Romney's bounce is over!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
A poll from yesterday puts O up an additional point in Ohio and he has regained the lead in Florida. Cain had a great debate in Virginia and, oddly enough, has lifted O to the lead there also.


I guess Mitt better come up with some more new positions for next week's debate!:clap2:
Here we go again with the openly partisan site.

Keep repeating Updated Colorado Study.

When you get tired...

Try actually reading it.
Here we go again with the openly partisan site.

Keep repeating Updated Colorado Study.

When you get tired...

Try actually reading it.

This guy used to be more reliable, even though his comments were lefty, his numbers were always good.

This year, however, his numbers dont seem to be shifting like other sites.

Maybe he has caught a case of the "I have to help Obama flu" that alot of the media has come down with.
Here we go again with the openly partisan site.

Keep repeating Updated Colorado Study.

When you get tired...

Try actually reading it.

Study no one reads and no one cares about.

Here's Romney's problem.

1) He's unlikeable.

2) The electoral College grossly favors the Democrats, no matter how much RCP tries to fudge the numbers to keep people clicking back...

3) Romney would have to win 65% of the White Vote to make up for Obama's advantage in the black/hispanic vote.
A poll from yesterday puts O up an additional point in Ohio and he has regained the lead in Florida. Cain had a great debate in Virginia and, oddly enough, has lifted O to the lead there also.


I guess Mitt better come up with some more new positions for next week's debate!:clap2:

are you trying to convince us here or YOURSELF?
you have these daily postings...good grief
A poll from yesterday puts O up an additional point in Ohio and he has regained the lead in Florida. Cain had a great debate in Virginia and, oddly enough, has lifted O to the lead there also.


I guess Mitt better come up with some more new positions for next week's debate!:clap2:

are you trying to convince us here or YOURSELF?
you have these daily postings...good grief

It would be nice if he used credible ones to make his point. :confused:
Here we go again with the openly partisan site.

Keep repeating Updated Colorado Study.

When you get tired...

Try actually reading it.

Study no one reads and no one cares about.

Here's Romney's problem.

1) He's unlikeable.

2) The electoral College grossly favors the Democrats, no matter how much RCP tries to fudge the numbers to keep people clicking back...

3) Romney would have to win 65% of the White Vote to make up for Obama's advantage in the black/hispanic vote.

Is that 65% of the white vote assuming:

1) Black/Hispanic turnout similar to 2008
2) Youth turnout and split similar to 2008
i find it rather concerning that at this point....20 some more day to the election that voters are still swaying back and forth....neither candidate has merit and both are equally as damning for this country....but voters arent concerned with that....

Listening to Bloomberg radio right now, some people are still skeptical on the job in jobless claims, saying they expect revisions. I dunno - this turnaround is going to be as psychological as anything else, and we may be seeing a foundation built and some momentum gathering. Ironically, we may not see better evidence until the week after the election.

Let's go, let's go.

Here we go again with the openly partisan site.

Keep repeating Updated Colorado Study.

When you get tired...

Try actually reading it.

Study no one reads and no one cares about.

Here's Romney's problem.

1) He's unlikeable.

2) The electoral College grossly favors the Democrats, no matter how much RCP tries to fudge the numbers to keep people clicking back...

3) Romney would have to win 65% of the White Vote to make up for Obama's advantage in the black/hispanic vote.

Is that 65% of the white vote assuming:

1) Black/Hispanic turnout similar to 2008
2) Youth turnout and split similar to 2008

Of course it does, and everyone knows it won't.
Here's obama's problem. He is losing. When Romney rises 8 points in California, you know it's serious. There are too many people who believed the royal regime when they said the attack on our consulate was because of a movie and got lied to. They aren't likely to buy into a fiddled up jobs report when they and so many people they know are out of work.
Working people voting for Romney are like French royals voting for Robespierre or women voting for Todd Akin.

Very good news on jobless claims this morning, that'll help O.


Until it will have been proven that it was a lie just as outrageous as the lie that the events - and the death of the Ambassador and three others - was the result of reaction to a video.

Possible, but I think the economy is a much higher priority for a vast majority of the electorate. It'll depend on whether people think the unemployment figures momentum is real.

Very good news on jobless claims this morning, that'll help O.


Until it will have been proven that it was a lie just as outrageous as the lie that the events - and the death of the Ambassador and three others - was the result of reaction to a video.

When we are over three years into a recovery and a jobs report which says 339K new weekly claims (to be revised upwards as usual next week) is characterized as 'good', you know America is in deeeeeeep shit.
Here's obama's problem. He is losing. When Romney rises 8 points in California, you know it's serious. There are too many people who believed the royal regime when they said the attack on our consulate was because of a movie and got lied to. They aren't likely to buy into a fiddled up jobs report when they and so many people they know are out of work.

With the gas prices rising in California, more than anywhere else, the Democrats should not be cavalier enough to take California for granted.

I know it's a long odds, but people vote with their pocket book.
Working people voting for Romney are like French royals voting for Robespierre or women voting for Todd Akin.

And yet there were examples of both. Some of the Jacobins were nobility, and I am sure Akin will get at least 20-30% of the woman vote without even trying.

Next time think over your examples better.

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