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Ron Paul NOT what Republicans need

hom·i·cide   /ˈhɒməˌsaɪd, ˈhoʊmə-/ Show Spelled
[hom-uh-sahyd, hoh-muh-] Show IPA

1. the killing of one human being by another.

Try again pinko.

Abortion = dead human, killed by another human, for profit.

Since you and one of this boards resident pinko puppets have so much in common, why don't you just be honest and vote for the usurper? Or is it you wish for another stooge like McCain to be propped up for another all-big-government farce of an election?

Dr. Paul is honest. And he has the record to prove it. No anecdotal blogger seems to be able to specify any records indicating otherwise.

What other candidates have such a verifiable record of honesty to compare?

If I am A pinko puppet that makes you a meat puppet. In my mind, any candidate who has not been in Washington for 16+ years is verification enough to me. Any politician willing to discuss there money is good enough for me. You are a mindless follower like rdean, flaylo,shamen and there like. Just as they do as directed by MSNBC, you Paul Zombies take what Fox gives you as the gold standard. You cant even point to anything Paul has done, only what he WOULD do. The whole country did that two years ago and look what we got. I am just doing my part so it does not happen again.
If Paul has zero chance of winning the republican nomination why post a dozen paragraphs making the point? Fear that he might have a chance? He ain't my favorite but I'd vote for him if he was running against Barry.

I would have to see what happens if it were him and Bam Bam. The thing is, it should not have to be a choice between who sucks less. It reminds me of the South Park episode ware they had to vote on a new school mascot, and the choices were a big fat douche, and a giant turd sandwich. Paul has a growing group of constituents moving to get him to explain ware his money comes from, and ware his pork is going, and ultimately, remove him from office. After all, how much money is he wasting, and how many more NO votes will he have because he is campaigning for president instead of reading bills and voting when he does not stand a chance ?
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Ok Dblack...

Let me ask you something. And this comes from a personal worry as well as a Social one.

Social Security, Medicare and Public employee pensions. I have been working for the Commonwealth of PA for 22 years. I am 46 years old. My Back is shot(I've had a three level fusion surgery that while it is better than pre-surgery, it's still a major problem). I have 13 more years to put in to get 35 years of service. Then I CAN retire. I will be 59 years old with another 13 years of wear and tear on my back.

If I make it to that goal, I will be lucky. Social Security and Medicare won't kick in till(as of right now) I'm 65.

Under the Libertarian platform... what happens to me and hundreds of thousands like me? You have to understand that Public employees are not sitting on their asses laughing at the Taxpayers. They are performing their duties as loyally as they can. Are there bad apples? Yes... there are bad apples everywhere. But the vast majority understand our responsibility to the taxpayer.

All I have been seeing lately is an all out attack on people like me. I've never taken a dollar that I didn't earn. I am too old and too physically screwed up to change careers. Every time I hear "smaller government" I see my livelihood fading away. I see poverty looming. I am not an executive. I am an Aide in a mental Retardation facility. There are many people like me. People who work real jobs for the government... not glory jobs, not politically influenced jobs.... Road workers, Housekeepers, maintenance workers, etc.

Why do you seemingly want to see honest, hard working people fall? I think it's a downward spiral that many of you(maybe not yourself... but those who call themselves "Conservatives") seem to advocate.

Maybe I just don't understand what the end game is... and no... I don't want to hear the words Freedom, Constitution or anything like that. I want to know in real terms. Because, Not everyone can be a business tychoon anymore than just anyone can be an NFL Quarterback. That's what I see.. .is a bunch of irrational, angry people thinking they can be a Koch Brother if they just work hard enough.... that is simply delusional thinking.

Ron Paul wouldn't end Social Security overnight. People who have paid into it their entire lives would receive what they're owed by the government. After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money. He would end the wars and our out of control foreign policy and use that money to shore up Social Security, while allowing younger people such as myself to opt out of the system so that we're not getting screwed when we're older.
hom·i·cide   /ˈhɒməˌsaɪd, ˈhoʊmə-/ Show Spelled
[hom-uh-sahyd, hoh-muh-] Show IPA

1. the killing of one human being by another.

Try again pinko.

Abortion = dead human, killed by another human, for profit.

Since you and one of this boards resident pinko puppets have so much in common, why don't you just be honest and vote for the usurper? Or is it you wish for another stooge like McCain to be propped up for another all-big-government farce of an election?

Dr. Paul is honest. And he has the record to prove it. No anecdotal blogger seems to be able to specify any records indicating otherwise.

What other candidates have such a verifiable record of honesty to compare?

If I am A pinko puppet that makes you a meat puppet. In my mind, any candidate who has not been in Washington for 16+ years is verification enough to me. Any politician willing to discuss there money is good enough for me. You are a mindless follower like rdean, flaylo,shamen and there like. Just as they do as directed by MSNBC, you Paul Zombies take what Fox gives you as the gold standard. You cant even point to anything Paul has done, only what he WOULD do. The whole country did that two years ago and look what we got. I am just doing my part so it does not happen again.

Really? Ron Paul supporters take what Fox says as the gold standard? Apparently you know less about Ron Paul and his supporters than you think you do.
Ron Paul wouldn't end Social Security overnight. People who have paid into it their entire lives would receive what they're owed by the government. After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money. He would end the wars and our out of control foreign policy and use that money to shore up Social Security, while allowing younger people such as myself to opt out of the system so that we're not getting screwed when we're older.

Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.
Why do you seemingly want to see honest, hard working people fall?

I don't. And I don't know any libertarians who do. I can actually sympathize with your situation. I found myself in a similar place a few years ago and had to negotiated a mid-life career change. I know it's not easy. But I don't see how we can base government policy on the needs of state employees. Would you also advocate extending the war in Iraq - or starting a new one somewhere else - so that our soldiers don't find themselves out of work?

Maybe I just don't understand what the end game is... and no... I don't want to hear the words Freedom, Constitution or anything like that. I want to know in real terms. Because, Not everyone can be a business tychoon anymore than just anyone can be an NFL Quarterback. That's what I see.. .is a bunch of irrational, angry people thinking they can be a Koch Brother if they just work hard enough.... that is simply delusional thinking.

Heh.. well, if you don't want to hear the word "Freedom", there's not much point in talking to a libertarian. For me, "Freedom" is as real as it gets. As far as the stereotype of libertarians as people who think they're all going to get rich someday, and want to be able to hoard their wealth when the do, I can only say it's dead wrong. You might see some of that in the Tea Party, or Republicans in general, but that's not what I've seen among libertarians or in libertarian ideology. We defend economic freedom because it significantly impacts every other kind of freedom. If you don't have the freedom to spend your money, or make it, the way you want, most of the other liberties we enjoy become moot.
Ron Paul wouldn't end Social Security overnight. People who have paid into it their entire lives would receive what they're owed by the government. After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money. He would end the wars and our out of control foreign policy and use that money to shore up Social Security, while allowing younger people such as myself to opt out of the system so that we're not getting screwed when we're older.

Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.

Fair point. I should have said, that's what his stance on the issue is, not necessarily what he would do. The President of course is not supposed to be a dictator, and can't simply do whatever they want. If Congress refuses to cooperate with him as President he wouldn't get to do much. However, he would be able to veto any of Congress's excesses, which even if that's all he was able to do as President Ron Paul would still be better than any of the alternatives, in my opinion.
Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.

heh... I think you're missing a rather large, glaring point: He'd have a veto stamp. And rather direct control over our quasi-corporate empire machine.
Ok Dblack...

Let me ask you something. And this comes from a personal worry as well as a Social one.

Social Security, Medicare and Public employee pensions. I have been working for the Commonwealth of PA for 22 years. I am 46 years old. My Back is shot(I've had a three level fusion surgery that while it is better than pre-surgery, it's still a major problem). I have 13 more years to put in to get 35 years of service. Then I CAN retire. I will be 59 years old with another 13 years of wear and tear on my back.

If I make it to that goal, I will be lucky. Social Security and Medicare won't kick in till(as of right now) I'm 65.

Under the Libertarian platform... what happens to me and hundreds of thousands like me? You have to understand that Public employees are not sitting on their asses laughing at the Taxpayers. They are performing their duties as loyally as they can. Are there bad apples? Yes... there are bad apples everywhere. But the vast majority understand our responsibility to the taxpayer.

All I have been seeing lately is an all out attack on people like me. I've never taken a dollar that I didn't earn. I am too old and too physically screwed up to change careers. Every time I hear "smaller government" I see my livelihood fading away. I see poverty looming. I am not an executive. I am an Aide in a mental Retardation facility. There are many people like me. People who work real jobs for the government... not glory jobs, not politically influenced jobs.... Road workers, Housekeepers, maintenance workers, etc.

Why do you seemingly want to see honest, hard working people fall? I think it's a downward spiral that many of you(maybe not yourself... but those who call themselves "Conservatives") seem to advocate.

Maybe I just don't understand what the end game is... and no... I don't want to hear the words Freedom, Constitution or anything like that. I want to know in real terms. Because, Not everyone can be a business tychoon anymore than just anyone can be an NFL Quarterback. That's what I see.. .is a bunch of irrational, angry people thinking they can be a Koch Brother if they just work hard enough.... that is simply delusional thinking.

Ron Paul wouldn't end Social Security overnight. People who have paid into it their entire lives would receive what they're owed by the government. After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money. He would end the wars and our out of control foreign policy and use that money to shore up Social Security, while allowing younger people such as myself to opt out of the system so that we're not getting screwed when we're older.

Sounds Bush like. Its a good idea, considering you will be 100 before you can collect the meager pittance allotted to you for your years of paying in. The good news is, you can opt out now in a way. The sad truth is, even Ron Paul wont kill social security if elected President.
Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.

heh... I think you're missing a rather large, glaring point: He'd have a veto stamp. And rather direct control over our quasi-corporate empire machine.

The machine that gives him his money ?
Ron Paul wouldn't end Social Security overnight. People who have paid into it their entire lives would receive what they're owed by the government. After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money. He would end the wars and our out of control foreign policy and use that money to shore up Social Security, while allowing younger people such as myself to opt out of the system so that we're not getting screwed when we're older.

Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.

Fair point. I should have said, that's what his stance on the issue is, not necessarily what he would do. The President of course is not supposed to be a dictator, and can't simply do whatever they want. If Congress refuses to cooperate with him as President he wouldn't get to do much. However, he would be able to veto any of Congress's excesses, which even if that's all he was able to do as President Ron Paul would still be better than any of the alternatives, in my opinion.

Take a look at his district.
Given that Ron Paul doesn't seem to have a particularly good working relationship with Congress now and he's in that body, I have to imagine that if he were President he wouldn't be in a position to do much of anything.

Fair point. I should have said, that's what his stance on the issue is, not necessarily what he would do. The President of course is not supposed to be a dictator, and can't simply do whatever they want. If Congress refuses to cooperate with him as President he wouldn't get to do much. However, he would be able to veto any of Congress's excesses, which even if that's all he was able to do as President Ron Paul would still be better than any of the alternatives, in my opinion.

Take a look at his district.

What exactly should I be looking for?
I believe the pro-life position is that abortion is akin to murder…

That’s a concept/dogma of philosophy/religion, not Constitutional case law, which is all that matters. It is inconsistent to advocate on the one hand ‘limited government’ yet on the other violating the Constitutional right to privacy predicated on a subjective philosophical or religious belief. By law abortion is not murder, and only the courts, not the Executive, may change that fact.

It's not a religious belief that an abortion ends a life. That is a scientific fact. I am personally pro-life because I fully understand what an abortion does and I am not a religious man, but I also oppose outlawing it because I don't want the government involved in our personal lives.
After all, it's not their fault that the government can't be trusted with their money.

I completely disagree. Who voted in all of those politicians over the years who couldn't be trusted with their money?

That people believed the lies of politicians doesn't mean they should be screwed out of the money that they believed they were paying into a system.
The machine that gives him his money ?

Heh... Seriously, do you have anything besides your own wild accusations on this? Just repeating bullshit over and over again doesn't make it true.

Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting

Project Vote Smart - Representative Ronald E. 'Ron' Paul - Campaign Finances

You Paul zombies need to stop being so lazy. This is exactly how Obama was elected. He got a pass on his money. Hit the links and dig around. He also likes pork, which is not so bad, but the thing is, allot of the projects he got it for were never started. His contributes are big real estate and insurance companies. And his constituents in Texas City and La marque (Ware I live) are wondering why they still have blue tarps on there roofs after two plus years. Hell, why dont you go to his website and post this exchange and then post the response ? Maybe you will get one, most likely, you will not. Here, let me try for you since you Paul zombies wont put the cool aid down.
Why do you seemingly want to see honest, hard working people fall?

I don't. And I don't know any libertarians who do. I can actually sympathize with your situation. I found myself in a similar place a few years ago and had to negotiated a mid-life career change. I know it's not easy. But I don't see how we can base government policy on the needs of state employees. Would you also advocate extending the war in Iraq - or starting a new one somewhere else - so that our soldiers don't find themselves out of work?

Maybe I just don't understand what the end game is... and no... I don't want to hear the words Freedom, Constitution or anything like that. I want to know in real terms. Because, Not everyone can be a business tychoon anymore than just anyone can be an NFL Quarterback. That's what I see.. .is a bunch of irrational, angry people thinking they can be a Koch Brother if they just work hard enough.... that is simply delusional thinking.

Heh.. well, if you don't want to hear the word "Freedom", there's not much point in talking to a libertarian. For me, "Freedom" is as real as it gets. As far as the stereotype of libertarians as people who think they're all going to get rich someday, and want to be able to hoard their wealth when the do, I can only say it's dead wrong. You might see some of that in the Tea Party, or Republicans in general, but that's not what I've seen among libertarians or in libertarian ideology. We defend economic freedom because it significantly impacts every other kind of freedom. If you don't have the freedom to spend your money, or make it, the way you want, most of the other liberties we enjoy become moot.

Ok... one. I don't think the military is an even decent analogy. Most people who enter the military do so for a minimum commitment. 4 years(I don't think there's any two year enlistments anymore). Yes... there are some that make a career out of it. But for most people, it's a starting point.. not a solution.

Let me rephrase the second part of my post. It's not that I don't want to hear the word Freedom... I just don't want to hear the word "Freedom" tossed around dogmatically without any examples and a realistic way to make it happen. Same with the Constitution. What if the Constitution said that poor people had to eat dogshit... I guess the "Conservatives" would be taking baggies full of Fido's droppings to the nearest homeless shelter(of course, they probably wouldn't be in existence either).

In other words... as fine a document as our Constitution is, It was written 250 years ago mostly by rich landowners... some of which had slaves. To sit there and say it's the end all be all and we need to repeal "Certain Amendments" is asinine. We grow as a country and the country's needs change. Therefore the document has to change with it. That's why it is called a "living, breathing" document.
heh... I think you're missing a rather large, glaring point: He'd have a veto stamp. And rather direct control over our quasi-corporate empire machine.

If he used the veto to maintain the status quo, keeping us on track for CBO's extended-baseline scenario and avoiding the alternative fiscal scenario, we'd actually be in decent fiscal shape. But I doubt he'd be happy with that.
The machine that gives him his money ?

Heh... Seriously, do you have anything besides your own wild accusations on this? Just repeating bullshit over and over again doesn't make it true.

Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting

Project Vote Smart - Representative Ronald E. 'Ron' Paul - Campaign Finances

You Paul zombies need to stop being so lazy. This is exactly how Obama was elected. He got a pass on his money. Hit the links and dig around. He also likes pork, which is not so bad, but the thing is, allot of the projects he got it for were never started. His contributes are big real estate and insurance companies. And his constituents in Texas City and La marque (Ware I live) are wondering why they still have blue tarps on there roofs after two plus years. Hell, why dont you go to his website and post this exchange and then post the response ? Maybe you will get one, most likely, you will not. Here, let me try for you since you Paul zombies wont put the cool aid down.

Mocking people isn't the way to get them to do what you want them to do, and mocking them while butchering the English language even less so.

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