealthy to their lowest point ever, while increasing spending and fighting wars on borrowed money.

Big Bird had nothing to do with that.

PBS has, is and will be a waste of money.

Crying that romney hates big bird is a sham

Cuts have to be made, obama refuses to do them, maybe Mitt will.

But again, you don't care about the country, only the (D)

What does that have to do with anything I said.

The point is, the billions we waste giving tax breaks to billionaires, corporations that send our jobs over seas, weapons that don't work or never get deployed, and the top think Mittens can think of to kill off is PBS.

In fact, it was the only specific the guy really gave.

He was going to cut off PBS, because he had a PBS employee in front of him he could taunt.

He later cut Jim Lehrer's hair and then strapped him to the roof of his car for good measure.

wrong again or intentionally lying?

He said he would cut whatever wasn't worth borrowing money from China to fund.

Big Bird

Not once, and he even said 'Sorry, that means PBS'

Sorry that doesn't fit what you're told to say, but I actually watched most of the debate.

So yeah, I actually know you're lying.
I mock Big Bird too for supporting GBLT values.

PBS only has a handful of shows worth watching.

McGlaughlin Group Saturday
This old house/Ask this old house
American Experience
You see we are all still suffering with HIGH unemployment, almost 4 dollars a gallon of gas, food prices omg and all the Dear Leader Obama and his followers can complain about is Romney now want to cut out Big Bird and Sesame Street..

vote Obama out

My goodness, we're not still pretending that ending federal funding would be the end of PBS and Big Bird, are we?

It's getting tougher and tougher to find honest conversation on this board. Maybe this is just all a game and I wasn't invited.


Liberals were all told to cry that Mitt wants to kill off Big Bird, and w/o any independent thought, they (irony alert) parrot it.
PBS has, is and will be a waste of money.

Crying that romney hates big bird is a sham

Cuts have to be made, obama refuses to do them, maybe Mitt will.

But again, you don't care about the country, only the (D)

What does that have to do with anything I said.

The point is, the billions we waste giving tax breaks to billionaires, corporations that send our jobs over seas, weapons that don't work or never get deployed, and the top think Mittens can think of to kill off is PBS.

In fact, it was the only specific the guy really gave.

He was going to cut off PBS, because he had a PBS employee in front of him he could taunt.

He later cut Jim Lehrer's hair and then strapped him to the roof of his car for good measure.

wrong again or intentionally lying?

He said he would cut whatever wasn't worth borrowing money from China to fund.

Big Bird

Not once, and he even said 'Sorry, that means PBS'

Sorry that doesn't fit what you're told to say, but I actually watched most of the debate.

So yeah, I actually know you're lying.

Okay, so we both agree that Mittens said he was going to kill PBS. Because I didn't say anything about Big Bird, either.

The whole subsidy for CPB would buy all of one F-22 Raptor, a plane that we've never deployed to a combat zone because it's sort of useless for the kind of war we are currently fighting. But yet Mitt never said, "I don't think warplanes we don't need is worth borrowing from China for."

He did say that about PBS, which actually does quite a lot of good.

So the discussion is really about priorities.

Now, are you ever going to address the point I made?

My goodness, we're not still pretending that ending federal funding would be the end of PBS and Big Bird, are we?

It's getting tougher and tougher to find honest conversation on this board. Maybe this is just all a game and I wasn't invited.


Would it end PBS? No...

Would it make PBS just like TLC, a network that started out with lofty ideals about doing educational programming, but then degenerated into awful ratings stunts like "Jon and Kate Plus 8" and "Toddlers and Tiara" because that generates commercial dollars?


The original concept of PBS was that it would be an outlet for the kind of programming you wouldn't normally see on CBS/NBC/ABC, which are commercial enterprises.

Yes, we have 100+ Channels now, but they are all still owned by about five companies.

What I like about the Newhour on PBS is that they do in depth journalism. Same with Frontline. As opposed to Fox and MSNBC, which are just selling partisan entertainment.
What does that have to do with anything I said.

The point is, the billions we waste giving tax breaks to billionaires, corporations that send our jobs over seas, weapons that don't work or never get deployed, and the top think Mittens can think of to kill off is PBS.

In fact, it was the only specific the guy really gave.

He was going to cut off PBS, because he had a PBS employee in front of him he could taunt.

He later cut Jim Lehrer's hair and then strapped him to the roof of his car for good measure.

wrong again or intentionally lying?

He said he would cut whatever wasn't worth borrowing money from China to fund.

Big Bird

Not once, and he even said 'Sorry, that means PBS'

Sorry that doesn't fit what you're told to say, but I actually watched most of the debate.

So yeah, I actually know you're lying.

Okay, so we both agree that Mittens said he was going to kill PBS. Because I didn't say anything about Big Bird, either.

The whole subsidy for CPB would buy all of one F-22 Raptor, a plane that we've never deployed to a combat zone because it's sort of useless for the kind of war we are currently fighting. But yet Mitt never said, "I don't think warplanes we don't need is worth borrowing from China for."

He did say that about PBS, which actually does quite a lot of good.

So the discussion is really about priorities.

Now, are you ever going to address the point I made?

You haven't stopped lying, so your bs points, that you are making up, are useless.

He's not going to kill pbs, he's going to stop wasting our money on it.

Now, who would you support; Someone that you know has and will waste your money. Obama.
Someone that plans on cutting everything that is not worth borrowing from china for. Mitt
If PBS is that great, they can stand on their own..Compete in the market like the rest.
is an blatant attack on children. Big Bird is an educational program available to many disadvantage children so Romney’s attack on Big Bird is an attack on children and education. Romney has shown himself to be a lying stupid sociopath with senile dementia. The Romney we saw at the debate was not the same alter ego Romney we saw the day after rewriting his script. His flip flopping has to do with he stupidity or he senile dementia. I would say both.

Funding for PBS programs comes from a variety of sources - member stations' dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, government agencies, foundations, corporations and private citizens.
Funding : PBS

Here's How Much Money Romney Will Save By Killing Big Bird

Typical response from a dead beat, we are way beyond the Feds carrying the load for everyone...

PBS & NPR need to stand alone, they need to compete on their own...

Where did this group of free loaders come from? Get up off your ass and get a job, support your self...
You haven't stopped lying, so your bs points, that you are making up, are useless.

He's not going to kill pbs, he's going to stop wasting our money on it.

Now, who would you support; Someone that you know has and will waste your money. Obama.
Someone that plans on cutting everything that is not worth borrowing from china for. Mitt

Again, the only reason we are borrowing from China (which only holds a fraction of our debt) is because we aren't taking the wealthy at even the sensible rates Ronald Reagan did. So please don't tell me that Mitt, who moved thousands of jobs TO China is suddenly worried about us being in debt TO China.

I don't consider 440 million for PBS to be a waste. I consider it money well spent. Certainly better than an F-22 Raptor (a single plane costs the same amount), which the Air Force has never deployed to a combat zone because it is useless for the kind of wars we currently fight today.

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