Ron Desantis for President...the man for the moment....the hero we need right now....

No, it's because commies are evil motherfuckers who threaten everyone else's existence.
Trump and his cult love them.

October 15 2020
"One thing I've learnt, President XI of China's one hundred percent. Putin of Russia, 100 percent," Trump said, pointing to his head as he praised the mental acuity of the strongman leaders.

"Kim Jong Un—by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? Kim Jong Un of North Korea—100 percent," he said.

February 9 2023
Florida Representative Matt Gaetz is introducing a House resolution to end U.S. military and financial aid to Ukraine co-sponsored by 10 other House Republicans.

In the "Ukraine Fatigue Resolution," Gaetz calls for the United States to "end its military and financial aid to Ukraine.

July 5 2018
The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy.

A top Republican senator shocked his colleagues when he suggested, after returning from a trip to Moscow with fellow GOP lawmakers, that U.S. sanctions targeting Russia were not working and the Kremlin’s election interference was really no big deal.

Now, the senators who joined him for the series of meetings with senior Russian officials are sharply disputing not only Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) conclusions—but also his account of what went on behind closed doors in Moscow.

That’s why Johnson raised eyebrows when, after returning from the nine-day trip with five of his fellow GOP senators, he suggested that the U.S. should evaluate whether the sanctions currently in place are successfully harming Russian interests because “you'd be hard-pressed to say that sanctions against Russia are really working all that well.”
Interesting part of the thread title: "The hero we need right now"

I will never understand this need for hero figures, for iconic saviors. Some people just like to be wowed and led.
Specif, verifiable examples?
Look at what happened in Detroit, Democrat control since after the WWII war. Look at Shitcago, Democrat run since before the WWII war. Look at Californication and the cities in it, all cesspools, run by Democrats, since Arnold left.
I think Ron Desantis is the guy....the one to be President to put our country back on track, the one to take the fight to the democrats and their allies in Russia, and China........

Love this ad.....

Trump has too many personal foibles.....he taught republicans how to fight, as we see with some of the new candidates........but Desantis has all of his strengths without his faults.......and his wife is really hot too.....

Wow, it's fun to watch you guys turn on Trump, but I doubt he'll go quietly into the night.

You know damned well he's going to run as a third party candidate if he is "Cheated" out of the nomination.

More to the point, Meatball Ron isn't exactly the best candidate. He's a dull speaker. He barely won in 2018 (assisted by voter suppression) and only won in 2022 because he faced a weak opponent who barely qualified as a Democrat.

On a national state, I doubt he'll play as well.
Specif, verifiable examples?
1) Flooding the country with illegals who are semi-literate and unskilled

2) Silencing - and often demonizing - opposing voices

3) Hiring 87,000 to target the lower-middle class

4) Spending money when we are in a 40-year inflation high

5) Handing out so much in free (OPMj money that people choose to get by on welfare than take jobs

6) Fanning the anti-white racism sweeping the country
1) Flooding the country with illegals who are semi-literate and unskilled

2) Silencing - and often demonizing - opposing voices

3) Hiring 87,000 to target the lower-middle class

4) Spending money when we are in a 40-year inflation high

5) Handing out so much in free (OPMj money that people choose to get by on welfare than take jobs

6) Fanning the anti-white racism sweeping the country
Well there ya go.
No wonder you are hysterical. Your head is full of fake new.
Right-wing talking point propaganda.
Your accusations here aren't exactly factual.
Well there ya go.
No wonder you are hysterical. Your head is full of fake new.
Right-wing talking point propaganda.
Your accusations here aren't exactly factual.
It’s all true. You’ve been listening and falling for the lib propoganda.
He's a culture warrior. Or, well, a populist pretending to be a culture warrior. In any case, he's shown himself eager and willing to "go after" political enemies with state policy. He's a champion of retaliatory government.

That's how.
Yet, I bet you cannot name a policy with which you don't agree and was passed by thre legislature
Yet, I bet you cannot name a policy with which you don't agree and was passed by thre legislature
Sure I can. We can start with his bullying the cruise ships to conform to his covid notions. Then going after Disney because they dared to oppose his "don't say gay" law. And, just in general, his eagerness to give handjobs to Trumpster culture warriors.

The thing with Desantis is he actually does the shit Trump only bloviated about.
Well there ya go.
No wonder you are hysterical. Your head is full of fake new.
Right-wing talking point propaganda.
Your accusations here aren't exactly factual.

You have to wonder how Lisa gets through the day, where everyone who disagrees with her is out to destroy her personally.

I remember on thread where she was absolutely peeing her Depends because there were scary pictures of black people at the mall.

1) Flooding the country with illegals who are semi-literate and unskilled

Uh, yeah, so? Hey, it's not like white people want to do those jobs. Or black people, for that matter.

2) Silencing - and often demonizing - opposing voices

3) Hiring 87,000 to target the lower-middle class

Except they are going after the rich, and if you are filing your taxes honestly, just not seeing a problem here. I don't worry about an audit. I account for every penny I make.

4) Spending money when we are in a 40-year inflation high

Not that the two things have anything to do with each other. Im still waiting for any wingnut to tell me what they would cut that would amount to a signifigant amount.

5) Handing out so much in free (OPMj money that people choose to get by on welfare than take jobs

Who are these people, exactly?

6) Fanning the anti-white racism sweeping the country

Uh, hey, this funny thing. I'm white. I'm about as pasty-white as you get. I've never felt "oppressed" due to my lack of melanin.
Sure I can. We can start with his bullying the cruise ships to conform to his covid notions. Then going after Disney because they dared to oppose his "don't say gay" law. And, just in general, his eagerness to give handjobs to Trumpster culture warriors.

The thing with Desantis is he actually does the shit Trump only bloviated about.
You think cruise ships shop be able to stop passengers from who had not been vaccinated against COVID?

There was no "Don't say gay" law. What gives them the right to oppose it, when it doesn't exist? Also the real law restricted schools. I could have sworn Disney was an entertainment company. Besides, the law was passed by the state legislature.

In other words, all you have are lies and disagreement with COVID policy which proved him right in the end. Try again.
You think cruise ships shop be able to stop passengers from who had not been vaccinated against COVID?
Yeah. It's up to them. You don't like their rules, don't book their trips.
There was no "Don't say gay" law. What gives them the right to oppose it, when it doesn't exist?
They have, we all have, the right to oppose whatever the hell we want. Are you really trying to justify state "retaliation"? That's what we're talking about here. Desantis went after the Disney tax policy to punish them for disagreeing with his politics. That's fucked up. I could never support someone like that.
Yeah. It's up to them. You don't like their rules, don't book their trips.

They have, we all have, the right to oppose whatever the hell we want. Are you really trying to justify state "retaliation"? That's what we're talking about here. Desantis went after the Disney tax policy to punish them for disagreeing with his politics. That's fucked up. I could never support someone like that.

Up to them? They do not have the right to use Florida ports if they restrict which passengers can use the ships.

The new law was passed by the legislature. Where have you been?
I know! You live in lib world, which is a fantasy land for all libtards like you!

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