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Ron Paul NOT what Republicans need

Heh... Seriously, do you have anything besides your own wild accusations on this? Just repeating bullshit over and over again doesn't make it true.

Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting

Project Vote Smart - Representative Ronald E. 'Ron' Paul - Campaign Finances

You Paul zombies need to stop being so lazy. This is exactly how Obama was elected. He got a pass on his money. Hit the links and dig around. He also likes pork, which is not so bad, but the thing is, allot of the projects he got it for were never started. His contributes are big real estate and insurance companies. And his constituents in Texas City and La marque (Ware I live) are wondering why they still have blue tarps on there roofs after two plus years. Hell, why dont you go to his website and post this exchange and then post the response ? Maybe you will get one, most likely, you will not. Here, let me try for you since you Paul zombies wont put the cool aid down.

Mocking people isn't the way to get them to do what you want them to do, and mocking them while butchering the English language even less so.

Hey, I only give what I get. Don't take my word for it, ask Ron Paul, or a campaign lackey as Paul does not usually take questions from constituents that dont have money.
Ok... one. I don't think the military is an even decent analogy. Most people who enter the military do so for a minimum commitment. 4 years(I don't think there's any two year enlistments anymore). Yes... there are some that make a career out of it. But for most people, it's a starting point.. not a solution.

Well, we could work through other analogies, but the point remains. Just as business doesn't decide which products and services to offer based on the needs of its employees, government policy shouldn't be determined by the needs of our public servants. We should strive to treat them fairly, and live up to whatever commitments we've made, but if we can agree that a state agency or program isn't necessary - or worse yet is causing harm - it's idiotic to keep it running just to preserve jobs.

Let me rephrase the second part of my post. It's not that I don't want to hear the word Freedom... I just don't want to hear the word "Freedom" tossed around dogmatically without any examples and a realistic way to make it happen.

Fair enough. I agree.

Same with the Constitution. What if the Constitution said that poor people had to eat dogshit... I guess the "Conservatives" would be taking baggies full of Fido's droppings to the nearest homeless shelter(of course, they probably wouldn't be in existence either).

In other words... as fine a document as our Constitution is, It was written 250 years ago mostly by rich landowners... some of which had slaves. To sit there and say it's the end all be all and we need to repeal "Certain Amendments" is asinine. We grow as a country and the country's needs change. Therefore the document has to change with it. That's why it is called a "living, breathing" document.

First of all, I don't worship the founding fathers, or try to pretend that the Constitution was perfect in its original conception - far from it. But I do think the concept of constitutionally limited is vital to a free democracy.

I do, however, have an issue with the 'living document' doctrine in as much as it refers to the Supreme Court amending our constitution through precedent rather the prescribed amendment process. Convenient 'reinterpretation' to suit political ends subverts democracy. We can, and should, change the Constitution when necessary. but it should be done via real amendments, amendments that we all have a chance to weigh in on. Not by simply pretending the words magically changed meaning because we are in a different context.
Here, ask away. Post a response when it comes.


Well, well, well, Paul must be a USMB member. Looks like he is doing the political courage test. Any way, ask your questions at thees links.

Representative Ronald E. 'Ron' Paul's Political Courage is currently being tested.

Urge Representative Ronald E. 'Ron' Paul to fill out the Political Courage Test

Campaign Website:
Campaign Website:
Ron Paul | Facebook
Campaign Website:
Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
Campaign Website:
YouTube - ‪ronpaul's Channel‬‏

He gets props for that. I just dont understand why it takes a month to get it done. Must have a ton of questions on it.
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Heh.. Those are the same links you posted earlier. I checked them out. They are what convinced me you are full of shit. Nothing there substantiates the vague accusations you're making. If anything, they prove the opposite. Did YOU even read the sites you linked to?

you mean you clicked and did not see your hero Glen Beck or realized no one will feed you the facts, and that you have to read them your self so you came back and made your comment. You are one of the sheep I guess. Just like the ones who voted for Obama like they were told to do by the Media. I bet you are a straight ticket voter.
He's not a republican he is a libertarian .

He is also a kook.

Why a No vote for the 99 weekers ?


Key Vote

Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2008

Key Votes:
HR 5749

Issues: Budget, Spending and Taxes, Business and Consumers, Employment and Affirmative Action, Labor, Welfare and Poverty
Date: 06/12/2008
Sponsor: Rep. McDermott, James (D-WA)

Roll no. 412

Bill Passed
How members voted
(274 - 137)

Representative Paul did not vote
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that allows states to enter into an agreement with the federal government to extend unemployment compensation for individuals who have already received the maximum regular compensation under state law.


- Allows individuals who have no rights to federal or state regular unemployment compensation, or who have exhausted their rights to federal or state regular compensation, to receive emergency unemployment compensation for an additional 13 weeks (Sec. 2).

- Establishes the weekly benefit amount of emergency unemployment compensation as equal to the amount of regular unemployment compensation during the regular benefit year (Sec. 2).

- States that the total emergency benefits received will be equal to the lesser of either 50 percent of the total amount of regular compensation or 13 times the average weekly regular compensation (Sec. 3).

- Provides that emergency unemployment compensation shall last an additional 13 weeks, for a total of 26 weeks, for states that are in an extended benefit period, as defined by high unemployment rates (Sec. 3).

- States that the federal government shall pay 100 percent of the costs of emergency unemployment to states from the general fund (Sec. 4).

- Punishes individuals who receive emergency unemployment compensation under false pretenses with a fine or up to 5 years in prison (Sec. 6).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 110th Congress (2007-2008) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Voted NO to protect whistle blowers.


Key Vote

"Whistleblower Protection" for Offshore Oil Workers

Key Votes:
HR 5851

Issues: Energy Issues, Labor, Legal Issues
Date: 07/30/2010
Sponsor: Rep. Miller, George (D-CA)

Roll no. 506

Bill Passed
How members voted
(315 - 93)

Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that establishes "whistleblower protections" for individuals engaged in work on or in waters above the Outer Continental Shelf.


-Defines "employee" as an individual performing services, or applying to perform services, on behalf of an employer that is engaged in activities on or in waters above the Outer Continental Shelf related to 1 of the following (Sec. 3):

-Exploration, development, production, processing, or transportation of oil or gas; or
-Oil spill cleanup, emergency response, environmental surveillance, protection, restoration, or other oil spill activities related to occupational safety and health.

-Prohibits employers from terminating or discriminating against an employee because the employee did any of the following (Sec. 2):

-Providing, causing to provide, or being about to provide to the employer or a federal or state government official information on any act or omission that the employee "reasonably believes" to be a violation of any provisions of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.);
-Exercising any rights provided to employees under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act;
-Testifying, assisting, or participating in a proceeding, including a Congressional hearings, concerning an alleged violation of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act;
-Reporting an illness, injury, or "unsafe condition" related to the employer's activities to the employer or a state or federal government official;
-Refusing to perform duties, or exercising stop work authority, if the employee had a "good faith belief" that performing such duties could result injury, impairment of health, or cause an oil spill, meaning a "reasonable" individual under the same circumstance would conclude there is such a hazard ; or
-Objecting to, or refusing to participate in any activity, policy, practice, or assigned task that the employee "reasonably" believes to be in violation of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.

-Authorizes employees to file complaint with the Secretary of Labor alleging a termination or discrimination in violation of the aforementioned prohibitions within 180 days of the alleged violation or the date on which he or she "should reasonably have known" about the violation, and requires the Secretary to initiate an investigation within 90 days of receiving a complaint to determine if there is "reasonable cause" that a violation has occurred (Sec. 2).

-Requires the Secretary of Labor or, if a hearing is requested, an administrative judge to order employers to do the following if it is determined that a violation occurred (Sec. 2):

-Take affirmative action to abate the violation;
-Reinstate the employee to his or her former position together with compensation (including back pay and prejudgment interest), and restore the terms, conditions, and privileges associated with his or her employment; and
-Provide compensatory and consequential damages, and exemplary damages if the judge determines it's appropriate.

-Authorizes employers to request a hearing before an administrative law judge of the Department of Labor if the Secretary of Labor concludes that there is "reasonable cause" that a violation has occurred within 30 days of such determination, and requires the judge to issue findings within 90 days of the receipt of a request for a hearing (Sec. 2).

-Authorizes employers to appeal a determination made by the Secretary of Labor or an administrative judge of the Department of Labor that a violation had occurred, and authorizes the Secretary to designate such an appeal to a review board (Sec. 2).

-Authorizes the Secretary of Labor to require an employee pay the employer's attorney fees if the Secretary determines the complaint to be "frivolous" or to have been brought in "bad faith," provided that such payment does not exceed $1,000 (Sec. 2).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that criminalizes the transportation of pregnant minors across state lines with the intention of the minor obtaining an abortion, with certain exceptions.


-Makes it illegal, excluding the minor's parents, to knowingly transport a pregnant minor across state lines in order to obtain an abortion, as a way to escape state laws requiring parental consent (Sec. 2).

Establishes a fine and/or up to one year of imprisonment for anyone who violates this law (Sec. 2).

-Provides an exception to the law if the life of the minor is endangered (Sec. 2).

-Makes it a crime to knowingly transport a minor across state lines to get an abortion after committing incest with a minor (Sec. 2).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 109th Congress (2005-2006) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Senate Passage: 07/25/2006 : Bill Passed: 65 - 34 (Record Vote Number 216)

House Passage: 09/26/2006 : Bill Passed 264 - 153 (Roll no. 479)
Voted NO to protect whistle blowers.


Key Vote

"Whistleblower Protection" for Offshore Oil Workers

Key Votes:
HR 5851

Issues: Energy Issues, Labor, Legal Issues
Date: 07/30/2010
Sponsor: Rep. Miller, George (D-CA)

Roll no. 506

Bill Passed
How members voted
(315 - 93)

Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Whistleblower protection can be VERY important. I wonder what he thinks about whistleblower proteciton in health care. General whistle blower statutes merely protect one from having to remain silent about illegal acts. However medical malpractice is a civil issue and not a criminal one unless the negligence rises to the level of criminal negligence. Therefore short of there being a crime in progress, medical providers carry a license to kill.
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Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to authorize $1.01 billion for the 2009 fiscal year to rebuild structurally deficient bridges on the National Highway System and to require states to devise plans for the replacement of such bridges.


-Provides that all bridges on Federal-aid highways and all highway bridges on public roads must be inventoried in order to identify those bridges that are structurally deficient, determine the cost of replacement of the deficient bridges, and assign a risk-based priority list for replacement or rehabilitation of the deficient bridges (Sec. 2).

-Provides that the Secretary of Transportation submit a report describing the process used to assign risk-based priorities to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works no later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this act (Sec. 2).

-Requires states to reevaluate bridges at least once every two years (Sec. 2).

-Requires that within two years of the enactment of this bill states devise a five-year performance plan to inspect all bridges within the state, to replace or rehabilitate structurally deficient bridges, and to update the plan annually (Sec. 2).

-Allows states that have demonstrated that there are no bridges within the state that are eligible for replacement to transfer the funds to other highway projects (Sec. 2).

-Authorizes $1 billion for the 2009 fiscal year to carry out the replacement and rehabilitation of structurally deficient bridges on the National Highway System (Sec. 6).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 110th Congress (2007-2008) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

House Passage: 07/24/2008 : Bill Passed 367 - 55 (Roll no. 530)

Senate Referred to Committee: 07/25/2008 : Bill Sent To Committee Environment and Public Works

Rep. Oberstar, James (D-MN) (out of office)

PVS provides summaries for each version of the bill selected as a key vote. The summary does not necessarily reflect the final version of the bill. For further status information, call the Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).
Why the No Vote here ? I thought he was Mr. "cut the Spending guy" ?

Representative Paul did not vote
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that authorizes appropriations to the Intelligence Community.


-Authorizes appropriations specified in the classified Schedule of Authorizations, a document made available to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees and the President, to the following agencies (Sec. 101, 102):

-The Office of the Director of National Intelligence;
-The Central Intelligence Agency;
-The Department of Defense;
-The Defense Intelligence Agency;
-The National Security Agency;
-The Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force;
-The Coast Guard;
-The Department of State;
-The Department of the Treasury;
-The Department of Energy;
-The Department of Justice;
-The Federal Bureau of Investigation;
-The Drug Enforcement Administration;
-The National Reconnaissance Office; 6652
-The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; and
-The Department of Homeland Security.

-Appropriates $672.81 million for the Intelligence Community Management Account (Sec. 104).

-Prohibits the authorization of any "Congressional earmarks", defined as a specific amount of discretionary spending for a contract, loan, loan guarantee, grant, loan authority, or other expenditure targeted to a specific state, locality, or Congressional district (Sec. 105).

-Appropriates $290.9 million to the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund (Sec. 201).

-Authorizes an increase in appropriations for salary, pay, retirement, and other benefits as necessary (Sec. 301).

-Authorizes the Director of National Intelligence to carry out a grant program designed to increase ethnic and cultural diversity within the intelligence community (Sec. 312).

-Authorizes $2 million in appropriations to establish a five-year pilot program for intensive African language instruction (Sec. 314).

-Requires the President to provide all information necessary for the Congressional intelligence committees to assess the lawfulness, effectiveness, cost, benefit, intelligence gain, budgetary authority, and risk of an intelligence activity, not limited to the following (Sec. 321):

-The legality of the intelligence activity, including any legal issues upon which guidance was sought in the activity's planning and implementation, as well as any dissenting legal views;
-Specific operational concerns, including the risk of disclosing intelligence sources or methods;
-The likelihood that the intelligence activity will exceed authorized expenditures; and
-The likelihood that the intelligence activity will fail.

-Establishes the Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, a position appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, whose purpose is as follows (Sec. 406):

-To be an independent and objective office, accountable to Congress;
-To conduct investigations, inspections, and audits on matters controlled by the Director of National Intelligence;
-Recommend administrative policies and detect fraud on matters controlled by the Director of National Intelligence;
-To keep the Director of National Intelligence and Congressional intelligence committees informed on the Office's problems, deficiencies, and the need for corrective actions; and
-To serve as the Chair to the Intelligence Community Inspectors General Forum.

-Prohibits the use of private contractors to interrogate suspects detained by the Central Intelligence Agency, unless there is no one within the CIA capable or available to conduct the interrogation, and requires all interrogations to be video recorded (Sec. 412, 416).

-Repeals the authority of the National Counterintelligence Executive to enter into any contract, lease, cooperative agreement, or any other transaction the Executive considers appropriate to carry out the functions of that office (Sec. 423).

-Specifies that no appropriations shall be used to provide suspected terrorists and detainees who are not United States citizens with Miranda rights (Sec. 504).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Voted NO to protect whistle blowers.


Key Vote

"Whistleblower Protection" for Offshore Oil Workers

Key Votes:
HR 5851

Issues: Energy Issues, Labor, Legal Issues
Date: 07/30/2010
Sponsor: Rep. Miller, George (D-CA)

Roll no. 506

Bill Passed
How members voted
(315 - 93)

Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Whistleblower protection can be VERY important. I wonder what he thinks about whistleblower proteciton in health care. General whistle blower statutes merely protect one from having to remain silent about illegal acts. However medical malpractice is a civil issue and not a criminal one unless the negligence rises to the level of criminal negligence. Therefore short of there being a crime in progress, medical providers carry a license to kill.

And he gets oil money to .
No vote again on big oil ?


Key Vote

Prohibiting Foreign States or Associations from Forming a Group to Control Oil

Key Votes:
HR 6074

Issues: Energy Issues, Foreign Aid and Policy Issues, Legal Issues
Date: 05/20/2008
Sponsor: Rep. Kagen, Steven (D-WI) (out of office)

Roll no. 332

Bill Passed
How members voted
(324 - 84)

Representative Paul did not vote
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that makes it illegal for foreign states or associations to form a group to control oil, and allows the Department of Justice to enforce antitrust policies related to oil production.



-Amends the Sherman Act to make it illegal for foreign states to enter into agreements with any group or person that would limit the production, set prices, or restrict the trade of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product (Sec. 102).

-Declares that any foreign state violating this act is not immune under the doctrine of sovereign immunity from being tried or convicted in a US court of law (Sec. 102, 103).

-Establishes a Petroleum Industry Antitrust Task Force within the Department of Justice to investigate and enforce petroleum industry issues such as price gouging, restricting refinery capacity, anticompetitive market control, and unilateral actions to withhold the supply of petroleum products to inflate prices (Sec. 201).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 110th Congress (2007-2008) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Voted NO to protect whistle blowers.


Key Vote

"Whistleblower Protection" for Offshore Oil Workers

Key Votes:
HR 5851

Issues: Energy Issues, Labor, Legal Issues
Date: 07/30/2010
Sponsor: Rep. Miller, George (D-CA)

Roll no. 506

Bill Passed
How members voted
(315 - 93)

Representative Paul voted NO
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Whistleblower protection can be VERY important. I wonder what he thinks about whistleblower proteciton in health care. General whistle blower statutes merely protect one from having to remain silent about illegal acts. However medical malpractice is a civil issue and not a criminal one unless the negligence rises to the level of criminal negligence. Therefore short of there being a crime in progress, medical providers carry a license to kill.

And he gets oil money to .

Rand gets health care money.

Did you ever get the feeling that we consistently elect people who are not on our side? Their rhetoric is all bullshit.
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thees are interesting to.

Date Bill Title Vote Outcome
07/28/2010 Exempting Guns from an Estate for Bankruptcy Purposes
HR 5827 Y Bill Passed - House
(307 - 113)
09/17/2008 Repealing Portions of the D.C. Firearm Ban
HR 6842 Y Bill Passed - House
(266 - 152)
09/26/2006 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
HR 5092 Y Bill Passed - House
(277 - 131)
06/28/2006 Trigger Lock Amendment
H AMDT 1156 Y Amendment Adopted - House
(230 - 191)
10/20/2005 Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill
S 397 N Bill Passed - House
(283 - 144)
04/09/2003 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
HR 1036 N Bill Passed - House
(285 - 140)
06/18/1999 Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act
HR 2122 N Bill Failed - House
(147 - 280)
06/18/1999 24 Hour Background Check Amendment
H Amdt 215 Y Amendment Adopted - House
(218 - 211)
06/18/1999 72 Hour Background Check Amendment
H Amdt 216 N Amendment Rejected - House
(193 - 235)
02/24/1998 Minimum Sentences for Gun Crimes
HR 424
Now this is odd. Why a no vote here ?


Key Vote

Aiding Those Facing Foreclosure Act

Key Votes:
HR 5510

Issues: Budget, Spending and Taxes, Housing and Property Issues
Date: 12/17/2010
Sponsor: Rep. Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH)

Roll no. 655

Bill Failed
How members voted
(210 - 145)

Representative Paul did not vote
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that authorizes funds available under the Troubled Assets Relief Program to be used to assist homeowners in risk of foreclosure.



-Authorizes the use of funds under the Troubled Assets Relief Program to provide legal assistance for homeowners that are in or are in danger of mortgage default, delinquency, or foreclosure, provided that such funds are not already committed to other purposes (Sec. 2).

-Specifies that the bill does not authorize the use of funds for assisting with arrangement of legal representation for civil litigation purposes that are not directly related to the homeowner's foreclosure or mortgage default or delinquency (Sec. 2).

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
WOW ! a No vote here ? Oh, and remember ware he gets some of his money.


Key Vote

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations

Key Votes:
HR 2638
S Amdt 2480: Border Fence and Customs Appropriations
S Amdt 2405: REAL ID Funding

Issues: Budget, Spending and Taxes, Immigration, National Security Issues
Date: 06/15/2007
Sponsor: Rep. Price, David (D-NC)

Roll no. 491

Bill Passed
How members voted
(268 - 150)

Representative Paul did not vote
Read statements Representative Paul made in this general time period.

Project Vote Smart's Synopsis:

Vote to pass a bill that appropriates $40.19 billion to the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008.


- Holds an employer civilly liable to the government by an amount not to exceed $10,000 if they do not make a reasonable effort to collect an employee's airport security badge upon the employee's termination (Sec. 542)

-$8.92 billion for United States Customs and Border Protection, including $1.00 billion for border security fencing, infrastructure, and technology.

-$4.19 billion for United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

-$6.55 billion for the Transportation Security Administration.

-$8.17 billion for the Coast Guard.

-$1.40 billion for the U.S. Secret Service.

-$7.41 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including $3.20 billion for state and local programs and $1.70 billion for disaster relief.

Link to Legislation: Bill Text - 110th Congress (2007-2008) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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