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Ron Paul NOT what Republicans need

Ron Paul has crazy ideas like legalizing hard drugs and pulling back the military around the world. He can't see the dangers with those ideas because he has a short attention span.

Legalizing drugs with Obamacare would mean taxpayers would be paying for scumbags to get high or to recover from overdoses. Making drugs means more users thus more societal problems from drug usage.

The idea of just keeping our military in the USA would mean there would be more wars and more expensive wars because countries like Iran, China, Russia, etc would eventually attack their neighbors like 1940s Germany and Japan.

He is just plain stupid....

Not to mention the fact that he wont fill out the political courage quizz. None of the Republicans will. And there is also the fact he wont disclose his contributors. Here, I will post it again. Look up ALL the candidates, check out there donor's, look up there districts, take a look at ware the pork went. To not do so is just lazy. Dont take there word for it AND DO NOT TAKE MINE, I will say it again DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Look into them here Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting educate your self before you vote. I forgot this link. It has the donors that they will disclose. http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cycle=2010&cid=N00005906&type=I Dont take my word for it, look for your self.
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I believe the pro-life position is that abortion is akin to murder…

That’s a concept/dogma of philosophy/religion, not Constitutional case law, which is all that matters. It is inconsistent to advocate on the one hand ‘limited government’ yet on the other violating the Constitutional right to privacy predicated on a subjective philosophical or religious belief. By law abortion is not murder, and only the courts, not the Executive, may change that fact.
and we care what some rightwingnut blogger from red states says because???

Who is the blogger ? And so what if they are blogs, the votes and the money are not made up. Ron Paul wont answer questions about the pork he brought home to dredge the channel for the port. An Shela Jackson Lee (Queen Shela) wont even address ware her pork go's. And BAm BAm wont even make his "No Votes" available for those who are looking to see. It must have hit a nerve with you because if it meant nothing, you would not have addressed it.
I believe the pro-life position is that abortion is akin to murder…

That’s a concept/dogma of philosophy/religion, not Constitutional case law, which is all that matters. It is inconsistent to advocate on the one hand ‘limited government’ yet on the other violating the Constitutional right to privacy predicated on a subjective philosophical or religious belief. By law abortion is not murder, and only the courts, not the Executive, may change that fact.

Like I said, you don't have to agree with the principle to see that the principle is still consistent with limited government. You think case law is all that matters, many of us would disagree.

From our Declaration of Independance...
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Now in pure semantic gymnastics of US English, abortion is not always considered "murder".
It is homicide, quite an unjustified homicide at that. The right to life supercedes any and all.

Care to point out to me where in the Declaration or the Constitution it grants you the right to kill someone just because they present an inconvenience to you as a result of your own behavior?

Or where it justifies a baby butchery's extortion of taxes to become disgustingly rich off the blood of innocent children?

Please point it out for me ya pinko.
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From our Declaration of Independance...
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Now in pure semantic gymnastics of US English, abortion is not always considered "murder".
It is homicide, quite an unjustified homicide at that. The right to life supercedes any and all.

Care to point out to me where in the Declaration or the Constitution it grants you the right to kill someone just because they present an inconvenience to you as a result of your own behavior?

Or where it justifies a baby butchery's extortion of taxes to become disgustingly rich off the blood of innocent children?

Please point it out for me ya pinko.

you know the declaration of independence isn't law, right? and you also know that a goodly number of the men who signed it were slaveowners, right? and denied women the vote. yes?

no... abortion is not homicide either. homicide is a legally defined term.

you're batting 1000 aren't you? :cuckoo:

From our Declaration of Independance...
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Now in pure semantic gymnastics of US English, abortion is not always considered "murder".
It is homicide, quite an unjustified homicide at that. The right to life supercedes any and all.

Care to point out to me where in the Declaration or the Constitution it grants you the right to kill someone just because they present an inconvenience to you as a result of your own behavior?

Or where it justifies a baby butchery's extortion of taxes to become disgustingly rich off the blood of innocent children?

Please point it out for me ya pinko.

you know the declaration of independence isn't law, right? and you also know that a goodly number of the men who signed it were slaveowners, right? and denied women the vote. yes?

no... abortion is not homicide either. homicide is a legally defined term.

you're batting 1000 aren't you? :cuckoo:

Well, Abortion killed this thread I guess. Why not let pregnant Woman work that one out ? That said, Ron Paul is a putz.

From our Declaration of Independance...

Now in pure semantic gymnastics of US English, abortion is not always considered "murder".
It is homicide, quite an unjustified homicide at that. The right to life supercedes any and all.

Care to point out to me where in the Declaration or the Constitution it grants you the right to kill someone just because they present an inconvenience to you as a result of your own behavior?

Or where it justifies a baby butchery's extortion of taxes to become disgustingly rich off the blood of innocent children?

Please point it out for me ya pinko.

you know the declaration of independence isn't law, right? and you also know that a goodly number of the men who signed it were slaveowners, right? and denied women the vote. yes?

no... abortion is not homicide either. homicide is a legally defined term.

you're batting 1000 aren't you? :cuckoo:

Well, Abortion killed this thread I guess. Why not let pregnant Woman work that one out ? That said, Ron Paul is a putz.

i agree. pregnant women should work it out for themselves.

i also agree that ron paul is a putz. but i don't need a red states' loon like the o/p's blogger to tell me that. :D
If Paul has zero chance of winning the republican nomination why post a dozen paragraphs making the point? Fear that he might have a chance? He ain't my favorite but I'd vote for him if he was running against Barry.
If Paul has zero chance of winning the republican nomination why post a dozen paragraphs making the point? Fear that he might have a chance? He ain't my favorite but I'd vote for him if he was running against Barry.

Because many folks seem to think that he is some pure constitutional voter who will make the tough call,, when in fact he makes no call. He is being sold as what America needs, yrt no one looks at his district. No one is asking ware all his money comes from or ware all his pork go's. What happened to Bush when he would not say ware the money comes from ? What happened to Obama over his money ? Rick Perry is getting sold to us the same exact way and its BS.
hom·i·cide   /ˈhɒməˌsaɪd, ˈhoʊmə-/ Show Spelled
[hom-uh-sahyd, hoh-muh-] Show IPA

1. the killing of one human being by another.

Try again pinko.

Abortion = dead human, killed by another human, for profit.

Since you and one of this boards resident pinko puppets have so much in common, why don't you just be honest and vote for the usurper? Or is it you wish for another stooge like McCain to be propped up for another all-big-government farce of an election?

Dr. Paul is honest. And he has the record to prove it. No anecdotal blogger seems to be able to specify any records indicating otherwise.

What other candidates have such a verifiable record of honesty to compare?
... many folks seem to think that he is some pure constitutional voter who will make the tough call,, when in fact he makes no call. ...

Compared to who? :lol:

Seriously. No one is 'pure' but Ron Paul is far, far closer to the kind of candidate I want to see in office than any of schmoes the Republocrats get behind. He must have pissed in your cornflakes though. Hope they were tasty!
Like I said before... I like Paul. He sees what's going on, he sees how to fix it. He knows that the Corporate money grab has to stop and they have to stand on their own two feet. He sees that we are waaay too involved in Nation Building across the globe and need to scale back our military. He sees that we have an insurmountable Trade deficit with the rest of the world. A trade deficit is simply this.... our money is going out of the country... but not coming back.

It's no surprise to me that the Cannibals which are the "Conservative" wing of the Republican Party are throwing him to the wolves. They just want to make Middle Class, Working Class and the poor responsible for the excesses of the wealthy. The Conservative Philosophy is very much a "let them eat cake" scenario.

Paul's platform calls for smaller government and "stand on your own two feet" philosophy... but the difference is... He calls for EVERYONE to stand on their own two feet... not just us working stiffs.

I've said it a few times already... if it weren't for the stance on Social Programs(which I support), I would be a Libertarian.
I find myself often agreeing with Ron Paul regarding the problem we are facing.

I'm not conversant enough with his policy proposals to solve the problems, but at least the guy seems to get what the problems are.
The thing is.. now that he is actually speaking his platform... the Corporatists don't like it... so they start a smear campaign on him... just like they do to Dems. When it's the Democrats... it's expected.

But now they are doing it to one of their own... that's cannibalism.

What would be interesting is to see what the Tea Party Candidates from here on out. IF they start to slam Ron Paul... you know that they are nothing more than the Corporate Shills that has been exposed many times before by the evil "left wing" media.
I'll decide for myself what I need in a candidate, not the left wing media, not another poster. that was the failure in 2008, everyone hopped on the media bandwagon without considering who really was a good candidate.
I've said it a few times already... if it weren't for the stance on Social Programs(which I support), I would be a Libertarian.

I assume you're referencing traditional libertarian opposition to the welfare state. I can respect that view, but I'd like to point out a couple of things.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, opposition to state welfare isn't the same as opposition to helping the poor. Libertarians have the bad habit (or good habit, depending your temperament) of looking at fundamental causes and underlying motives when assessing state policy. What we see in the welfare state is a wedge that inserts the government into our economic affairs. If we give the government the power to 'redistribute wealth' toward ends we desire (via taxation and other means), you can bet that power will be used for less scrupulous aims. In other words, the precedent set by dipping into the public coffers to help the poor is the same one used to bailout Bear Stearns.

We believe we can help the poor, and maintain civilized social safety nets, without giving government the power to run the economy. Giving government that power, essentially offers it up to anyone who can find a way to manipulate government to their ends. Which is what we're seeing now on a daily basis. Supporters of the welfare state will often suggest that we can use democratic activism to put a stop to this, but democracy is all too easy to manipulate - as we're also seeing. Intuitive fear of exactly that, was the point behind constitutional limiting democracy in the first place. Maintaining consistent respects for constitutional limits on government is a far more reliable way to keep the vultures at bay.

The other thing is, welfare moms aren't the targets of genuine libertarians. We're far more interested in preventing self-serving politicians and lobbyists from manipulating the state to their own ends than we are picking on a poor people. In my opinion, that's what makes so many so-called libertarian Republicans hypocrites. If you condemn food stamps and then stand up for corporate subsidies you're not a libertarian.

You'll definitely hear calls from libertarians to abolish the welfare state entirely. But that doesn't mean we want to see poor people dying on the streets (or that we would stand by and let it happen). It means we want to keep government constrained to the things it's intended for, and leave social obligations to society.
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Ok Dblack...

Let me ask you something. And this comes from a personal worry as well as a Social one.

Social Security, Medicare and Public employee pensions. I have been working for the Commonwealth of PA for 22 years. I am 46 years old. My Back is shot(I've had a three level fusion surgery that while it is better than pre-surgery, it's still a major problem). I have 13 more years to put in to get 35 years of service. Then I CAN retire. I will be 59 years old with another 13 years of wear and tear on my back.

If I make it to that goal, I will be lucky. Social Security and Medicare won't kick in till(as of right now) I'm 65.

Under the Libertarian platform... what happens to me and hundreds of thousands like me? You have to understand that Public employees are not sitting on their asses laughing at the Taxpayers. They are performing their duties as loyally as they can. Are there bad apples? Yes... there are bad apples everywhere. But the vast majority understand our responsibility to the taxpayer.

All I have been seeing lately is an all out attack on people like me. I've never taken a dollar that I didn't earn. I am too old and too physically screwed up to change careers. Every time I hear "smaller government" I see my livelihood fading away. I see poverty looming. I am not an executive. I am an Aide in a mental Retardation facility. There are many people like me. People who work real jobs for the government... not glory jobs, not politically influenced jobs.... Road workers, Housekeepers, maintenance workers, etc.

Why do you seemingly want to see honest, hard working people fall? I think it's a downward spiral that many of you(maybe not yourself... but those who call themselves "Conservatives") seem to advocate.

Maybe I just don't understand what the end game is... and no... I don't want to hear the words Freedom, Constitution or anything like that. I want to know in real terms. Because, Not everyone can be a business tychoon anymore than just anyone can be an NFL Quarterback. That's what I see.. .is a bunch of irrational, angry people thinking they can be a Koch Brother if they just work hard enough.... that is simply delusional thinking.

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