Romney: you can't make this stuff up



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Can I ask - again - what exactly is the issue regarding off shore accounts? Many Americans have them - some of those people are Democrats. Why is it suddenly an outrage? Oh wait... yea, cuz it's a GOP candidate. Fucking faux outrage.... it's funny... in a 'how can so many be so stupid' kind of way.

The issue for Romney is that he is trying to convince Americans that further tax cuts on the wealthy are warranted.

Hard to do when you flaunt your tax free status

No...No...No Use the right club.....may I club you?

Can I ask - again - what exactly is the issue regarding off shore accounts? Many Americans have them - some of those people are Democrats. Why is it suddenly an outrage? Oh wait... yea, cuz it's a GOP candidate. Fucking faux outrage.... it's funny... in a 'how can so many be so stupid' kind of way.
Outrage? I'm just laughing. You seem outraged.

Yeah sure sweet heart. We all see right through you.
But then that is the ultimate goal of the present GOP. No taxes for those that are very wealthy. Remember, 'Only little people pay taxes'.

So, let me get this straight.... you're using a quote from some selfish bitch as evidence that the GOP don't want to tax the weathy?

Are you serious?

Or have you finally decided to throw away any pretense of credibility.




Party for BIG donors on yacht flying flag from island where he offshores money.


Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign toasted its top donors Wednesday aboard a 150-foot yacht flying the flag of the Cayman Islands.

The floating party, hosted by a Florida developer on his yacht "Cracker Bay," was one of a dozen exclusive events meant to nurture those who have raised more than $1 million for Romney's bid.

"I think it's ironic they do this aboard a yacht that doesn't even pay its taxes," said a woman who lives aboard a much smaller boat moored at the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina.

Romney Party Yacht Flies Cayman Islands Flag - ABC News

Kind of a reach for the irony there but, yeah, you'd think they would have learned something in 6 years of campaigning. Can they really be THIS bad at this?
Party for BIG donors on yacht flying flag from island where he offshores money.


Offshoring money is bad, writing off $50 per pair of used underwear (Clinton), not paying taxes on offshore properties (Rangle), not paying taxes on gifts from political donors (Daschle) and stuffing cash in your freezer (William Jefferson) are OK. Got it.

Do you have these rules written down anywhere so I can refer to them?
Not sure why you're obsessing over Clinton's used underoos?

Seriously? You don't understand the point? I always love liberals who demonstrate their intelligence by pointing out they don't grasp obvious points. "Duh, dar, er, I don't get it {drool}." But it's only because you're so smart.
Offshoring money is bad, writing off $50 per pair of used underwear (Clinton), not paying taxes on offshore properties (Rangle), not paying taxes on gifts from political donors (Daschle) and stuffing cash in your freezer (William Jefferson) are OK. Got it.

Do you have these rules written down anywhere so I can refer to them?
Not sure why you're obsessing over Clinton's used underoos?

Seriously? You don't understand the point? I always love liberals who demonstrate their intelligence by pointing out they don't grasp obvious points. "Duh, dar, er, I don't get it {drool}." But it's only because you're so smart.

How do you feel about the conservatives on this board to do the same thing? It's their favorite debate tactic.
Offshoring money is bad, writing off $50 per pair of used underwear (Clinton), not paying taxes on offshore properties (Rangle), not paying taxes on gifts from political donors (Daschle) and stuffing cash in your freezer (William Jefferson) are OK. Got it.

Do you have these rules written down anywhere so I can refer to them?
Not sure why you're obsessing over Clinton's used underoos?

Seriously? You don't understand the point? I always love liberals who demonstrate their intelligence by pointing out they don't grasp obvious points. "Duh, dar, er, I don't get it {drool}." But it's only because you're so smart.
I did understand that you were trying to deflect. Other than that, no, I don't know where you're going with Clinton's underwear. Not that I especially want to understand.
The President is currently trying to create a fairer tax system. Governor Romney is presently trying to create a tax system that would shift the primary tax burden to the middle class and working poor. And create an even greater gap in wealth.

You can't make this shit much of the current tax base is paid by the "rich"?
I was expecting to come in here and see our regular righties say how mittens is out of touch with america because he is on a yacht while america suffers. You know like they do with obama everday.

I didn't see that happen...I love double standards.

So you dont see the difference between the POTUS being the one who seems to be out of touch by his actions....and a candidate being considered out of touch becuase of the actions of some of his donors?

Well...not much we can do about your stupidity.

Sorry.,...wish I could help.

No, see Obama and mittens are basically the same person minus a few key issues. MAYBE.

Both have 10k plus dinners do they not? To claim one is out of touch but not the other is absurd, or would you like to make a 10k bet?

The very idea that either of these two can relate to my family making 30 k a year is absurd. Mittens made 20 million in 2010, while obama made what a couple million?

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