Ron Paul doesnt seem to care about getting Obama out of office

Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.
Gutting the DoD budget, bringing back the forces to the CONUS, ignoring threats out the end is anti-military as well as idiotic because you are making the job of the military harder and more dangerous (see World War II)....asswipe.

You see, when the US ignored threats in Asia and Europe, had a gutted military and played the isolationist card....World War II happened and millions died.

Maybe your strategy is just to surrender and not fight back....

See asswipe, you share the same anti-military platform as these Paulbots.

I'm not sure if you are as psycho as Dissent with the conspiracy theories, but go on....

This is why you shouldn't talk out of your ass so much.

Paul isn't anti-military, and nor am I. The difference is in the utilization of said military that you and the regulars in DC can't seem to get a proper grasp on.

I'll vote for the guy that severed in a war (Paul) over the guys that dodged the wars (Mitt-Newt).

I'd also listen to the guy that gets more donations from vets and active service men (Paul) over the entire rest of the GOP candidates combined x2... Mitt, Santorum, Newt.

You're an idiot.

The US military is currently in Asia, the middle east and Europe to project power to promote peace and to scare our enemies from trying something stupid like say a Germany invading Poland.

It's clear you and the Paulbots with limited military and history knowledge just talk out your ass non-stop on this board as if you are relevant.

Gutting the DoD budget, bringing back the forces to the CONUS, ignoring threats out the end is anti-military as well as idiotic because you are making the job of the military harder and more dangerous (see World War II)....asswipe.

You see, when the US ignored threats in Asia and Europe, had a gutted military and played the isolationist card....World War II happened and millions died.

Maybe your strategy is just to surrender and not fight back....

This is why you shouldn't talk out of your ass so much.

Paul isn't anti-military, and nor am I. The difference is in the utilization of said military that you and the regulars in DC can't seem to get a proper grasp on.

WWII happened because the US wasn't already in Germany with a stranglehold on their Government operations?

So what you're saying is we need to be everywhere, all the time.

It doesn't work, in case you haven't noticed.
Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.


You are in the majority, no one claims different. We are in a very large minority, a minority that can cost that majority an election, that's why you're so butthurt. BTW, I love it when you call Paul supporters liberals, I mean, that right there is just classic “I have fucking nothing” debate tactic.
As someone with more military experience than you and Ron Paul combined....I am more relevant in this military debate than both of you.

Gutting the DoD budget, bringing back the forces to the CONUS, ignoring threats out the end is anti-military as well as idiotic because you are making the job of the military harder and more dangerous (see World War II)....asswipe.

You see, when the US ignored threats in Asia and Europe, had a gutted military and played the isolationist card....World War II happened and millions died.

Maybe your strategy is just to surrender and not fight back....

This is why you shouldn't talk out of your ass so much.

Paul isn't anti-military, and nor am I. The difference is in the utilization of said military that you and the regulars in DC can't seem to get a proper grasp on.

I'll vote for the guy that severed in a war (Paul) over the guys that dodged the wars (Mitt-Newt).

I'd also listen to the guy that gets more donations from vets and active service men (Paul) over the entire rest of the GOP candidates combined x2... Mitt, Santorum, Newt.

Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.


Most people are pretty stupid, yourself included...I don't expect you to understand that.
I said Paulbots are kooks like liberals over social issues and national defense/foreign policy issues....try to follow along.

Also, your support for Obamination by voting against Romney puts you in bed with liberals too, but you're too fucking stupid to know that.

Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.


You are in the majority, no one claims different. We are in a very large minority, a minority that can cost that majority an election, that's why you're so butthurt. BTW, I love it when you call Paul supporters liberals, I mean, that right there is just classic “I have fucking nothing” debate tactic.
You're an idiot.

The US military is currently in Asia, the middle east and Europe to project power to promote peace and to scare our enemies from trying something stupid like say a Germany invading Poland.

It's clear you and the Paulbots with limited military and history knowledge just talk out your ass non-stop on this board as if you are relevant.

Gutting the DoD budget, bringing back the forces to the CONUS, ignoring threats out the end is anti-military as well as idiotic because you are making the job of the military harder and more dangerous (see World War II)....asswipe.

You see, when the US ignored threats in Asia and Europe, had a gutted military and played the isolationist card....World War II happened and millions died.

Maybe your strategy is just to surrender and not fight back....

WWII happened because the US wasn't already in Germany with a stranglehold on their Government operations?

So what you're saying is we need to be everywhere, all the time.

It doesn't work, in case you haven't noticed.
We have instilled such fear even the street thugs attack us.

You need a new strategy.....
Attention Paulbots, attention Paulbots.....

Ron Paul is a loser and a kook. He did not win the GOP race, so shut the fuck up.

You can fight the Santorum and the Newt supporters over the 2nd place trophy outside Hooters in Channelside just down the street from the TB Forum tonight at midnight. FOX News can cover this battle royal between you and their supporters.

Meanwhile the rest of the GOP will be supporting the #1 choice in Mitt Romney.

Now, you can return to your meaningless lives...
Come on GB this is just childish rants. How you can call a man that has fought for our Liberties for well over 30 years a kook and a loser is beyond me. I could understand your hatred of a man who wanted to strip you of your liberties and burn the constitution (sound familiar) but Ron Paul is a true American who continues to fight for your birthrights as an American and wants our elected officials to uphold the Oath of Office. How can you call him a kook and a loser for that? Thats the American way, nothing more nothing less. Romney is nothing but a flip flopping liar and he's a good man, yet a man who has preached the same message for 30 + years is a kook and a liar.

You are not making much sense here. Did you ever think that the liberals are not the only ones who lie and spread propaganda to their zombie squads? I hate to break it to you but the Conservatives are just as good at spreading lies and disinformation. Hopefully one day you wake up and realize the Demopublicans don't have our best interest at heart.
You're an idiot.

The US military is currently in Asia, the middle east and Europe to project power to promote peace and to scare our enemies from trying something stupid like say a Germany invading Poland.

It's clear you and the Paulbots with limited military and history knowledge just talk out your ass non-stop on this board as if you are relevant.

Gutting the DoD budget, bringing back the forces to the CONUS, ignoring threats out the end is anti-military as well as idiotic because you are making the job of the military harder and more dangerous (see World War II)....asswipe.

You see, when the US ignored threats in Asia and Europe, had a gutted military and played the isolationist card....World War II happened and millions died.

Maybe your strategy is just to surrender and not fight back....

WWII happened because the US wasn't already in Germany with a stranglehold on their Government operations?

So what you're saying is we need to be everywhere, all the time.

It doesn't work, in case you haven't noticed.

And it's not working, is it dumbfuck?

I don't see world a world without hostilities and strife, do you?
Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.

See, there you go putting your collective hive mind on display for us to view again.
Make sure you bash LOLberals for their collectivist mentality. Meanwhile, you be sure to also have a collectivist philosophy. Is there no end to how inside out you will get?
During the primaries the Republican turnout shrunk, this is with the evil Obama as the guy they need to take out!

Paul's support by # of votes, not % of votes from 4 years ago is 4x grater... Meaning the overall Neocon Republican base shrunk not just based on lower turnout, but also by the loss in votes to Paul.

Go ahead, make fun of Paul supporters, we are growing and you are shrinking, it's just fact and you know what, it feels good to know it pisses you off so much =D
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Attention Paulbots, attention Paulbots.....

Ron Paul is a loser and a kook. He did not win the GOP race, so shut the fuck up.

You can fight the Santorum and the Newt supporters over the 2nd place trophy outside Hooters in Channelside just down the street from the TB Forum tonight at midnight. FOX News can cover this battle royal between you and their supporters.

Meanwhile the rest of the GOP will be supporting the #1 choice in Mitt Romney.

Now, you can return to your meaningless lives...
Come on GB this is just childish rants. How you can call a man that has fought for our Liberties for well over 30 years a kook and a loser is beyond me. I could understand your hatred of a man who wanted to strip you of your liberties and burn the constitution (sound familiar) but Ron Paul is a true American who continues to fight for your birthrights as an American and wants our elected officials to uphold the Oath of Office. How can you call him a kook and a loser for that? Thats the American way, nothing more nothing less. Romney is nothing but a flip flopping liar and he's a good man, yet a man who has preached the same message for 30 + years is a kook and a liar.

You are not making much sense here. Did you ever think that the liberals are not the only ones who lie and spread propaganda to their zombie squads? I hate to break it to you but the Conservatives are just as good at spreading lies and disinformation. Hopefully one day you wake up and realize the Demopublicans don't have our best interest at heart.
Stupid should beget stupid. You are treating with with way too much respect man... But... You're a good man charlie brown. Better than I.
I agree with the foundation of the T Party platform and also with a lot of Paul's stances.
But when I see the T Party folks in action in my county I see them as spoiled brat selfish lazy pigs.
The T party in my county is anti public education and pro special interest tax breaks for themselves only because 85% of them are retired and/or on a government pension. They support special interest tax breaks for everyone over 62. Few, if any of them work and they are cry babies, rude as hell at all government meetings.
They are anti anything to do with public education as we are a growing county and need a growing budget. They vote NO on all school bonds.
They are anti road expansion for the county.
They are anti everything the Chamber of Commerce supports for growth in budgets for bringing industry and jobs to the county.
They are anti any rezoning from residential to commercial for business growth.
They are anti any government partnering with private industry such as trash collection, waste removal and environmental compliance. This is one area that amazes me how ignorant they are as the net resultof this is a few years of higher spending on this and then we turn it over to private companies and save a pant load.
Anything that does not involve lowering THEIR taxes ONLY, they could care less about.
As someone with more military experience than you and Ron Paul combined....I am more relevant in this military debate than both of you.
poo-poo head!!! *laughs*

Hey, that poo-poo head got ordered around during his enlistment, so he's clearly knowledgeable about geo-political affairs. :thup:

Hi, you have received 162 reputation points from GoneBezerk.
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You\'re a piece of shit.

ROFLMAO... He clicked the wrong button. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Edit: *wipes away tears from laughing* The last couple days have been an absolute riot for me. Thanks guys.
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Yeah, you got me.

I don't know about the Paulbot platform that the MIC has turned us into a fascist war machine that pissed off muslims and other 3rd world people, throw in the Russians and Chinese too.

The US would be better off if we saved our money and cut the military to pieces. Well, Ron Paul claimed bringing home all the troops would help the economy since they would spend their money HERE...he should get a PhD in Economics from Haaavard over that one.

We can just let Iran, Russia and China just divide up the world for their own control, it won't affect us one bit...especially in backwoods hickville Texas where Ron Paul crawls from.:eusa_whistle:

GoneBeDerp has trouble comprehending another person's nuanced perspective, and oddly has trouble comprehending his own.

I said Paulbots are kooks like liberals over social issues and national defense/foreign policy issues....try to follow along.

Also, your support for Obamination by voting against Romney puts you in bed with liberals too, but you're too fucking stupid to know that.

Now the kooks are on display.

I make up the majority of the GOP and conservatives, you are outkasts on a message board propping each other up with endless stupid posts typically found around 13 year olds.

I have a military background, most of you don't. I respect the military, you don't. I understand the threat of Obamination for 4 more years, you don't. You blame the US military/CIA for terrorism, I don't. I support Israel, you don't. You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

I am the majority of the conservatives and aren't.


You are in the majority, no one claims different. We are in a very large minority, a minority that can cost that majority an election, that's why you're so butthurt. BTW, I love it when you call Paul supporters liberals, I mean, that right there is just classic “I have fucking nothing” debate tactic.

You said, and I quote.

You're a Jew hater, I'm not. You're a liberal on social issues, I'm not.

There is no way possible to spin that to mean, "Paulbots are kooks like liberals over social issues and national defense/foreign policy issues" and not you just calling us liberals... I mean, what else is there to be Conservative on?

Try and follow along Zerky.
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Well let's see....blaming the US military and CIA for 9-11 makes one a kook.

Claiming that we'll be safer and better off it the US military was brought back to the CONUS, the DoD budget slashed to pieces and we left the world to our the claims of a kook.

I could care less what Ron Paul has done from his backwoods hickville Texas district when he makes asinine statements like that.

Of course, you wonder why he is laughed at by most of the GOP when he says crazy shit about 9-11, the US military, etc. Hmmm, you are a kook too.

Attention Paulbots, attention Paulbots.....

Ron Paul is a loser and a kook. He did not win the GOP race, so shut the fuck up.

You can fight the Santorum and the Newt supporters over the 2nd place trophy outside Hooters in Channelside just down the street from the TB Forum tonight at midnight. FOX News can cover this battle royal between you and their supporters.

Meanwhile the rest of the GOP will be supporting the #1 choice in Mitt Romney.

Now, you can return to your meaningless lives...
Come on GB this is just childish rants. How you can call a man that has fought for our Liberties for well over 30 years a kook and a loser is beyond me. I could understand your hatred of a man who wanted to strip you of your liberties and burn the constitution (sound familiar) but Ron Paul is a true American who continues to fight for your birthrights as an American and wants our elected officials to uphold the Oath of Office. How can you call him a kook and a loser for that? Thats the American way, nothing more nothing less. Romney is nothing but a flip flopping liar and he's a good man, yet a man who has preached the same message for 30 + years is a kook and a liar.

You are not making much sense here. Did you ever think that the liberals are not the only ones who lie and spread propaganda to their zombie squads? I hate to break it to you but the Conservatives are just as good at spreading lies and disinformation. Hopefully one day you wake up and realize the Demopublicans don't have our best interest at heart.

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