Ron Paul on Meet the Press.


Gold Member
Jul 4, 2010
[ame=]Ron Paul 2011-10-23 Sunday Meet The Press - YouTube[/ame]

This is what happens when you have someone that has true depth, that can answer questions and knows how to apply the constitution and our rule of law.

I have watched the interviewer (David) and he is an asshole, I figured he would embarrass Paul and make him look foolish. To my surprise I got the feeling all of David’s attempts were cut short when Ron Paul seems out of the interviewers league due to understanding our problems, what cased them (specifically, bills, policies, years passed and who passed these policies) and where to go from here.

This is my opinion of what I saw and I'm not someone to praise Paul unconditionally, in fact I usually hate hearing him talk because Paul is such a bad speaker, even if I agree with him. I also always assume Paul will say something that will get him in trouble, gaffs.
Ron Paul wins another Republican straw poll:
Ron Paul wins Ohio Republican straw poll | The State Column
Ron Paul: 53%
Herman Cain: 26%
Mitt Romney: 8%

Rest of the Republican field: <5%.
But he can't win. :rolleyes:

I don't care to much about polls or straw polls. My point is if people want to elect someone they should be looking at their policies and what they want to do as President. Currently Cain is leading and most Cain supporters don't even know where Cain stands on the 999 plan as of today and Cain has a single issue Presidential Platform, 999...

It seems to be true that you can't blame the politicians, you have to blame the voters because they are the ones that vote or the shallow stupid corrupted politicians.

But i see your point, Paul wins a straw poll and "they" claim it's meaningless... Cain wins one and he is all of a sudden electable.

Paul gives direct details about him position and a very detailed plan and is written off as loony.

Cain give a 999 plan, or 909 plan, or he is not 100% sure if everyone saves money or is 84% of people get taxed more plan and he is #1!!!

I use Cain because this is our reality atm.
Whoever Fox or MSNBC supports at this stage of the game is exactly who should be avoided at all costs.

And that would be "Gardasil" Rick, "Mittens", The "Hermanator" and Barry Soetoro.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that will end the global empire
Ron Paul is the only candidate that will not drag us into a war with Iran
Ron Paul is the only candidate with a serious plan for fixing the economy
Ron Paul is the only candidate with a serious plan to significantly reduce government spending without cutting beneifits most Americans recieve.
Ron Paul is the only candidate with a plan on stopping immigration and saves us money at the same time.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that talks about corporate welfare.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that considers ending the federal reserve anything more then crowd pleasing rhetoric
Ron Paul is the only candidate that has a consistant voting record and has not changed his opinion even when it was not welcomed.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that speaks about lobbiests.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that understands the economy
Ron Paul is the only candidate dedicated to fixing the financial disaster that is on the horizen.
Ron Paul is the only candidate with an opinion that doesnt sound like an state farm commercial.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that wants to cut taxes on the middle class.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that does more then give lip service to the constitution and bill of rights.
If anything this video shows why I stopped watching Meet the Press.
It should now be called "Meet the Jerk".

After Tim Russert died the show has become fluff for the left and non apologetic accusatory spiked gotchas for the right.
Watch the video and watch how Gregory frames the questions and then never follows up when Paul makes a good point.
Yea its not the same. He was awful when he first took over but I have noticed him being a bit more targeted in his questions to the left. He did attempt to corner Hillary once today. Surprised me.
If anything this video shows why I stopped watching Meet the Press.
It should now be called "Meet the Jerk".

After Tim Russert died the show has become fluff for the left and non apologetic accusatory spiked gotchas for the right.
Watch the video and watch how Gregory frames the questions and then never follows up when Paul makes a good point.

Yup, and that is what I meant by saying RP seemed out of that guys league. David couldn't follow up because Paul gave information (bill's, policy and dates) as to why and how we got in the mess we are in, well beyond the interviewers personal journalistic ability.

What I mean to say is, the interviewer prolly felt if he tried to do a follow up attack, it would be him that latter would be criticized for talking out his ass with no real direction mixed with a lack of ability to understand the answers that were given to him. Instead we should just assume this interview will be ignored as it prolly didn’t go as planned.
Yea it was a hostile interview but Dr. Paul handled himself very well. NBC is a hardcore Socialist/Progressive Media Outlet. So i expect their bias and hostility. Dr. Paul is the man. Thanks for your post.
[Paul] knows how to apply the constitution and our rule of law.

I heard/saw no evidence of that.

And ‘apply the constitution and our rule of law’ how? In what context? According to whom? Paul?

I don’t recall seeing Ron Paul’s name in the Marbury v. Madison ruling.

I have watched the interviewer (David) and he is an asshole…

That may be the case but Gregory’s questions and follow ups were legitimate and well considered.

Again, with the exception of his positions on foreign policy, which are correct, Paul’s proposals would be fine if it were 1789, but it's not.
[Paul] knows how to apply the constitution and our rule of law.

I heard/saw no evidence of that.

And &#8216;apply the constitution and our rule of law&#8217; how? In what context? According to whom? Paul?

I don&#8217;t recall seeing Ron Paul&#8217;s name in the Marbury v. Madison ruling.

I have watched the interviewer (David) and he is an asshole&#8230;

That may be the case but Gregory&#8217;s questions and follow ups were legitimate and well considered.

Again, with the exception of his positions on foreign policy, which are correct, Paul&#8217;s proposals would be fine if it were 1789, but it's not.

Sorry your post was too stupid to consider for rational debate. So now the constitution is all about how you interpret it, meaning the constitution can mean anything you want it to mean... Fucking stupid.

And the interviewer made almost no attempted to attack or criticize Paul&#8217;s positions after the initial question because the answer was backed up by more than opinion but instead history, reality and the constitution.
Boy he sure did nail things. "Too many people squabbling about who mowes Mitt Romney's lawn when we're about to experience another horrific World-Wide Economic meltdown." Bingo!
Ron Paul is honest; he is also an iconoclast and would never be able to convince a Congress to pass the legislation required for the nation to adopt a Libertarian Ideology. His ideas are appealing in the abstract, reality would rapidly intrude and lead us to another lost opportunity to solve our problems.
$16 Trillion in Debt,Massive Unemployment,and rapidly rising food & gas prices are things all Americans should be very concerned with. Who mowes Mitt Romney's lawn is of no significance at all. I'm going with Ron Paul for sure. It should be pretty obvious to everyone that the Socialists/Progressives/Neocons don't have the answers.
Ron Paul is honest; he is also an iconoclast and would never be able to convince a Congress to pass the legislation required for the nation to adopt a Libertarian Ideology. His ideas are appealing in the abstract, reality would rapidly intrude and lead us to another lost opportunity to solve our problems.

What does that even mean, do you know? What parts of his plan can Paul not get passed?

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